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Chapter 125

Chapter 125novelbin

Wilbur hurriedly extended his hand and greeted, “Nice to meet you, Mister Campbell.”

That person was the head of the Kardon Province, Orin Campbell.

He was in his fifties, and still full of vigor despite his age. His position indicated a bright future ahead.

Orin was very polite and quickly shook Wilbur’s hand. “Mister Grayson couldn’t stop praising you,which made me rather curious. So, I took the liberty of having him contact you. I hope you don’t mindthat.”

He was extremely humble as a high–ranking figure in the province.

He could easily order people around wherever he went because of his position and had squads ofspecial agents to protect him. People welcomed him wherever he went.

His humble demeanor surprised Wilbur

“When did I become so powerful that someone like Orin Campbell treats me with such politeness andhumility?‘ Wilbur wondered

He was unaware, but Benjamin told Orin everything that happened. He praised Wilber like he was ademigod

Orin would dismiss it if it were anyone else. However, Benjamin was one of the founding fathers ofDasha. He was a legend whom everyone would greet respectfully.

Benjamin’s physical recovery was also an undeniable fact

His recommendation and his astonishing recovery made Orin develop a sense of respect for Wilbur.

He had a high–rank position, but advancing further was a difficult task.

The situation would be different with a recommendation from Benjamin.

Benjamin did not have the final word, but even the capital would have to consider his opinions carefully.

That was why Orin was humble and brought his son along.

Orin shook hands with Wilbur. He smiled and said, “Benjamin spoke highly of you, so I felt I had tomeet you in person. You’re indeed a young and handsome man.”

“Lappreciate your kind words.” Wilbur chuckled because he felt like Orin was overdoing it.

Benjamin said, “Thanks for your timely intervention for what happened earlier today. You’ve contributedto reducing the crime rate in our province. Let’s have dinner at my place tonight. Consider it a smallcelebration of sorts.”

Wilbur nodded in agreement. He had to show respect.

Orin said, “Mister Grayson, it’s not that I don’t want to stay, but I have a meeting in the evening. I’m thehost, so I can’t skip

“Go ahead if you have business to attend to. We can choose another time for dinner,” Benjamin replied.He understood that important duties should be the priority.

Orin stood up and apologized to Benjamin and Wilbur again. Then, he looked at his son and said,“Faron, stay here and accompany Wilbur and Mister Grayson for dinner tonight. I’ll join you on anotheroccasion. Remember, don’t be disrespectful in front of Mister Graysofi.”

Faron looked shy. He hurriedly stood up and nodded.

Benjamin waved him away and Orin finally left.

Benjamin laughed and said, “Look at this guy and his tricks. He just wants you young folks to interactmore. Seriously.”

Wilbur had a sudden realization


However, he wondered if Orin overestimated him.

Faron suddenly switched up. He went from looking shy to talking out a pack of cigarettes. He passed acigarette to Wilbur and grinned. He asked, “Bro, want one?”

Wilbur was stormed.

Faron was the most important man of his generation in Kardon Province. It was without question thathe was born with a silver spoon.

His father was polite because of Benjamin, but for Faron to be so friendly was rather out of characterfor an elite member of society.

Wilbur silently accepted the cigarette and glanced at Benjamin.

Benjamin chucked and said, “Go ahead and smoke without worries. I’d want one too if that girl wasn’twatching me so closely.

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