Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1046 Star Island, First Family
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Chapter 1046 Star Island, First Family

Chapter 1046 Star Island, First Family

All of that isn't important! What matters is one's own wife and child!

Thud, thud, thud! Suddenly, a knocking sound was heard. "Come in," Chris said lightly. Leif Tate walked

in with a respectful expression. "Mr. Shelby!"

At present, Leif Tate, the overseas market manager of the Chester Group, was fully responsible for

Chester Group's overseas market. Chris addressed Leif Tate first, "Your timing is perfect. I have

something to entrust to you! King's Leagues on Star Island has promised to fully support Chester

Group in developing the overseas market!"

"Arrange to go with me to Star Island to inspect the market."

"Yes," Leif Tate said respectfully. He had already received the news of the destruction of the Jefferson

family and the death of Ron Jefferson on Star Island. Upon hearing this news, Leif Tate was almost


You see, he had served the Jefferson family for decades and knew their power on Star Island better

than anyone. The Jefferson family was one of the top families on Star Island. Ron Jefferson was not

only the head of the Jefferson family but also a senior elder of King's Leagues. Yet, despite such a

strong force, they were easily destroyed by Chris! Leif Tate was thoroughly impressed by Chris. In the

presence of Chris, Leif Tate couldn't help but feel an involuntary sense of awe.

"However..." Suddenly, Leif Tate hesitated. "However, what? Don't beat around the bush. If you have

something to say, say it directly!" Chris frowned. Leif Tate took a deep breath, "Mr. Shelby, our Chester

Group's desire to do business on Star Island cannot rely solely on King's Leagues' support. After all,

King's Leagues is an underground force on Star Island, whereas our Chester Group operates

legitimate business. Therefore, King's Leagues can't offer us much help."

"The most important point is, I've worked for the Jefferson family for many years and I understand the

distribution of power on Star Island very well! When doing business on Star Island, we can never

bypass one family, the foremost family on Star Island-the Lee family!"

"Lee family?" Hearing this, Chris glanced at Leif Tate, signaling him to continue. Leif Tate explained,

"The Lee family is the top family on Star Island, controlling eighty percent of the island's commercial

resources. The Lee Group under Lee family is a behemoth on Star Island, just like our company's

position domestically!"

"Previously, although the Jefferson family was known as a major family on Star Island, they were far

inferior to the Lee family. Otherwise, Ron Jefferson wouldn't have placed such importance on the Isa

Group! It's because the market on Star Island has been monopolized by the Lee family, and even the

Jefferson family couldn't intervene!"

"Moreover, every company doing business on Star Island must pay respect to the Lee Group, and they

also have to hand over ten percent of their annual profits to the Lee Group. If they don't, foreign

enterprises cannot do business on Star Island." Leif Tate's words were very clear. It indicated that the

Lee family had monopolized all of Star Island's commercial resources. Every company coming to Star

Island to do business had to pay a protection fee to the Lee family. Without paying, they couldn't

operate on Star Island.

"Tch," Chris sneered, "This Lee family sure knows how to dream. They actually demand ten percent of

the profits from every company doing business on Star Island. On what grounds? Just because they

have a big presence?"

"Don't worry. I'll leave the task of expanding into the Star Island market entirely to you. If the Lee family

dares to cause trouble, just tell me. I don't mind showing the Lee family what I'm capable of!" With

these words, a cold intent flashed in Chris's eyes.

Whether it was the Jefferson family or the Lee family, if they dared to provoke him, he'd show them

who's boss! "Yes," Leif Tate nodded. Since he had made his point clear, if the Lee family caused

trouble later, he would just inform Chris. The Yang family had wiped out the Jefferson family. It

shouldn't be too difficult to wipe out the Lee family as well, right? "You may leave," Chris waved his

hand, dismissing Leif Tate. Leif Tate left tactfully to start planning the first step of the Chester Group's

expansion overseas-Star Island! The overseas strategy of the Chester Group was finally beginning!

At that time, on Star Island, King's Leagues, after Chris had left Star Island, Aiden immediately

contacted Fraser Lee, the eldest son of the Lee family!

As the head of King's Leagues, Aiden was well aware of the influence of the Lee family on Star Island.

Chester Group's desire to do business on Star Island couldn't bypass the Lee family. As Chris's

vanguard, Aiden naturally had to help clear the way for Chris.

Fraser Lee sat there, wearing an immaculate Armani suit, with not a single crease on it. On his feet

were a pair of pristine custom-made leather shoes.

"I wonder why Master Aiden is seeking me today," Fraser Lee asked, condescendingly. It was as if he

were the master of the place, dismissing Aiden, the head of King's Leagues, as if he were a mere

nobody. Regardless of Aiden's position as the head of King's Leagues, Fraser Lee didn't seem to hold

him in high regard. After all, what was King's Leagues? Just an underground mouse.

At best, a big mouse! Despite feeling slightly annoyed by Fraser Lee's air of superiority, Aiden knew

that this time he needed to ask for a favor. No matter how displeased he felt, he had to suppress it. He

smiled wryly, "Master Lee, I do have a matter to discuss with you this time! I have a friend who wishes

to do business, and as you know, here on Star Island, your Lee family monopolizes all the commercial

resources. So, I was hoping Master Lee could assist my friend."

Upon hearing this, Fraser Lee's lips curled up slightly. The Lee family, as the foremost family on Star

Island, held unparalleled influence compared to any other family on the island. If someone wanted to

do business on Star Island, without the Lee family's approval, they wouldn't get far.

However, while Fraser Lee looked down on Aiden, he knew that as the head of King's Leagues, Aiden

still held some influence on Star Island. "Heh heh! Your friend, Master Aiden, is my friend. This is a

trivial matter for me, just a word's affair."

"In that case, I thank you, Master Lee!" Aiden was overjoyed. With Fraser Lee's consent, Chester

Group's venture onto Star Island would no longer be a problem. Suddenly, Fraser Lee asked, "By the

way, Master Aiden, I would like to inquire about the nature of business your friend is in."

"Well..." Aiden hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Master Lee, to be frank, my

friend is none other than the Chester Group of Amerosia!"

Chester Group? Upon hearing this, Fraser Lee's eyes immediately flashed with a hint of severity. Of

course, he had heard of the Chester Group. Not long ago, members of the Chester Group had been

making waves on Star Island. It was said that Chris had helped Aiden regain control of King's Leagues.novelbin

Furthermore, the Jefferson family had been wiped out overnight by Chris. Now, the Chester Group

wanted to do business on Star Island? Fraser Lee couldn't help but sneer inwardly.

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