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Chapter 799

The other three Immortal Kings quickly arrived at their colleague, and the four Gravises also arrived.Now, it was four versus four."What is going on!?" one of the Immortal Kings asked.

"| don't know!" the woman with the bow shouted back. "As soon as he kills someone, he creates two additional bodies! | have noidea what's going on, but all bodies are incredibly powerful!"

"No time for talking!" one of the Gravises shouted as he shot at the woman with the bow. The other three shot at the otherImmortal Kings.


Explosions ravaged the sky as the ground was destroyed. By all intents and purposes, eight Immortal Kings were fighting rightnow, creating a sea of destruction.


Several jade tokens were broken as a gigantic Formation Array appeared, which engulfed the entire battlefield. The inside of theFormation Array became clouded with the Shadow Element, making it impossible to see anything.

Meanwhile, the four Immortal Kings stepped close to each other and formed a battle formation. One guy with a gigantic two-handed sword and a guy with a spear and shield stood at the front. A person with several throwing knives flying around himstood behind them, and the woman with the bow stood behind that person.

All four of them were at the edge of the Formation Array, their backs to it.

“One in front, two on the left, one on the right," the guy in the middle said. He had the Shadow Element, and he could seethrough everything. He was their eyes and ears in this environment.


The two in the front fought defensively and blocked all the different attacks. The guy in the middle was sharing his Spirit Sensewith them, allowing them to see clearly.

Meanwhile, Gravis' mind was burning up like a meteor. He also knew the Shadow Element, but he couldn't use it. This meantthat he couldn't see through it without destroying its composition. The problem with that, however, was that destroyingcomposition required concentration.

Sadly, Gravis had absolutely no concentration to spare.

He was controlling four bodies, 24 arms, eight legs, and had to keep track of four Immortal Kings. Gravis' mind had never beenthis stressed before.

Gravis’ concentration was burning like a violent welding flame as he had to keep track of everything. One moment ofcarelessness and one of his bodies would be destroyed. At that point, the enemy would gain a numerical advantage. Then,everything would be over.

Even worse, Gravis couldn't move his bodies out of the Formation Array to attack them from behind. It wasn't that he didn't havethe ability, but that this action would result in him dying.

This Formation Array was not designed to keep him inside. This meant that his opponents also kept track of the outside. As soonas Gravis moved one body to the outside, they would notice and unleash all their attacks on the remaining three bodies. FourAttacks would kill at least one body of Gravis if he hadn't all four available. It was even a great possibility that they wanted him togo outside for precisely that reason.

This meant that Gravis could only remain inside the Formation Array, making it very difficult for him to keep track of everything.CRACK!

Another jade token was broken as a temporary barrier appeared that blocked a powerful attack. The four of them were fightingdefensively. By activating the Formation Arrays in opportune moments, they wouldn't spend any Energy while Gravis would.

One good thing, though, was the fact that Gravis could spare enough concentration to, at least, break the composition of theShadow Element immediately surrounding his bodies, increasing the Energy density around him. This allowed him to fight forlonger.

However, time was not on his side. His concentration wouldn't be able to keep being perfect for long. Sooner or later, he wouldmake a mistake.

Gravis’ bodies all unleashed a powerful Lightning Crescent each, but the opponents activated several jade tokens at once,reducing Gravis' Energy by a ton.

‘How many of those do they have!?' Gravis thought with frustration as he felt danger closing in. He had to win, now!

"We already spent more money than we will get as a reward," one of the Immortal Kings transmitted to his colleagues infrustration. "This entire mission has been a bust!"

"Shut up! At least we got some tempering!" another one shouted with a voice transmission."Well, better than nothing, | guess," the woman with the bow said.

“But seriously, this guy is a freak! He's fighting four Immortal Kings as a Late Major Circulation Immortal. No one would believeme if | told them!" another one said as he blocked another attack.

The others remained silent as they concentrated on defending.

Suddenly, the woman's eyes shone.


A powerful arrow made out of ice was shot out of her bow as it struck one Gravis.‘Fuck!’ Gravis thought with panic. ‘I got careless!’

It had only been a matter of time until Gravis made a mistake. His concentration was stretched too thin, and he already started tofeel strained. Controlling four bodies that simultaneously fought against four opponents four levels above him was just far toomuch. Just fighting one of them nearly needed his entire concentration.

One of Gravis’ bodies froze and fell down. He couldn't even detonate that body since it had been frozen."Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!’ Gravis thought with gritted teeth.

Now, his mind was under real pressure, and he felt his death coming. The Law of Danger was telling him that he would die verysoon.

‘Come on! Come on!’ Gravis thought as he concentrated on the Formation Array. ‘Come on! I'm so close!’WHOOOOSH!

Gravis transformed all the Shadow Element in the surroundings into Energy, and all his bodies appeared again.BANG!

Gravis had redirected too much concentration on the Shadow Element, which allowed the woman to destroy another body withher bow. Only two Gravises were left now.


The entire Formation Array immediately filled with Shadow Element again, but Gravis had regenerated the entire Energy of hislast two bodies.

However, that was not the reason why he had destroyed the composition of the Shadow Element.‘Finally!’ Gravis thought with elation.

One Gravis stood in the middle of the Formation Array and extended his hand downward.

"You shouldn't have chosen the Shadow Element!"


In an instant, the entire Formation Array changed as Gravis tweaked it. He understood the composition of the Shadow Element,and he tweaked it.

Gravis had finally comprehended the Major Law of the Elements!

The Shadow Element vanished as the Formation Array refilled its insides.

However, it didn't refill it with the Shadow Element.

Everything suddenly turned a blinding white.

Light and Darkness were the same thing but on different extremes. The same thing was true with Shadow and Brilliance.

This Formation Array had been tweaked to the Shadow Element, but it could also be used with the Brilliance Element. Gravissimply changed the composition of the Shadow Element inside the Formation Array into the Brilliance Element.

After all, he could use both elements now with his new Law.And Gravis sure as hell didn't choose the nice kind of Brilliance Element.

Gravis still remembered the time when he had comprehended the Brilliance Element inside the Virtualization Array. This dick ofan element had completely penetrated his entire body and had burned his very being.

In an instant, all four Immortal Kings felt their beings burn violently.

However, the person that had it theworst by far was the one in themiddle. He had had his Spirit whollysynchronized with tkeGhatiowElerfen Skeep track of Gravis. So,when the Shadow Element hadsuddenly been replaced with asearing light, the person's Spiritreceived serious injuries, and he lostall his senses. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"AAAAAAAHHHH!"" the person shouted in pain as he felt his being turn into nothingness. Out of reflexes, he blocked out hissenses, but the damage had already been done.


A powerful sound was heard, but the four Immortal Kings couldn't see what was happening. They were utterly blind.


The woman grabbed the injured guy, and everyone immediately left the Formation Array. They couldn't remain inside anymore.BOOOOOM!novelbin

An ear-shattering sound came out of the Formation Array, and a streak of lightning shot at them.

Inside the streak was a mighty spear made out of lightning.


Three jade tokens were destroyed as the group activated their last defensive Formation Arrays. This attack was way too powerfulfor just one jade token to resist.


The lightning spear shot through all three Formation Arrays like they didn't exist.

Time seemingly stopped.

The four of them looked with shock at the Lightning Spear, which would hit the woman with the bow and the blind guy.

Meanwhile, inside the Formation Array, one Gravis stood with a smirk, the lightning runes from Mortality just vanishing frombeside him.

However, Gravis hadn't used Mortality.

He couldn't load his weapon withlightning and the Laws of PerceivedReality at the same time. When hekilled the first guy, Gauls rac dniy:usedthbLew’s Of Perceived Realityand had only used lightning when hisspear had already hit the opponent.With a ranged attack, Gravis couldn'tdo that. This meant that Mortalitywould hit the Formation Arrays andexplode. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

So, Gravis didn't shoot a spear buttransformed one of his bodies into aLightning Spear and used the, mMea Rynesfioth Mortality toshoot that body forward. Like this,Gravis’ body would shoot through allFormation Arrays since his bodycould always use the Law ofFreedom to escape suppression. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!


Gravis’ body, in the form of a spear, shot through the woman and the blind man.

Meanwhile, the Gravis inside the Formation Array grinned, lifted his hand, and snapped his fingers."Boom."


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