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Chapter 204

Chapter 204

Wilbur shook his head. He sat in his living room and started to meditate. Honestly, he could hardly bebothered about the


Meanwhile, over in Seechertown Hospital, the influencer named Sherry Divos lay in bed. The top partof her head was bandaged, but she was still streaming on her phone.

There were over a hundred thousand people watching her stream, asking how she was doing.

Sherry put on her most pitiful expression, venting to her audience about her troubles in hopes ofgaining some sympathy.

All at once, more and more people joined the stream and her follower count had shot up as well.

Sherry held back the excitement and glee in her chest, milking her pity act as much as she could.

She was actually pretty impressed with how this had worked out for her.

She had just hit her forehead then, falling unconscious for a bit. The hospital had run some tests onher, and she was pretty

much fine.

That night, she pulled up the footage from her car and got to work. She made herself look like a victim,posting the edited video onto multiple media platforms. No, she had not made a report at all.

A wealthy man driving a fancy car took advantage of an injured young lady while she was unconscious,and the authorities did not allow a case to be filed. It was practically the perfect tragedy, and the

internet blew up penalizing the heartless owner of the fancy car while expressing their deepestsympathy towards Sherry.

Sherry was unbelievably smug. She was going to rise to fame from this for sure.

Just then, two men wearing suits walked into the hospital and came up to Sherry’s bednovelbin

“Hello, are you Miss Sherry Divos?” One of the men asked.

Sherry looked up. “Who are you?”

“Hello, my name is Jose Smithson. I was the driver of the car in the accident. This is ThomasWenworth, our company lawyer. He’d like to speak to you.”

“What is it?” Sherry grew wary almost instantly.

Thomas stepped forward. “Miss Sherry Divos, I’m requesting on behalf of my client that you take downthe falsely edited video you shared on all platforms. Please also issue a public apology for spreadingmisinformation as well, thank you.”

“What do you inean, spreading misinformation? What are you getting at?” Sherry cried out loudly.

The patients in the beds next to hers looked over strangely.

Thomas said, “Miss Sherry Divos, the video you posted of my client was edited to show a falsenarrative. It has greatly damaged my client’s reputation, and we will take legal action if you do not takeit down immediately.”

“Are you threatening me?” Sherry curled her body into a ball, crouching into her sheets with a fearfulexpression. “I’m not scared of you just because you have money!”

Thomas said, “Miss Divos. My client did nothing you accused him of in your video. In fact, he savedyour life. It’s a little ungrateful of you to do this.”

“I can’t believe he’s not only refusing to apologize but even sending lawyers over. I’ll take down thevideo, but there’s no way I’m apologizing.” Tears streamed down Sherry’s face, and she lookedimpossibly pitiful

Thomas glared at Jose, asking for his opinion.

Jose had already been fired up from watching the video in the first place. Who did this lady think shewas, lying with a straight face like this?

Chapter 204


“Young lady, you can’t get away with making things up like this. My boss has decided not to presscharges, or you wouldn’t even be here in this hospital right now. Take the video at once, or there will beconsequences.”

Jose was positively fuming when he was done, leaving after that with Thomas in tow.

Jose wanted nothing more than to teach Sherry a lesson, but Wilbur had not given any orders and thusJose had held back.

Right after the two men were gone, Sherry shouted into her stream, “Guys, I’m ending the stream. Thevideo’s going to be taken down too, now that I’m getting threatened.”

She ended the stream immediately and deleted the video of the accident. On her face, however, was asmile. The internet went nuts over It

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