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Chapter 550

With this brief intermission over, Gravis returned to understanding more about plants and life in general. Yet, there was one last thing that he had noticed about

his situation.

‘Heaven can use lightning, and | know for sure that it has a Will-Aura and a Spirit. If it didn't have a Will-Aura, the Heavenly Pressure of the Heavenborn in the

lower world wouldn't have worked. This means that my fight against Heaven might actually be more dangerous than | had initially thought,’ Gravis thought.

‘| need to increase my Will-Aura to a point where Heaven can't weaken me anymore. Otherwise, | might die in our fight. Yet, that's a problem for when | increase

my Realm again. Right now, | need to concentrate on the Laws in front of me,’ Gravis thought as he looked at the forest.Gravis threw everything else out of his mind and only looked at the plants in front of himSix years passed

Right now, Gravis had been at his current level for about twelve years, but it didn't feel like it. Sure, the beginning of trying to understand a new Law always felt

long, but the more he concentrated on something, the faster the time passed. During these six years, Ferris managed to comprehend another Law.

By now, Gravis knew a lot more about plants than before. Now, he was also sure what Laws were part of the plant-body. Roots, flowers, wood, leaves, and the“organs” were what made plants. The organ part referred to the water canals that moved nutritions and water from point A to point B. They also served as a

storage for the wood element and Energy.These five parts should each have a Law of Composition associated with them in addition to some other Laws that Gravis wasn't interested in currently.

Gravis looked at the forest again, noticing that he had barely seen 10% of its total. There were 90% more to gol The variety and size of this forest were insanelEight years passed

By now, Gravis had been in this forest for 16 years in total, and he had seen about 25% of it. His progress was becoming faster as he managed to understand

more.Another eight years passed

After 24 years in total, Gravis managed to understand about 50% of the plants in this forest. Ferris had also understood another Law during this time. Of course,

obviously, his progress had slowed"Just wait, Ferris!" Gravis thought with burning eyes.Another eight years passed

After 32 years total, Gravis understood around 96% of all the plants in this forest. By now, he felt like he was about to understand several Laws. The feeling ofbeing on the cusp of understanding another Law was as powerful as never before. Gravis was feeling it. He was so INCREDIBLY close to understanding all the

underlying principles!

Yet, Gravis didn't concentrate on trying to understand the Laws. First, he wanted to understand every single plant in this forest. Theoretically, he might be able to

force a comprehension with his current knowledge, but he wanted to know as much as possible before doing it. This way was safer.Another two years passed.

It had been 34 years since Gravis had got here. This had been his longest session of comprehension he had ever done. Insidethis forest, it almost felt like time wasn't passing. No beasts came, and no one was fighting. It was like this forest was completelycut off from the outside world.

Gravis put down the last flower he hadn't seen yet and closed his eyes. Then, he went through everything he knew about theseplants over the next hour. Inside his mind, he was listing the attributes and workings of all the plants one by one. Even with hisincredibly fast Spirit, he still required a full hour to do that.

After Gravis was done, his head felt like it was about to explode. It wanted to think about the connections of the differentcomponents so badly!

Now, it was finally time!Gravis opened his eyes and looked at the forest as a whole.

His eyes darted over all the plants and also looked at how they were connected to each other. Some of the plants were in asymbiotic relationship with others. With his new knowledge, he knew exactly how these symbiotic relationships worked.


Suddenly, Gravis felt his mind go wild as all his scattered understanding about the "organs" of plants fused together into a singleconcept.

‘This is not the end!’ Gravis thought as he looked at the roots with his Spirit. He saw how they all absorbed water and how theyacted upon the surrounding earth. He saw how some more powerful roots were able to absorb water from weaker roots. Beneaththe calm surface, a great war for resources was taking place.

BOOOOM!Gravis understood another Law as the scattered knowledge about the roots fused together into a single concept.

Next, Gravis looked at the leaves of the trees and flowers and noted how the provided nutrients by the roots and "organs" gottransformed into Energy. Plants were not only absorbing Energy from the surroundings but were also converting water andnutrients into Energy. Beasts and humans weren't able to do that.

BOOOOM!The Law of Leaf Composition appeared in Gravis’ mind.

Then, Gravis looked at the flowers and fruits growing on the trees. He saw the exact workings of how a flower slowly transformedinto a fruit. Yet, not all the flowers transformed into fruit. Some flowers worked similarly to leaves, but instead of producingEnergy, they produced the wood element. If the plant needed to fight, the saved-up wood element and Energy would fuse tobecome an attack.


Gravis understood the Law of Flower Composition. This was his fourth Law that he managed to understand in only a couple ofminutes. His long time of preparation had not gone to waste!

Now, it was time for the hardest part!

Wood was special since it crossed over into a different Element. The other components of plants were purely physical, while thewood crossed over into the elemental category of Laws. Just understanding the wood on a plant wasn't enough.

Gravis looked at how the saved-up wood element inside the trees fused with the Energy to increase the power of their barks.The Composition of the bark was partly made-up of nutrients and the Composition of the Wood Element.

BOOOOM!Gravis understood something, but it was different than what he had thought.This was not the Composition of the Wood Element, but the Composition of the Bark!

The bark of the trees was not the same as the Composition of the Wood Element! This surprised Gravis since he had thoughtthat it would be the same.

‘Sure enough, the Composition of an Element is different from the Composition of a physical material,’ Gravis thought.

‘I can't stop now! | need to use my momentum to get the Composition of the Wood Element too!’ Gravis thought with burningeyes.

Gravis fully concentrated on how the wood element acted when it transformed into physical wood. Gravis also thought back tothe time when the High Priest had invaded his Spirit Space. The soul was also part of the wood element! He had to keep that inmind!

‘No wonder Ferris managed to understand the Composition of the Wood Element that quickly. He already has managed tocomprehend the Law of Soul Infusion,’ Gravis thought.

Gravis kept staring at the trees for several hours. By now, his eyes were bloodshot, and he felt an incredible pain in his mind. Hewas straining his concentration to the breaking point.


Suddenly, a new tree quickly grew out of the ground. Gravis hadn't seen this kind of tree before, which surprised him. He saw thetree rapidly sucking in an unreal amount of resources and Energy. It produced an incredible amount of wood element and Energyin just a short amount of time.

Then, all the saved-up wood element and Energy seemingly vanished into nothingness. The bark of the tree wasn't growingharder or anything. All the wood element and Energy seemingly simply vanished!

CRRRRIGravis noticed that the trees closest to the new tree started growing more bark. Yet, their Energy and wood element expendituredidn't fit the amount of new, powerful bark being produced.

‘This tree!’ Gravis thought with burning eyes. ‘This tree is somehow able to transfer its own wood element to other trees without even touching them. Yet, itdoesn't have a Spirit! This shouldn't be possible!’

Gravis' mind was going wild again ashe looked at the efuouee hin.

What was thig connection maallowed the tree to seemingly teleportits own wood element to others!? Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!


‘What is this connection!?' Gravisthought. ‘This should also be how theHigh Priest managed t invags mySpirit S Gs, Hefdrde ly connectedhis Spirit with my Spirit. Yet, whatdoes this connection have to do withthe wood element? | can't see howwood has anything to do with thiskind of connection!’ The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

‘If | had fought with the High Priest on the outside, | might've been able to see how he summons wood to attack. Yet, | have never seen him summon any wood,’

Gravis thought as he tried everything to make the connection

‘Actually, | have seen some plants fight, but they always only fight by manipulating their own bodies to create powerful and flexible appendages. Yet, that is not

the element of wood. That's the element of wood transformed into bark. There is a huge difference!’

"So, how would they use the wood element to fight? They can't heal others with the wood element. Additionally, they always combine the wood element inside

their bodies with nutrients to create weapons for themselves. Then, they attack physically, but that doesn't mean that they're attacking with the wood element.’

"The only way of attacking | have seen is how the High Priest managed to connect our Spirits. It's almost like the wood element is only this connection,’ Gravis

thought with frustration.

Yet, suddenly, his eyes opened wide. ‘Wait, why not, actually? Maybe the wood element doesn't refer to actual wood but to the ability to connect with something?’‘Yes, that's it!’


The wood element had nothing to do with actual wood. Its main usage was to create actual wood, which was why it was named the wood element. Yet, in reality,

the wood element wasn't wood at all. The wood element was simply the ability to harmonize and connect with something else.Gravis realized all of this now, and he managed to comprehend the Composition Law of Elemental Wood.

Gravis took a deep breath, but he felt like he was about to explode with happiness deep inside. He managed to understand the hardest Law that he wanted to

understand, except for the level two Law of Plant CompositionGravis closed his eyes in peace and reset his mind. ‘Now, for the last thing," he thought

He thought back to all the materials he understood. Then, the Composition Law of Bark appeared inside his mind, which was more than enough to supplement

the wood component of the Medium Pure Material Law.Gravis smirked


And with that, Gravis also understood the Medium Pure Material Law.

38 years had passed since Gravis had comprehended his previous Law, which had been the Law of Organ Growth.38 years had passed, and Gravis hadn't understood a single Law during that time.

Now, Gravis had managed to comprehend seven Laws in only a couple of hours.

The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

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