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Chapter 312

Chapter 312

cubby had resented Lee for a long time now, but the power Lee’s father held practically made Leeuntouchable in Cendonville.

Now that Gibby had received orders from the province officials, even someone like Lee could hardlyprotest.

Lee and his father were just the top dogs of Cendonville, but they were hardly anything in GravoniaProvince, let alone in the face of a department like Wilbur’a

Gibby reckoned that Lee and his family were done for after ruffling the feathers of someone like Wilbur,so he did not hesitate In the slightest to go all out against Lee

Gibby sneered coldly, “Cuff him! One more word from you and I’ll stuff your mouth shut.”

His officers got to work at once, and Lee was caught off guard by the sudden coldness. He wasshocked into silence, not daring to say a word

Lee’s men were also handcuffed and taken away, both of them pale as sheets as they trembled fromhead to toe. They had been used to having things going their way with Lee and had never experiencedanything quite like this before.novelbin

Just then, Gibby bowed to Wilbur once again. “The suspects have been apprehended. Do you haveany more orders for us, Sir?”

“Nope. Keep an eye on them when you’re at the station until I get there. I have some matters to takecare of here,”

“Yes, sir!”

Gibby called out in response and left with Lee and his men in tow.

Gibby had received his orders and was eager to follow them so that he would not get into any trouble.

After Gibby and the others were gone, Wilbur opened his palm. There was a flame in the center of it.

He shook his hand a little, and the flame multiplied by the hundreds before spreading around thevillage,

Wilbur led Sammy and the others out of the village, looking at the flames soaring to the heavens. “Mayyou all rest in peace,”

The flames were a prayer that he had said for the souls of the people whose bodies had been turnedinto zombies by Darlene,

Just then, Moose walked up to Wilbur, “Sir, what should I do now?”

“Well, you’re free. You can do whatever you want, as long as you don’t harm anyone,” Wilbur replied.

Moose sighed. “My fellow cultivators and I were sent here to practice witchcraft at a young age andcursed upon our graduation to scour the grounds for riches and dead bodies. I really don’t know whatI’m supposed to do now. I’m sure my

friends are the same.”

Wilbur frowned. Moose’s situation was rather special.

The witchcraft they practiced was not considered evil, as long as their powers were used for good.

However, Moose and his friends would have no one to guide them from here, making them particularlyvulnerable to going down the wrong path,

Wilbur gave it some thought before saying, “How about this? Find your friends and have a talk withthem first. If you really feel like you can’t get used to this new life, come to Sealake Island inSeechertown and look for me.”

“Thank you, sir,” Moose said gratefully.

Wilbur smiled, leaving with Sammy and Don.

The three of them reached Cendonville in the evening, pulling up in front of the Special Forcesdepartment.

Wilbur told Sammy and Don to get some rest before having Gibby lead him to the detention cell.

Lee was sitting at the table, his ankle cuffed to the interrogation bench.

He saw Wilbur and Gibby walking in and began shouting at the top of his lungs at once, “Gibby Lendis!How dare you do this to me! My father’s the governor! I’m going to make sure you get it!”

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