Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1023 The Very Deeply Hidden Ron Jefferson
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Chapter 1023 The Very Deeply Hidden Ron Jefferson

Chapter 1023 The Very Deeply Hidden Ron Jefferson

"All of you shut up!"

With everyone talking over each other, Ron Jefferson was annoyed to distraction.

He roared angrily.

In that instant.

The entire conference room fell silent.

No one dared to speak anymore, all turned to look at Ron Jefferson.

Ron Jefferson bellowed furiously, "Aren't you guys making King's Leagues look bad enough? This is

the King's Leagues headquarters, but all of you are clamoring about like it's some marketplace. Since

we can't go to East Coast to kill Chris, then we'll blockade the entire Chester Group! We can't get in,

and they shouldn't think about getting out either!"

"If Chester Group or Chris dares to come out, we'll make sure they never return!"

The plan to conquer East Coast and kill Chris had already failed.

But Ron Jefferson knew that Chester Group would have to go overseas sooner or later.

Chester Group had already unified the entire Amerosia business circle.

The next step would definitely be to expand overseas!

Once Chester Group went abroad, Chris would definitely follow along.

When that time came.

Overseas would be King's Leagues territory.

If Chris dared to come, he would make sure Chris died with no place to be buried!


Upon hearing this.

Everyone was stunned.

The Supreme Elder is...

bowing his head to Chris?

The esteemed King's Leagues, how could they bow to some country bumpkin from Amerosia?

If this got out, how could they keep face on Star Island anymore?

"Supreme Elder, are you telling us to hide like turtles?"

"What if Chris and Chester Group never come out, what do we do then?"

"Does that mean we can never get revenge for the rest of our lives?"

"Supreme Elder, we can't bow our heads!"

"If we bow to Chris this time, when can we hold our heads high again?"

The ten Hall Masters began to remonstrate.

Ron Jefferson yelled furiously, "All of you shut the hell up! If you have the ability to go kill Chris, I'll hand

over the position of King's Leagues Gate Master to him!"

After saying this, Ron Jefferson stood up directly.

At this time, his expression had completely distorted.

This time, the Jefferson family overseas had suffered the greatest losses.

Not only did Isa Group in Amerosia go bankrupt.

His own son was also killed by Chris.

And this bunch kept clamoring here.

If they had the ability, go to East Coast and kill Chris themselves.

What's the point of yelling here?


Ron Jefferson let out a cold snort, then turned and left directly.

Watching Ron Jefferson's departing back.

The ten Hall Masters looked at each other in dismay.

They wanted to speak but didn't know what to say.

It was obvious Ron Jefferson was prepared to yield to Chris.

But eight thousand King's Leagues elites had been utterly defeated in East Coast.

The thousands they had sent over had also died in East Coast.

Even Ron Jefferson himself had an arm chopped off by Chris.

Asking them to find a way to kill Chris in East Coast now?

Wouldn't that be sending them to their deaths?

But King's Leagues had spent a hundred years developing overseas.

Finally becoming one of the top powers on Star Island.

Yet now, because of one Chris, their reputation was in tatters!

For the esteemed Supreme Elder of King's Leagues to choose to bow to Chris.

This was simply a humiliation for King's Leagues!


For a time.

All the King's Leagues disciples attending the meeting looked at each other in shock and confusion...

"Back to Jefferson family!"

At this time.

After leaving the King's Leagues headquarters, Ron Jefferson opened the car door to get in.


A killing intent came from behind.

Without even thinking, Ron Jefferson punched back.


A loud noise.

Ron Jefferson took a step back.

He looked up.

Not far away, there was a figure shrouded in darkness, dressed all in black.


Ron Jefferson gritted his teeth and said.

Although he couldn't see the other's face clearly.

Just from the aura, Ron Jefferson recognized that the one who came to assassinate him was Night!

Ron Jefferson was shocked that Night, who used to be his most capable subordinate, had not only

betrayed him, but actually came to assassinate him.

This immediately enraged Ron Jefferson!

"Night, you ungrateful wretch!"

"I sent you to assassinate Chris, but you went over to Chris's side instead!"

"You traitor, I'll kill you today!"

In the face of Ron Jefferson's curses.

Night didn't say a word.

A sharp wolf fang dagger instantly appeared in his hand.

Ron Jefferson was just as ruthless.

He drew out the sword at his waist.




The sounds of blades clashing rang out instantly.

In just a few seconds.

The two had already exchanged dozens of moves.

"Night, you traitor, if it wasn't for me saving your life back then, you would have died long ago!"

"You ungrateful bastard, not only did you betray me, you want to kill me too!"

"It's just as well, today I'll slaughter you and show everyone what happens when they betray me!"

Ron Jefferson yelled as they fought.

He was furious.

That his most loyal dog had now not only betrayed him, but wanted to come kill him, it was simply



Night let out a cold snort: "Ron Jefferson, all these years, I served your Jefferson family like an ox or

horse, helped your Jefferson family eliminate dissent, I already repaid the debt for you saving my life

that year!"

"If it wasn't for me, could your Jefferson family have become one of the top families on Star Island?"

"The Master is the dragon of the age, you can't understand that! Since he sent me to kill you, then I'll

kill you!"

Upon hearing this.

Ron Jefferson shook with anger.

"Good, good! Night, now you're calling Chris 'Master'!"

"Very well, today I'll slaughter you mad dog!"

Ron Jefferson never imagined.

That Night, who used to be his dog, would actually call someone else master.

This was a blatant slap in the face!

If he didn't kill Night.novelbin

How could he still stand in King's Leagues after this?





The two exchanged another dozen moves.

The battle was extremely fierce.

Hearing the commotion, the ten Hall Masters of King's Leagues immediately rushed over.

Seeing Ron Jefferson fighting with Night, everyone's faces changed drastically.

Ron Jefferson and Night's strength was simply too strong.

Both were Transcendence level experts, every move was lethal!


A loud noise.

Night suddenly retreated a few steps, a trace of surprise on his face.

He didn't expect that Ron Jefferson, after having an arm chopped off by Chris, would still have such


It seemed he had underestimated Ron Jefferson!


Ron Jefferson laughed loudly, his face twisted savagely, "Night, didn't expect that did you! Actually, I

was on guard against your betrayal long ago. Today I'll kill you and let you know the consequences of

betraying me!"

As he spoke, Ron Jefferson's aura surged wildly.

With one hand grasping the sword, he stabbed towards Night quickly.

Night was just as ruthless, clenching the dagger in his hand and rushing forward.


Ron Jefferson's sword viciously slashed Night's stomach.

A shocking gash appeared.

Night's stomach was instantly drenched in blood.

And Ron Jefferson...

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