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Chapter 645

"Oi, dafuck are you on about?" Meadow said as she suddenly included herself in the conversation. "What's with these ominousfucken words!?"

Gravis only smirked. "Meadow, can you feel my power right now?" he asked as he looked towards Meadow's direction.Meadow remained silent for a bit."You are as powerful as me," she said after a while, without any sarcasm or snark.

“Half-right," Gravis said. "I wouldn't be able to kill an Immortal while you can, but thanks to my Will-Aura, | would still be able tofight with you."

"Now," Gravis said, "how powerful do you think | would be when | am an Immortal?""Very," Meadow said.

“And how powerful do you think Heaven is?" Gravis said.

Meadow remained silent again.

"| don't know," she said after a while, "but Heaven is probably more powerful than me."

Gravis nodded. "Heaven is definitely more powerful than you. If you were an Immortal, you might have a slight chance, but |would still put my money on Heaven. Heaven is just that strong. Do you understand what I'm getting at?" he asked Meadow. Hetransmitted his voice only to Meadow so that nobody else could hear him.

Now, Meadow realized what Gravis wanted to say. That was true. If Heaven and Gravis fought, this entire world might bedestroyed. It would take forever for the world to return to its previous state if that was even possible.

“And you have a plan to save the world?" Meadow asked. Surprisingly, she had been pretty serious throughout this conversation.Apparently, she cared for the world.

"| have a plan, but I'm unsure if it will work," Gravis said. "If it works, | would need you to help the beasts of this world. You willnaturally know what to do. Could you do that?" Gravis asked.

Meadow remained silent again for a while.

"Urgh, fine," she groaned. "But your plan better work, or | will have to spank your butt.”

Gravis smirked. "I thought you wanted my plan to succeed. Why are you now enticing me to fail?" Gravis said.“Ew,” Meadow said, "Fuck off, pervert! I'll go back to cultivating, weirdo."

Gravis had to chuckle. Obviously, Meadow was only joking around with him, as was Gravis.

After that, Gravis gave his order again, and the two remaining level four Emperors left. For the next century, only Lords andweaker would be allowed to participate in the war. Everyone else had to find tempering inside their own camp. Like this, thedeaths of the beasts would vastly decrease.

After everything was taken care of, Gravis went over to his three children. "You have one century to learn as many Laws inpeace as you can. After that, depending on how it goes, you might need to fight for your lives."

The three of them narrowed their eyes. Comprehending Laws for a crazy long time felt terrible for beasts, but as long as theyhad a specific timeframe, it wouldn't be a problem. After all, after a century, they would fight again and become stronger.

"We will," Aris said.

Gravis nodded. "Good," then he turned to the Striders with a gleam in his eyes. "I will also make use of my time."

Why had Gravis given everyone a century? After all, he could just simply kill enough Striders to ascend in a single day.The reason for that was something else he had planned.

Gravis flew over to one of the Striders and summoned all his power. He summoned a spear full of lightning as he activated theprocess of Mortality. Then, he unleashed a fully loaded Lightning Crescent from his saber.

Lastly, he used his Law of Time to manipulate the speed of both of his attacks so that the Lightning Crescent would hit first andMortality a split second later.

The Lightning Crescent hit the head of one of the Striders and exploded violently, easily destroying the surrounding 200kilometers of space. Gravis was a level three Emperor now, and with that, his strength had also reached insane degrees. If mostof his attacking power hadn't been focused on the Strider, the explosion would have been many times bigger.

A third of the Strider's head was destroyed, and shortly after, Mortality buried itself into the Strider's brain.Boom.

Atiny noise was heard as Mortality exploded inside the Strider's head. It wasn't powerful enough to blow the whole thing up, butthe insides of the Strider's head were utterly destroyed.


A deafening sound of something gigantic falling over could be heard as the Strider fell over, dead. It hadn't even had any time tounleash its offense or defense. It had died immediately.

The world became silent as every beast looked towards the humongous Striders in the core of the world. The Striders werevisible from nearly everywhere, so Gravis killing one of them would also be noticed by nearly everyone.

Everyone knew who had killed the Strider. Did this mean that Gravis would ascend soon?"Is it ime?" Orthar asked as he appeared near Gravis.

“Not yet," Gravis said. "You have another century. In one hundred years, it is time. If you know where Motus is, please inform himof that fact too. | still have to pay him back, even if | don't want to."

"Okay," Orthar said as he returned to his Abyss.

Meanwhile, Gravis absorbed the power of the Strider. Sadly, its power wasn't enough to make him a level four Emperor. For that,he would need to kill two more.

Gravis regenerated his lightning over the next hour and killed the next Strider.One hour later, another one died.After Gravis absorbed that one, he finally became a level four Emperor. Yet, he didn't stop.

Gravis unleashed a singular Lightning Crescent at the fourth Strider, and that Lightning Crescent was enough to kill it. Thismeant that Gravis’ killing speed had doubled. Yet, to become a level five Emperor, Gravis would need ten Striders.

After three hours, Gravis had killed six Striders since becoming a level four Emperor, but then, he stopped.‘This should be enough,’ Gravis thought.BZZZZZ!

Gravis transformed into lightning and split himself into two. He had enough Spirit/Lightning inside of him to create two Graviseswith the power of a level four Emperor.

One of them flew closer to a Strider, but the Strider didn't react. After some seconds, that Gravis even came so close to theStrider that he could touch it. Sadly, it still didn’t react.


Then, Gravis kicked it.

The Strider didn't react.

"What, you don't even count that as an attack?" Gravis asked. "Then how about this?"Gravis used his Body Composition Law to attack the Strider.

Nothing happened.

The Strider didn't react, and it also didn't dissolve.

Gravis blinked a couple of times in shock. "What?" he exclaimed.

Now, Gravis was in the same situation that his enemies had been in when fighting him. That one elephant and the TornadoEmperor had both tried to dissolve his body with their Laws but failed. The same thing had now happened to Gravis.

"You're not made of flesh?” Gravis asked as he scratched his chin.

The Strider didn't react as it continued to dumbly stand there.

Then, Gravis went through one Composition Law after the other. First, he tried the materials and then all the elements. Yet, theStrider continued to just stand there.


Suddenly, Gravis felt an incredible force tearing at his body. The Gravis near the Strider had to resist the spatial tearing as theoutside Gravis looked at the Strider with perplexity.

"You're a fucking plant!?" he shouted. "Why are you a fucking plant!?"

Gravis had just tried to dissolve the body of the Strider with the Plant Composition Law, and looky there, it worked. Who knewthat these brown cow things were plants?

The Gravis, close to the Strider, gnashed his teeth in pain as he tried to resist the spatial tearing. Yet, the spatial tearing was justtoo powerful, and he felt his body getting torn apart.

BZZZZ!Then, Gravis transformed into lightning.As soon as Gravis did that, the tearing became barely bearable, but he was still being torn apart.

"Stay in one piece! Stay in one piece! Stay in one piece!’ Gravis continually shouted at himself. Even the outside Gravis grittedhis teeth. One shouldn't forget that both Gravises were the same being, which meant that they both felt the same pain.

After some seconds, the Gravis closer to the Strider was completely dissolved. The Punishment Lightning scattered and wasturned back into Energy. Like this, all of Gravis' previously absorbed Energy had returned to the world.

The Strider calmed down when it killed the attacker and continued standing there dumbly.

The surviving Gravis rubbed his chin with a smirk as a gleam appeared inside his eyes. ‘It works!" he thought.Why had Gravis given the beasts a century?

The reason for that was his Will-Aura.

When he had been a level five King,his Will-Aura had been at theabsolute possible «for his Realm,

ich vyascabottt the first level of anImmortal. Now, Gravis was nearly anentire Realm higher, which meantthat he could also push his Will-Auranearly an entire Realm higher. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Gravis had had this plan to temper himself against the Striders ever since he realized that Styr couldn't help him anymore withhis Will-Aura. Styr had been able to temper Gravis' Will-Aura by trying to scatter Gravis’ being.

Meanwhile, the Striders toresomeone apart with their weird Lawof Space Tearing or Some NnGravis remainedinsigé a physicalpean it Wouldn't help him much sincethat would be only physical pain. Yet,if he transformed into lightning,wouldn't that be the same as Styr'stempering? After all, the Strider wouldtear at his entire being. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Yet, in comparison to Styr, these Striders were not here to help him. They wanted to kill him, which required Gravis to becomemore careful. Because of that, he created another body and sent it in.

The disadvantage of that was that he would die after some seconds and would waste half of his foundation in a matter ofseconds. Such a wasteful training method was unsustainable.

At least, it would be unsustainable ifthere weren't an unending supply ofEnergy right in front of Grayig Graviswould kil fourtosinstritiers, create anw! body, let it die in tempering, andconsume more Striders. As long asHeaven kept converting his dispersedlightning into Energy, the Striderswould never stop. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!novelbin

"Heaven," Gravis said with a smirk, "| hope you're ready to work your ass off because this won't stop for the next century. Try tokeep up with me, okay?"BOOOOM!

Then, Gravis killed another two Striders.

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