Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1038: The Secret Behind The Hall Of Death
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Chapter 1038: The Secret Behind The Hall Of Death

Chapter 1038: The Secret Behind the Hall of Death

The two clashed like ancient savage beasts, their fists and movements stirring up roaring gusts,

accompanied by a series of crackling sounds. Chris grew bolder with each battle, his entire being

becoming increasingly ferocious, as if he possessed an endless wellspring of strength, exhibiting no

signs of weariness. The figure in the black robe, masked, obscured his features from Chris. Yet, his

eyes grew colder with each passing moment. His speed was swift, his punches fierce, but Chris was

even faster, and his fists, more brutal. Suddenly, the black-robed figure momentarily faltered, caught off

guard. Chris's punch landed heavily on his arm with a resounding crack. The arm deformed slightly but

swiftly returned to its original state, as if his body had transcended a realm where sheer force could no

longer harm him. Despite this, the black-robed figure, pushed back several steps by Chris's formidable

power, lifted his head, eyes filled with murderous intent, "Chris, I underestimated you! But the next time

we meet, you won't be so fortunate!"

As the words fell, the black-robed figure turned and fled. Watching the figure escape, Chris was

bewildered. The esteemed Hall of Death's top fighter had escaped like this? Could it be that he

admitted defeat? Although reluctant, Chris knew that the Hall of Death's top fighter was among the rare

few who could match his strength over the years.

At that moment, Tiger rushed in with hundreds of Dragon Guards, looking worried. "Boss, how did it

go?" Chris looked at Tiger and asked, "What happened?" Tiger, with a bowed head and a face full of

shame, admitted, "Boss, that man in the black robe was too powerful. I couldn't stop him!" Hearing this,

Chris narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists. Blood dripped from his fingers, a clear sign of the first

injury he had sustained since becoming the God of War. This opponent was formidable. Despite

exerting all his strength, the man had managed to escape, leaving Chris injured.

Tiger, full of self-reproach, said, "Boss, I'm truly useless. Please punish me." The sounds of the fierce

battle within the courtyard had alerted Tiger to the fact that his boss was facing a formidable foe. He

had immediately organized the Dragon Guards, ready to set a trap. However, the strength of the black-

robed figure was terrifying. Even with hundreds of Dragon Guards and thousands of elite King's

Leagues members, they couldn't stop him. Not only did they fail to detain him, but the members of

King's Leagues were effortlessly killed by the black-robed figure in the process. It was truly frustrating.

Chris waved his hand and said, "Forget it. He got lucky today, but he won't be so fortunate next time!"

Chris's expression had calmed down by now. Even though the black-robed figure had fled, Chris had a

clear understanding of his strength. He believed that if they were to meet again, he had the confidence

to slay the man on the spot. Without dwelling further on the matter, Chris turned and entered Ron

Jefferson's study once more.

At that moment, the steward had already tended to Ron Jefferson's wounds, but his internal injuries

were beyond mending. His survival was no longer a possibility. Chris looked down at Ron Jefferson

and asked directly, "Who is the master of the Hall of Death? And who is the Hall of Death's top fighter?"

Ron Jefferson, a member of the Hall of Death, should have knowledge of the organization's inner

workings. Upon hearing Chris's query, Ron Jefferson, weakly smiling, asked, "Have you met the top

fighter of the Hall of Death?"

Ron Jefferson, feeling extremely fatigued, found it difficult to speak. Additionally, within his heart, a

sense of detachment from life began to take hold. The battle Chris had just fought against the black-

robed figure had left him horrified. Ron Jefferson could only imagine the intense struggle that had

occurred between Chris and the black-robed figure. The mere might displayed was beyond his wildest

imagination. Despite considering himself a formidable figure, he paled in comparison to both Chris and

the black-robed figure. This brought an inexplicable sense of discomfort to his heart. At that moment, a

sense of listlessness and a desire for death overwhelmed Ron Jefferson.

Chris, seemingly indifferent, said, "I have indeed met him, but he just escaped." Ron Jefferson

involuntarily swallowed hard. The top fighter of the Hall of Death had fled from Chris? His expression

was one of disbelief. If even the top fighter of the Hall of Death was no match for Chris, just how

powerful was he? An impatient look crossed Chris's face as he said, "Enough talk. Get to my

questions. I believe you should know their identities!" Ron Jefferson nodded and said, "Indeed, I do

know their identities, but why should I tell you?"As Ron Jefferson spoke, he raised his head, looking at

Chris with a mocking expression. His impending demise had left him unafraid, and he had nothing left

to fear. Seeing this, Chris furrowed his brow. "You won't even speak as you face death?"

With a light chuckle, Ron Jefferson replied, "I won't tell you who the master of the Hall of Death and the

top fighter are. But I can tell you this: our overseas Jefferson family was forced to flee to Star Island by

the Hall of Death, though we never expected..." Here, Ron Jefferson let out a sigh. After years of

planning, he had ultimately met his end at the hands of the Hall of Death. It seemed that he was no

match for the madman after all. Even if Chris hadn't come, his fate would have been the same. It was a

pity that the vast Jefferson family had ultimately been destroyed by his own hands.

"Chris, before I die, I advise you. I know you're powerful, but you are no match for the master of the

Hall of Death. I suggest you give up, to avoid meeting the same end as me..."

Before Ron Jefferson could finish, Chris slapped him across the face, shouting, "Enough of yournovelbin

nonsense! Who says I'm not the master of the Hall of Death's match? The Hall of Death is nothing in

my eyes! Don't compare me to a useless person like you!"

Ron Jefferson, unable to contain his anger, spat out a mouthful of blood. The audacity of Chris, even as

he faced imminent death, left Ron Jefferson trembling with rage. This Chris, he thought, was truly

despicable. Especially with Chris's disdainful gaze and attitude, Ron Jefferson's fury erupted. Suddenly,

he roared, "Chris, you idiot! You speak so arrogantly, looking down on the Hall of Death! Do you even

know what the Hall of Death truly is? It's just a plaything for certain people. The real terror lies not

within the Hall of Death, but..."

At this point, Ron Jefferson's words were abruptly cut off.

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