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Chapter 200

Chapter 200 Only Wilbur noticed the skull tattoo on Cole’s chest when he was transforming. “F*ck, it’s you guys again,” Wilbur corsed under his breath. The power of the Quad Thunder spell started to dissipate because of the raging Ambience unleashedby Cole. Marcus hurriedly backed away because he was horrified. He yelled, “It has nothing to do with me. Ithas nothing to do with me! Cole roared once more and escaped the hounds of the Quid Thunder spell, then sprlanted towardWilbur. Twn massive blood blades appeared in his hands. His flesh and blood were churned outward like hewas a bloodthirsty demon It was insanely terrifying Jose was horrified too. The Ambience emanating from Cole was too horrifying. He stepped back, buthe struggled to maintain his footing. novelbin

However, Wilbur only scoffed. He snapped his fingers and said, “Ambience Bomb” Wilbur cast the Ambience Bomb spell as well, but he only needed a quiet chant to cast the spell. He didnot need to use his hands to activate it.. Furthermore, his Ambience Bomb projectiles were the size of basketballs, and he consecutivelyunleashed over a dozen of them. Each of these bombs was engulfed in roaring Ambience flames. Itwas very powerful. The Ambience Bomb cast by Spencer seemed like child’s play in comparison. They both used thesame spell, but the difference in power was worlds apart. Cole watched the terrifying bombs hurtle toward him and let out a furious roar. He then swung hisblades in an attempt to slash through them. However, Wilbur’s bombs were not that easy to deal with. Cole only managed to slice through a few bombs while swinging his blades. He shattered a few of

them, but both his blood blades had burst apart. The rest of the bombs struck his body and detonated on impact Cole collapsed to the ground after a string of explosions. A chaotic surge of Ambience was released from the detonated bombs. It stirred up turbulence allaround, and the cluthes of the people fluttered from the winds. They felt chills run down their spines. Cole gradually transformed back to his original form. His body was broken and gory. He was even missing half of his head. That was the outcome of him enduring the Ambience Bomb while in his transformed state. He wouldhave been blown to ashes if he had taken on the attack before his transformation. Everyone fell into deathly silence as they stared at Wilbur in a daze. None dared to make a sound. Everyone felt that he was like a g od, so they were afraid to even disturb the terrible entity with theirbreathing. They did not want to bring any trouble upon themselves. Wilbur slowly walked toward the lifeless body and carefully examined Cole. The skull tattoo on the corpse remained only as a coin-sized fragment amidst the iness. However,Wilbur was certain that the individual was connected with the previous monster he had encountered. He also thought of Duran. Duran was hunting Juse back then, and he had the same ability. If they were from the same organization, it was definitely bad news for them to appear one afteranother in a short time. Chapter 200 Wilbur fell into deep thought. Everyone from the Torres clan held their breath. The courtyard was deadsilent. After some time, Jose walled toward Wilber. He leaned toward him and whispered, “Sir, did youdiscover something?” “Yeah.” Wilbur stood up and frowned, saying. “It’s not good.” Jose hurriedly asked, “Is there anything I can do to help? Feel free to order me around.” Wilbur scanned through the Torres clan and his gaze landed on Marcus in the end. Marcus jolted because he was startled. He looked terrified.

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