Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1053 Aiden’S Panic
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Chapter 1053 Aiden'S Panic

Chapter 1053 Aiden's Panic

Chris was not even a match for a single finger of Aiden's!


Faced with Chris's indifference, dozens of security guards became furious.

Fraser Lee's humiliation was like a slap in the face, harshly striking them!

The security guards roared and charged towards Chris.





A series of crisp sounds.

Chris repeatedly slapped them.

All the security guards were sent flying.

They fell to the ground, hands covering their faces, howling in pain.

Their teeth were all knocked out, mouths filled with blood!

Seeing this, the surrounding people instantly felt their scalps tingle.

Chris was truly too powerful!

Who on earth was he?

Where did such a person come from?

Dozens of security guards were no match for him?

Is he even human?

He could just slap away a security guard?

Mind you, these hotel security guards were all carefully selected, each one powerful.

Yet, even so, they were still no match for Chris's slap!


Seeing Chris's ferocity,

Fraser Lee trembled incessantly.

Especially when Chris's gaze fell upon him, he was left gaping, unable to utter a word.

"Chris, dare you cause chaos here? You should know that this is the territory of my Lee family!"

Fraser Lee called out with restrained anger.

Chris looked down at Fraser Lee, his gaze extremely icy, and said, "I've already said, I don't

understand the rules of your Lee family. Yet you insist on seeking death. Do you really think that the

Chester Group is easy to bully? I had intended to give Aiden some face, but now it seems I don't need

to give him any face, because people like you simply aren't worth my consideration!"

After speaking, Chris glanced at Esther and said, "Darling, let's go! With such a gathering and such an

idiot here, it's spoiling my appetite."

Esther gently nodded.

Then, Chris took Esther's hand and left directly!

As for Fraser Lee...

Today was just a small lesson for him.

If he continues to be so ignorant.

Next time, it won't just be a slap!

Seeing Chris leave,

the people present were suddenly dumbfounded.

Chris actually slapped the esteemed young master of the Lee family?

Did the Chester Group still intend to develop on Star Island?

It's simply a pipe dream!

As for Fraser Lee,

his face flushed with anger.

As the esteemed young master of the Lee family, when has he ever suffered such humiliation?

"Stop them! Stop them!"

"You damn bastards, all of you, get up!"

Seeing Chris leave, Fraser Lee roared in anger.

But the hotel security, every one of them, had been knocked down by Chris, not a single person could

stand up!

"Useless! What a bunch of useless people!"

Seeing no one getting up,

Fraser Lee cursed in frustration.

"Chris, I will definitely kill you!"

"You Chester Group wanting to do business on Star Island, I will never let you succeed!"

Fraser Lee's eyes were bloodshot.

Being publicly slapped by Chris,

the esteemed young master of the Lee family had thoroughly lost face.

If this account isn't settled,

how can he continue to stay on Star Island?

Who will still regard him in the future?


Aiden had just arrived at the hotel with several heads of the King's Leagues.

However, before they entered the hotel, a member of the King's Leagues hurried out.

"Master, it's bad! Fraser Lee has been beaten!"

"What did you say?"

At the news,

Aiden was taken aback.

After all, Fraser Lee was the young master of the Lee family. Who would dare to hit him on Star Island?

This gathering was organized by Aiden, and he had specifically invited Fraser Lee to come, with the

aim of bringing the Chester Group and the Lee family closer together, enabling the Chester Group to do

better business on Star Island. Now someone suddenly told him that Fraser Lee had been beaten?

What on earth was going on?

The member of the King's Leagues stuttered, "Fraser Lee was beaten by Mr. Shelby. Mr. Shelby said

he had originally wanted to give the master some face, but someone like Fraser Lee didn't deserve his



Hearing this,

it was as if a thunderbolt struck Aiden.

Aiden's face turned ashen, devoid of color.

It didn't matter that Fraser Lee had been beaten.

It didn't matter that it had been Chris who had done it.novelbin

What mattered was that Chris said Fraser Lee wasn't worth his respect...

Didn't this mean that he had disappointed Chris?

After witnessing Chris's strength,

Aiden deeply understood that it was Chris who had helped him secure his position as the head of the

King's Leagues.

If Chris could support him to become the head of the King's Leagues, he could also pull him down from

thatposition! With this in mind, Aiden urgently shouted, "Go! Hurry, go and apologize to Mr. Shelby


Boom! Boom! Boom!

As soon as he finished speaking, Aiden and his entourage boarded a car and sped off.

Inside the car, all Aiden could do was pray, hoping that his apology would be enough for Chris to

forgive him. If Chris didn't forgive him, he would be utterly finished!

"Master, the gathering! The gathering!"

As Aiden left, the member of the King's Leagues immediately shouted. But for Aiden, the gathering

meant nothing without Chris. Without Chris's presence, it was worthless! Right now, all he wished for

was to gain Chris's forgiveness, hoping that everything could be salvaged!

Ten minutes later,

Star Island International Hotel.

This was the hotel where Chris was staying on Star Island.

In front of Chris,

Aiden stood trembling, not daring to make a sound.

"Mr. Shelby, I'm sorry. I didn't know that Fraser Lee was like this."

"It's my fault for introducing such an idiot to you."

"This Fraser Lee dared to offend you. I truly deserve to die!"

Seeing Aiden trembling,

Chris waved his hand and said, "It's alright! You had good intentions, and this matter can't be entirely

blamed on you."

Indeed, Aiden had wanted to help the Chester Group, which was why he had contacted Fraser Lee. It

was for this reason that Chris didn't blame Aiden. Otherwise, with just a word from him, Aiden would

have obediently rolled off his position as the head of the King's Leagues! Most importantly, the future

development of the Chester Group on Star Island was inseparable from the help of the King's Leagues.

As long as Aiden obediently complied as the head of the King's Leagues, Chris wouldn't do anything to


At these words, Aiden breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Mr. Shelby! Thank you!"


Chris frowned, "In the future, have less contact with people like Fraser Lee. It's just bad luck for the Lee

family to have such an idiot!"

This Fraser Lee actually wanted his wife to kneel down and apologize to him? What kind of idiot was


"Yes, yes, yes! Mr. Shelby, I know what to do."

Aiden nodded hurriedly.

In his heart, he couldn't help but mourn for the Lee family. If Fraser Lee offended Chris, it wouldn't end

well. Even the Lee family behind Fraser Lee might not escape unscathed!

After leaving the hotel,

Aiden realized that his back was drenched in cold sweat.

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