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Chapter 773

The cold tornado of Frost surrounding Samantha raged in the surroundings as her cold eyes shone inside the storm.She was enraged!

How dare this mere ant strike her face!?

‘Finally, she's getting serious,’ Gravis thought.

Gravis’ new Law of Danger told him that the enemy was extremely dangerous and that one mistake could end his life. HadGravis gambled with his life when he decided not to kill Samantha when he had the chance?

Of course!

If Gravis didn't gamble with his life, he wouldn't be able to receive tempering. When one's goal was to kill an enemy, doingsomething like this would be stupid beyond reason. However, when it came to tempering, it was necessary to be that stupid.

Many Cultivators only tempered themselves against enemies that wanted to kill them. They traveled the world, comprehendedLaws, and searched for resources, simply waiting for greedy or malicious people to appear.

However, this put the choice of opponent into the enemy's hands. Cultivators often chose an opponent that they felt would posea bit of danger, but not too much. Therefore, the enemies of the passive Cultivators were always incredibly formidable sincethose enemies judged the passive Cultivator to not pose a significant danger.

In Gravis' mind, the people who didn't search for powerful opponents were actually the ones playing with their lives. They putthemselves out there, being forced to accept nearly every opponent that came their way. Not having control over which opponentone fought was relying on luck.

This was also one of the essential reasons why it was necessary to have a powerful Battle-Strength. Someone one level abovesomeone else might decide to kill the other person for their wealth. However, these were not the main opponents oneencountered. After all, it was possible that the Cultivator could fight a level above them. Cultivators one level more powerful thanoneself were the rarest enemies that initiated the fight.

More common were Cultivators at the same level since they wanted to temper themselves too, and just as common wereCultivators one level above oneself that could also jump a level since they wouldn't even see the other Cultivator as a danger.

So, in short, Cultivators mainly initiated combat against opponents that were either definitely weaker than them or just aspowerful as them. Opponents that were one level more powerful rarely initiated combat. After all, the opponent was neither weaknor powerful. It was not easy to kill them, but it also wouldn't count as tempering. It was neither one nor the other.

In Gravis’ case, if he were to be the passive one, one piece of cannon fodder after the other would come. No Late MajorCirculation Immortal would initiate a fight since Gravis appeared so much weaker than them. Such a weak Cultivator wouldn'teven have any kind of significant wealth. It wasn't worth the risk to offend any kind of power because of this little wealth.

Gravis’ Battle-Strength meant that he was allowed to choose his dangerous opponents every time.This was why his Battle-Strength was so important.And this was also why Gravis had such a huge variety of enemies to choose from.

‘Let's get this show on the road,’ Gravis thought with a smirk. However, after he thought that, his smirk transformed into narrowedeyes. It was time to take this situation seriously now.

"DIE!" Samantha shouted as the storm was absorbed into her rapier.SSSSSHHHH!

She struck once, and a white slash shot at Gravis with incredible speed. At the same time, Gravis felt the space crack, making itimpossible for him to teleport.


Gravis’ feet exploded with lightning as he shot to the side, barely evading the attack.

As Samantha saw this, her rage only intensified.

What a humiliation!

Amere Minor Circulation Immortal had evaded her attack not once, not twice, but thrice!

Gravis shot at Samantha, but before he could make any significant headway, the situation changed again.CRRRRR!

The ice surrounding Samantha changed color. From a cold whitish blue, it transformed into pure red. The ice and snow began tocrackle violently like it was rubbing against itself and grinding itself down.

Samantha's surroundings shook like there was a volcano that was about to erupt.

The color of Samantha's white rapier also changed to red.

Then, she slashed again.

"RAH!" she shouted aggressively.


Ared wave of ice and snow shot at Gravis, but this one was even faster and more powerful than the last one.

Gravis' eyes widened since he had not expected that Samantha could increase her attacking power even more. She had alreadyslashed with all her power previously. How could the same attack be even faster?


Lightning exploded beneath Gravis' feet again, but the speed wasn't enough to evade. Gravis also activated the Law of Time toaccelerate his personal time, giving him enough speed to evade this attack.


The slash passed Gravis, and it violently shook. The attack was destroying itself as icy dust was left behind by the slash. Aftersome hundred kilometers or so, the slash ground itself into nothingness and vanished.

‘What a violent attack,’ Gravis thought. ‘This attack was seemingly created by pure power without any finesse. Usually, a higheramount of control was necessary to boost the power of an attack, but her control had decreased instead. Yet, the attack is stillmore powerful than before.’

‘Honestly, | hadn't seen that before,’ Gravis thought. ‘The lacking finesse and control make it basically impossible for the attack tobe a technique. It's more like an attack that was performed with around 150% of her power. However, that makes no sense."

‘If she knew some kind of Body Law that increased her power, her control wouldn't suffer.’

‘Red color, less control over an attack, having no affinity for the Law of Pride but feeling constantly prideful. All of these thingspaint a clear picture. Everything is unworthy in her eyes, but she can't comprehend pride. This creates frustration, and as far as |see, she is probably not a person that swallows frustration. She probably releases her frustration upon others as soon as theycross her path."

‘Her frustration transforms into rage. Now, everything makes sense. Due to her predicament and experiences, she has no affinitywith the Law of Pride, but she has plenty of affinity for the Law of Rage.’

‘Interesting. So, the Law of Rage allows one to exchange control for pure power. It's like the polar opposite of the Law of Control.’

All of these thoughts shot through Gravis’ mind in the blink of an eye. Samantha had shown one of her more powerful Laws, andnow Gravis was prepared for that Law.

“RAAAAH!" Samantha shouted with absolute fury. This ant had evaded again!novelbin


She unleashed another attack.


She had never been so humiliated! She even needed to use her Will-Aura against such an unworthy being!Gravis looked at Samantha as the attack shot towards him.

"She's stupid,’ Gravis thought. 'She only slowly increases the power of her attacks instead of unleashing all her power at once.Where's her level four Law? Where are her level three Laws? If | weren't here for tempering, | would use my Avatar to break freeof her Will-Aura, come close to her, stun her with my own Will-Aura, and kill her."

‘It's actually idiotic that | have to play this game of slowly allowing her to increase her own attack if | want to have an actual fight.Her mindset regarding battle makes her even weaker than an average Cultivator at her level. Has she never been under achaotic threat to her life? Has she always only battled chosen opponents that had just the right power?’

‘Yes, you have a great talent for frustration and rage,’ Gravis thought. "You are so talented that you even frustrate me!’WHOOOOOM!

Gravis activated his own Will-Aura, as well as his Law of Apathy, Law of Major Suppression, and Law of Minor Death. All of theseLaws hit Samantha's Will-Aura, breaking it for a second. For a second, her mind stopped working. She had simply unleashed herWill-Aura but hadn't braced herself against a significant impact from the opponent's Will-Aura.

As acomparison, if Samantha were a mortal adult, she acted like she was expecting a punch from a small child instead of anactual punch from another adult. If she did her best, she could have defended against an adult's punch, but she didn't evenproperly defend herself.

That was why Gravis' Will-Aura destroyed her Will-Aura for a second. She had been taken off-guard.

This was the second time in which Gravis could have already killed her.


Gravis evaded the attack the same way he evaded the last attack.

Gravis narrowed his eyes further ashe gnashed his teeth. ‘It's ridiculous

that | actually have % Galp Sov toincreas Sur own power. You are anenemy! You are my opponent! Youare supposed to be a danger to me!’The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

‘Instead, | have to support you and fix your fucking mindset so that you can actually become an opponent.’

‘What a disappointment,’ Gravis thought with frustration. 'How come that the most powerful Late Major Circulation Immortal isactually the weakest Late Major Circulation Immortal?’

Meanwhile, the onlookers, a great distance away, frowned at this spectacle. Most of the Immortal Kings had climbed to theircurrent position with their own power.

Was it humiliating when being slapped by an opponent?

Inherently, no. After all, the opponent should be powerful.

However, Samantha's power should be so much greater than that.

The really humiliating part was HOW Gravis managed to slap Samantha.

He had teleported to her and simply slapped her with supremely average speed. There was nothing fast about this. He justarrived and slapped.

Being hit by such an obvious, slow, and telegraphed attack was the truly humiliating part.

The Immortal Kings had rarely seenSamantha fight. She had only foughtonce in the resource point eontlidtagdithaNwas When she took over thisresource point. She had unleashedher level four Law and immediatelydecimated her opponent. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Read

the latest chapter there!

Due to that dominating performance, the following five resource points she claimed had immediately conceded.Ever since then, no Late Major Circulation Immortal had dared to challenge her.

They had expected a similarly dominating performance, but instead, they were subjected to such an abysmal, pitiful, andhumiliating performance.

Her opponent could have killed her atleast once already, and he hadn'teven demonstratedan(yyhirig? mMinnpresde xoept for his Will-Aura.He had teleported once and simplyevaded some attacks. He hadn't evenunleashed an actual attack! Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

To an outsider, it seemed like Gravis was playing with his opponent. It was like an expert was humiliating some helpless girl.Some, but not many, Immortal Kings even felt pity for Samantha.

Even though Gravis was an entire Circulation below Samantha, they still felt like this fight was unfair for Samantha, thepreviously publicly acknowledged strongest Major Circulation Immortal of the Sect Alliance.

"I'm glad Ryan isn't here to see his daughter like this," one of them said.

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