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Chapter 171

Chapter 171 1/2 Ryder had not expected the monster to still be capable of something so terrifying Ryder had practically exhausted his spirit energy by then and he had no way of fighting back Yet he did not give up. He let out a howl as he exploded with the last of his spirit energy. The daggerroared into burning flames once again as Ryder lunged at the monster. Ryder did not give up even at the last second. The idea of running away did not even cross his mind.He used the last of his strength in a fight to the death, not backing away in the slightest. Elsa was so terrified she had let out a scream. Even she could tell that Ryder was walking right into adeath trap, and there was no way he was a match for the monster. Wilbur let out a sigh. He opened and closed his palms, which exploded with spirit pressure as heshouted, “Lethal Earth!”He did not stop after that, gesturing with his palms again and shouting, “Quad Thunder!” Wilbur seemed to complete everything in a matter of seconds. At the same time, an earthen giantaround five meters tall rose from the ground between Ryder and the monster.

The earthen giant glimmered with a golden glow as the monster’s cleaver struck it head-on. With a loud rumble, the earthen giant crumbled into pieces, falling onto the ground. It had completelydeflected the monster’s attack Behind the giant, Ryder was completely unharmed as well due to the giant’s deflection. Just as Ryder was in a daze, four basketball-sized balls of thunder appeared above the monster. Theycr ackled and tizzled with chains of lightning between them, trapping the monster for good. The monster let out a howl of agony from the restriction of the lightning chains, struggling with all itsmight. Yet, the Quad Thunder spell was clearly much more powerful than the monster, and it had no hopes ofbreaking free. Ryder stared at Wilbur in shock and disbelief.

Isa was even more at a loss for words. She stared at the Quad Thunder’s brilliant and terrifying power,unable to believe her ryes. Wilbur put his palms together in front of his chest. An explosive spirit pressure burst out from him as hestared at the monster coldly while maintaining the Quad Thunder’s power. A little over ten seconds later, the monster let out a cry of agony and collapsed at once. Wilbur dismissed the Quad Thunder at last and made his way toward the monster. The monster was currently lying on the ground, howling in pain and agony. Its body began to shrink as the monster slowly turned back into the bony, sick-loolding man frombefore. The man’s body, however, was now thoroughly destroyed. He had taken many hits and was practicallyin plece. By the time Wilbur had walked up to him, the man had lost all signs of life and was beyond sawing Wilbur shook his head. He seemed a little wistful. with much difficulty, looking at tis Ryder had finally made his way over next to Wilbur man’s corpse. “You shouldn’t have lalled him.” “I wasn’t trying to kill him. He overexerted and drained all of his energy. He would’ve died even if I didn’tattack him, but you would’ve died before him,” Wilbur said calmly. Elsa had an over as well, but she was looking intently at Wilbur as if he was the monster from just now. Chapter 171 Wilbur crouched down and pointed at a tatton on the corpse. “Does anyone recognize this tatton?” Elsa’s gaze finally returned to the man, but she shook her head. Ryder’s face was pale. He furrowed his brows, then shook his head as well. Wilber said, “It looks like a skull” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Elsa asked. Wilbur stood back up, lighting a cigarette before saying, “Based on the guy’s powers, I think he might

be a member of some “What makes you think so?” asked Elsa again.novelbin

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