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Chapter 202

Chapter 202 It was past midnight when Faye and Wilbur got home. The two of them chatted for a while, thenheaded back to their rooms to rest. Wilbur got a message from Elsa not long after he was back in his room. She had not been able to findany gangs or news linking to the skull tattoo. Wilbur frowned, pacing to and fro in his room. Something told him that there was more to this than itseemed. All of a sudden, he thought of his handler. Surely the department would have a better database. However, would his handler not be in bed by this hour? Wilbur held back the urge to reach out for the time being and went to bed. The next morning, Wilbur woke up and got ready, going downstairs to the living room and greetingFaye

Once Faye had left for work, Wilbur took his phone out and pulled up his handler’s contact. He gave it some thought, then pressed the call button. “Hello, Deacon Penn! Handler Beverly Torres here at your service,” Beverly’s crisp voice came ringingdown the line. Wilbur cleared his throat. “Hello, Beverly. Two things have happened around me lately, where both thepeople involved were able to use a sort of power called a ‘blood cult’ sacrifice to increase their spiritenergy. They even had a cult chant, ‘Blood for the Blood G od, Skull for the Skull Throne. They’ve alsogot the same skull tattoo on their chest. Can you help me find out if they’re from a group of sorts, andwhat their goal is?” “Please give me a minute, I’ll be right on it.” The call did not disconnect, so Wilbur waited silently. Around two to three minutes later, Beverly spoke up once again.

“Deacon Penn, I found something Wilbur was surprised. That was really quick He found it a little hard to believe that this department really was that powerful “According to your description, these two people were likely members of the Skull Cult. They believe inan all-powerful leader called the ‘Blood G od’, a superstition rooted in Bloodism that came to be in theWest. They’ve been spreading their word around the world, telling everyone about their hunger forviolence and bloodshed. Our nation is currently doing our best to lake them down.” “What’s this Bloodism about, then?” Wilbur asked. “The roots of Bloudism itself are unclear, but it’s a religion that’s been around for almost a thousandyears. Their headquarters are located in a few countries in the West, and they worship the Blood Go das an almighty powerful being. They claim that once the Blood G od descends, he will take over theworld and drench the face of the Earth with blood.” Wilbur frowned. “What good would turning the planet into a bloodbath be for the believers?” “They worship violence, sl aughter, bloodshed, war, and destruction. The belief is that a disciple of theBlood Go d can only return to the Blood G od in his true form after death as the Blood Go d rules overthe world.” Wilbur raised his eyebrows. What an extreme religion! It sounded like they simply enjoyed the act of killing. How different were they from any other terroristgroup? If the Skull Cult came from Bloodisin and were in the country, it seemed like they had been in thecountry for a while now. “Do you have any information on the Skull Cult in the country? Like where their headquarters are, orsomething along those lines?” “I’m really sorry, but I can’t find anything on that.” “That’s fine then. Goodbye, Beverly.” “Goodbye, Deacon Penn. Have a great day!” Wilbur hung up the call, sighing heavily. novelbin

It really did seem like there was more to this Skull Cult than it appeared. At the same time, over in one of the top-secret Seechertown meeting rooms, Albert smiled uponoverhearing the conversation. He glanced at the two elders next to him. “See? He’s involved now. He can handle the skull Cult from here on out.”

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