Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1040: The Mischievous Susan
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Chapter 1040: The Mischievous Susan

Chapter 1040: The Mischievous Susan

Bang! Before the figure in the black robe could finish speaking, the Lord of the Hall slammed the stone

table forcefully. His expression turned cold as he stated, "Explain? Why should I explain to them? This

is my affair!" With that, he fixed his eyes firmly on the figure in the black robe and continued, "No matter

what means you use, make sure to kill Chris for me and snatch all the remaining pieces of the Dragon

Emblem from him!"

"Yes!" The figure in the black robe shuddered and quickly turned to leave.

Swish... After he departed, the stone table that had been struck by the Lord earlier shattered into fine

powder. This demonstration of the Lord's power was quite evident! Meanwhile, the figure in the black

robe, the primary envoy of the Hall of Death, removed his mask abruptly, revealing a frighteningly

scarred face, covered in a web of scars resembling sinister earthworms, enough to send shivers down

anyone's spine. He opened his mouth, spitting out a mouthful of blood. He was gravely injured and in

great pain. "Chris..." The figure wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, muttering to himself. He

hadn't expected Chris's strength to be so formidable. It was certain that Chris's strength surpassed his

own. As for comparison to the Lord... the figure in the black robe dared not speculate, for he had never

witnessed the Lord's abilities. In any case, this time he had underestimated Chris! He gingerly rubbed

his arm. Chris's punch had injured the marrow of his arm. If he hadn't reacted in time and used his

profound energy to dissipate it, his entire arm might have been ruined. After a long while, the figure in

the black robe regained his composure. He donned his mask again, his eyes filled with icy


At that moment, Chris returned to the East Coast. "Wife, this is the money I earned during my trip to

Star Island!" Chris produced a bank card and handed it to Esther. Esther was momentarily stunned.

She took the bank card and curiously asked, "Husband, how much money is in this card?" Chris replied

nonchalantly, "Not much, just around a few billion US dollars!"

Huh? Upon hearing this, Esther was left speechless. It was truly disheartening. She had been

managing the Chester Group, struggling to earn a couple of hundred billion a year. Yet, Chris had

managed to earn over a hundred billion with a single trip to Star Island. Was her husband robbing

banks on the side? It was truly a case of the grass being greener on the other side!

Just then, Esther's phone rang. She answered the call, frowning as she said, "What? You need money

again? Didn't I already repay several million of your gambling debts? How did you end up gambling

again?" "How much money do you owe this time? What? One billion! How did your gambling debts

grow so large?" "Enough, I don't want to talk about it!" "I don't want to speak to you!" After hanging up,

Esther's expression changed, and her mood soured. Chris couldn't help but ask, "Wife, what's wrong?"

Esther pouted and said, "It's my mother again. After a brief respite, she's back to gambling, and the

stakes are getting higher!" "Previously, when Susan was in the gambling city, she was kidnapped,

which quieted her down for a while. However, after inheriting the Collins family estate, she became

extravagant once more, returning to gambling, and her stakes kept increasing! In just a few months,

she lost over ten billion of the Collins family's assets, and yet she hadn't restrained herself. After

depleting the Collins family's inheritance, Susan turned her attention to Esther. For Esther, one billion

was no issue, and even ten billion wasn't a problem. However, she absolutely couldn't condone

Susan's misconduct. Losing a billion today, and perhaps another billion tomorrow. Even with the vast

resources of the Chester Group, it wouldn't be enough to cover Susan's losses. Hearing Esther's

words, Chris was astonished. The old witch, Susan, was up to her mischief again? For so long, Susan

hadn't caused any trouble for him, and Chris had almost forgotten about her. But unexpectedly, in just a

few months, Susan had transformed into a gambling addict!

Upon this realization, Chris couldn't help but sneer. Susan was nowhere near his level. He could easily

earn tens of billions from a trip to Star Island. Besides causing trouble at home, Susan had no other

capabilities. Engaging in gambling outside, she was undoubtedly at the mercy of others. Even if shenovelbin

lost a billion, or even ten billion, Chris didn't find it surprising. If it were anyone else, Chris wouldn't have

bothered. Unfortunately, Susan was Esther'smother, and his own mother-in-law. If he allowed Susan to

continue, Esther would be the one to suffer in the end. Chris looked at Esther and said with a smile,

"Wife, rest assured, I'll take care of this matter." Esther looked at Chris gratefully and said, "Husband,

I'm troubling you again this time."

For Esther, dealing with Susan was truly beyond her control. She couldn't beat her, scold her, or simply

ignore her, as Susan would throw tantrums. After all, she was still her mother. Esther couldn't bring

herself to sever ties with Susan completely. In this world, only Chris could handle Susan! Chris and

Esther drove to the Chester Group headquarters. Susan had directly gone there to demand money.

She knew Esther valued her reputation, and if she caused a scene at the company, Esther would

definitely compromise.

Susan was truly a peculiar character. Whoever ended up as her daughter was undoubtedly unlucky! In

the car, Esther said, "Husband, this time, no matter what you do to my mother, I won't stop you." Esther

had come to terms with it. If they didn't take strong measures, Susan would never be able to overcome

her gambling addiction. After all, gambling addiction was one of the hardest habits to break. Once

someone got involved in gambling, their life was practically over. Even with tens of billions in assets, it

wouldn't be enough for her losses! Chris nodded and said, "You can rest assured, I know what to do."

He had already figured out how to deal with Susan. This time, he was determined to bring Susan to


Seeing Chris so confident, Esther decided not to interfere. She looked at Chris curiously and asked,

"Husband, how did things go on Star Island this time?" Chris replied as he drove, "I've nearly wrapped

things up on Star Island. You can inform Leif Tate to begin the overseas strategy for the Chester Group.

Also, King's Leagues has agreed to fully cooperate with us on Star Island. Don't hesitate to negotiate

any terms with Aiden; he'll take care of it for you." Upon hearing this, Esther felt completely at ease.

With Chris in charge, everything would be taken care of. It seemed that there should be no issues with

the Chester Group's overseas strategy this time!

Meanwhile, at the Chester Group headquarters, Susan sat in the president's office chair...

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