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Chapter 590

Gravis wondered what would happen next. A level three King had obviously been far beyond Orthar's ability to deal with. Rightnow, Orthar was a level five King, but back then, he had only been a level five Lord.

"The King had assimilated my old Tribe and heard about me. The strategies | had employed interested him, and he caught mealive. He intended to use me as a strategist, and | had no choice in the matter," Orthar explained.

“As soon as | arrived in his Kingdom, | was put under constant supervision. He also didn't allow me to become a King since heknew that | have managed to kill a King as a Lord. Of course, | had already created a new plan by then."

"| gave the King what he wanted and allowed him to win several wars. In just two years, he had become a level four King due tohis victories. When | have gained his trust, | sent him against a seemingly weaker enemy that had hidden connections with morepowerful Kingdoms. | knew that he wouldn't return alive, so | took ahold of the opportunity."

“By then, | knew why | couldn't become a King. As soon as he left, | put my plan into motion. In these years, | managed to gainquite a following of powerful Kings that were willing to follow me. In their eyes, | would be able to give them endless benefitswithout being a danger to their lives. Benefits blind beasts to danger."

“Not only beasts," Gravis said with a sigh.

"Possible," Orthar commented. "As soon as the King left, my forces overwhelmed the loyalists. Every King willing to follow mebecame more powerful due to that fight. Additionally, a harem of mates was waiting for me, which | had prepared for this day."

"Just as predicted, the King didn't return. Instead, a level five King came and assimilated my new Kingdom into his. Of course,this was also part of my calculations. My followers have gotten a taste of the benefits | was able to bring them, which gave me aloyal following inside the new Kingdom."

"My followers kept silent about my power and wisdom, and | joined the Kingdom as a normal Lord. After a year, my children hadbeen born, and | immediately became a King. That was when | gained my most valuable weapon."

"The Law that every King automatically learns?" Gravis asked."Correct," Orthar answered. "| comprehended a Law regarding the brain that allowed me to manipulate the emotions of others."Gravis took a deep breath. Such a Law was devastatingly powerful if Orthar was the one using it.

“After | became a King, | acted very high profile and spread my wisdom everywhere. The more beasts knew about it, the better.Some years later, | gained an even bigger following but didn't keep it secret. The leading King saw my following and my wisdomand decided to make me a Commander of a defensive line, a position that | would normally be too weak for."

"| contacted the land beasts and offered them incredible benefits. These benefits were worth far more than their services asspies were worth, but that was irrelevant. Most of them would die anyway. If one of them came to claim the benefits, | had myfollowers kill them. If someone with an appropriate power level arrived, | also used them to temper myself."

"In ten years, | managed to create a high number of spies, which gave me intel for any upcoming battlefields. | fought manybattles and became a level three King. That was when the leading King became careful about me, but it had already been toolate."

"| had been prepared for him and consumed my hidden collection of corpses to become a level four King. Then, | staged a revoltand killed him. With this, | had become the leader of a level five Kingdom."

"At that time, | only needed to keep control over some defensive lines and send some beasts to the Empires. The Empires didn'tcare who led a Kingdom. They only cared about our services."

“By now, my knowledge had spread over nearly the entire ocean. Even Empires were employing my strategies, and the seabeasts won more battles, and about 50 years later, my plan finally showed results."

"What was your plan?" Gravis asked.

"The reason why | spread my wisdom over as many sea beasts as possible was to gain attention. At some point, an Emperorwould want to find the source of this wisdom to gain a reward from an even more powerful Emperor."

"A level two Emperor arrived and took me with him. This was what | wanted. | knew that my wisdom was too precious, whichwould force any powerful Emperor interested in my wisdom to protect me from enemies that were too powerful. Only when | canguarantee my survival can | think about tempering."

"This Emperor gave me to the Strength Ultimate. | talked to him, and he realized that it was better to kill the land beasts insteadof continuing like this. He feared the time when the land beasts found out that we had five Ultimates instead of three. He knewthat there was a high likelihood that he would die when that happened."

"In the beginning, with his backing, | met no opposition. My command stretched over the entire sea beast territories. Our victoriesin battles increased substantially, but we gained less powerful Kings and Emperors. That was when the Light Ultimate gotinvolved and tried to dispose of me."

"The Light Ultimate couldn't kill me directly since my backer's fighting style countered hers, but she employed a great number ofEmperors and Kings to assassinate me. | used the Kings to temper myself while | dealt with the Emperors by using otherEmperors."

Orthar told his story very directly and without great descriptions, but Gravis could imagine that Orthar probably went through aton of intense life and death situations. Knowing that someone vastly more powerful than him wanted to kill him probably put himunder a considerable amount of stress and pressure.

Yet, Gravis knew Orthar. Orthar probably wanted such a situation to occur to become more powerful. Pressure did wonders forbecoming more powerful. Instead of tempering himself against land beasts, Orthar tempered himself against sea beasts. He wasusing the internal conflict of the sea beast camp to his advantage.

‘Isn't that the same thing | did with Shira back in the River Tribe?’ Gravis thought with a smile.

"That was how the next 100 yearswent by," Orthar said. "| had free

access to any Law Bolabrsntsion

A‘eds,.- ny tempering came to me

out of its own volition. | just had towait to become an Ascender." Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

"Then, the Life Ultimate attacked," Orthar said.


Gravis smiled in embarrassmentsince he had been the one that madethe Life Ultimate.désidedto tac "|guess t {eabass carrying humanweapons was your backer?" heasked. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"Correct. | gave him a lot of knowledge about the uses of weapons, and he had noticed that it fit perfectly to his fighting style,"Orthar said.

"Sorry for getting your backer killed," Gravis said awkwardly.

"Irrelevant," Orthar said. "It is simplyanother destroyed tool. The Li 1Ultimate comprehended a fevel threeLBW, an she will leave in 50 years.With my reputation, it won't be hardto regain my status." The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"That's good," Gravis commented.

"Tell me your story," Orthar said. "| was sure that when we parted ways, you would die."

Gravis chuckled a bit. Then, he told Orthar his story.

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