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Chapter 274

Chapter 274 The sun was dinost out by the time Wilbur and Ryder made it back to Sealake Island. Wilbur took out the Strongwill Pill and swallowed it. The pill was good for strengthening his body so thathe would not be overwhelmed by using too much energy and collapsing Ryder went to his office and sat down in front of his computer. He opened a new document and begantyping away. Not long after that, a report was typed up with its contents as follows: ‘Sanctuary level. Possesses an enormous amount of spirit energy. Thunder-centrk powers. Has someform of reddish special energy. Type unknown.” He sent the report out, waiting until it was delivered before deleting the record. He then opened upanother file and began to report on the Skull Cult incident. Over at a random hotel. Eileen took a shower and lay on the bed in her bathrobe. She took her phone out, flipping to a hiddenphoto album where she pulled up a picture of a man and a woman in their thirties. The man looked rather normal, and even a little simple. The woman, however, was positivelybreathtaking. The two of them were holding each other closely, their expressions brimming with joy. “It really looks like him. Could it be?” Eileen frowned, mumbling to herself.

She got up, pacing back and forth in the room deep in thought. “All I have are two measly photos. How am I supposed to be sure? They both have the same last nameand would be around the same age. Could it be merely a coincidence?” Eileen’s expression flashed with worry and doubt Sometime later, she let out a sigh. “Whatever. I’ll go to sleep first.” She took off her bathrobe, revealing her perfect figure before ducking into her covers completely bareand falling asleep. Wilbur slept all the way till past three in the afternoon. He stretched his limbs out. The energy from the Strongwill pill and the night’s sleep made him feel well-novelbin

rested, showing no signs of fatigue from the battle. He got ready and went to the living room to make a call. “Hello! Beverly Torres, your personal handler speaking. How can I help you with today?” The sweet voice made Wilbur feel pleasant, and he said lazily, “Beverly, help me look up the KiwanisClub. Especially one of the members, Eileen Fall.” “Alright, please hold on while I search the database.” About ten seconds later, Beverly piped up again “Deacon Petal, according to my search results, the Kiwanis Club was formed forty-eight years ago.They are a legal non-profit organization, with the core goal of helping those in need. The organizationwas founded by a mantled couple, Samuel Penn and Jennifer Femi ?“Is there more information than that? Seerns pretty surface-level,” Wilbur said “Yes. According to the information we have, the real goal of the Kiwanis Club was actually to take downa certain force. Their members consist of many experts, especially Samuel and Jennifer Penn. Theyare incredibly powerful.” “How powerful?” Chapter 274 2/2 “Above Sanctuary level.” “How are they doing now?”“Twenty years ago, they disappeared mysteriously in the middle of something and never appearedagain.” How’s the club doing, then?”“The Kiwanis Club is currently led by an elder, with five elders taking turns every three years… “What about Eileen Fall?” “Eileen Fall is thirty-two years old. She’s a Sanctuary level cultivator who joined the Kiwanis Club tenyears ago. She’s very powerful.”

“Is that all?” “Yes. The Kiwanis Club would be considered a business chamber right now. Although they may looklike businessmen, many of their members are elite cultivators going on secret missions all the time.The Department of Paranormal Research and Defense has not taken action against them as they arenot much of a threat to the country.” “Alright, then. Thank you, Beverly.” “Don’t mention it.” “Oh, right!” Wilbur thought of something just as he was about to hang up. “Help me look up thismember from the Church of Holy Illuminati, Constantine. What’s his deal? “Got it, please hold on.” A brief moment later, Beverly said, “Found it.”

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