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Chapter 55

Gravis sneered inside. Now, he was 100% sure that he was no Heavenborn. Heavenly Pressure granted by the Heavens? Thatwas simply his Will-Aura that he had trained by surviving multiple life and death fights. Incredibly high Karmic luck? That waseven more of a joke. If Gravis said that he was the second unluckiest person under Heaven, no rational person would say thatthey were the unluckiest.

Gravis felt disgusted and offended that someone would attribute his own hard work to Heaven. It was like they had said that hehad received everything from Heaven and that he had not worked for his success.

Had he not fought many low-grade demonic beasts, even though it should have been impossible to beat them with his realm? Henever relied on Heaven nor on luck to survive. Heaven tried to kill him with the Volcano, yet it failed because Gravis had seenthrough the patterns of his bad luck. Heaven had wanted to isolate him and grind down his will, yet he had persevered.

It was an incredible pain each day to stay alone. It was an incredible pain to not accept the friendship of multiple people. It wasan incredible pain, seeing Heaven's blade on the neck of a potential new friend. Saying that Heaven bestowed him everything,was the worst thing anyone could say to him.

Involuntarily, Gravis released his Will-Aura, and his eyes narrowed at the Guild Master of Light. "Do. Not. Attribute. My. Strength.To. Heaven," he slowly said in anger through clenched teeth. The Guild Masters could feel his Will-Aura clearly now, and theywere surprised by its density. They also thought that it was slightly different from Heavenly Pressure.

Some of them narrowed their eyes in thought. Others felt surprised by the sensation. The Guild Master of Light only smiledbitterly. "That was never my intention. | apologize if you took it that way," he politely apologized.

Gravis sighed and retrieved his Will-Aura. Maybe, the Guild Master of Light really didn't mean it like that. He felt a littleapologetic, but that comment had touched a wound. Heaven was the thing he hated the most, and attributing his success toHeaven was the ultimate insult to him. Gravis thought that he should also take note of his situation right now. The Guild Masterswere nice and friendly until now, but that could change.

"Anyway," said the Guild Master of Earth as he walked to Gravis. Apparently, the Guild Master of Water has calmed down andwas no longer raging around. "We have something that we need to discuss," he said as he looked at Gravis with a stern gaze.

"What?" Gravis asked flatly.

"Your slash has nearly gone through my whole earth-wall, earlier. That is something only people with tempered muscles can do.Mind explaining that?" he asked as he looked at Gravis.

When the other Guild Masters heard that, they also looked at Gravis with serious looks. This could potentially ruin every chancethey had about getting him into their guilds. It was forbidden for people with tempered muscles to join the Elemental Guilds.

Only by tempering the muscles with their respective elements was it possible to create a body that resonated with the elements.If the muscles were already tempered, it was nearly impossible for the person to build a connection with an element.

"| don't have tempered muscles," Gravis said without a change in expression. He was still mad about the earlier comments, andhe was not acting deferential at all.

"Then how do you explain your physical strength?" asked the Guild Master of Earth again.

"| have had tempered organs and blood for a long time, so my muscles are very strong. On top of that, | had used a Martial Artthat focused on pure attacking power," he explained.

The Guild Masters looked at each other in relief and a slight amount of shock. Tempering the Organs and the blood was, by far,the most expensive. The reason why those people were so rare in cities was that it cost a lot of money to temper those.

Only some isolated rich paragons could afford to temper one person fully by spending a lot of money. Of course, the ElementalGuilds also had enough money for that. They received the resources from the middle-continent, where those resources were notas rare.

"We have to test if that is true," said the Guild Master of Fire. "Though we do not have an easy method for that. If what you aresaying is not true, you will die. Are you prepared for that?" he said with an intense gaze.

Gravis narrowed his eyes at him. "I didn't lie," he said evenly. Sparks seemed to fly out between their colliding looks, yet theGuild Master of Fire only smiled.

"| like your temperament, kid," he said with a grin. Then, he jumped down from the arena, retrieved something, and came back.He held a peculiar looking spear in his hand. It was rather long, and it ended in two long tips. It kind of looked like a fork with onlytwo tips.

"| will stab through the middle of your torso with this spear, which will puncture both halves of your lung. If you have temperedorgans and blood, your lung will regenerate without issue from such a small puncture wound. Yet, if you don't, you will suffocate,"he explained gravely.

Gravis narrowed his eyes. Of course, he was not looking forward to being stabbed, but he was ready to make that sacrifice if itmeant coming closer to lightning. "Okay, go ahead," he took off his black shirt, which was surprisingly still in one piece after allthese fights, and showed his muscular upper body. "But don't miss," he remarked with a severe look.

"Heh, | won't," said the Guild Master of Fire and threw the spear. The attack came so fast that Gravis had no time to react.Energy Gathering experts were really something different.

The spear stabbed into his chest, and its tips reappeared from Gravis' back. Gravis had to take a step back due to the hit'sstrength and puked a mouthful of blood. He took hold of the spear and pulled it out of his chest, throwing it to the side. Gravistried to take deep breaths, but he somehow couldn't.

He started coughing violently, and he fell to his knees in this process. The Guild Masters looked on in intensity, while theparticipants looked on in shock and fear. This was really too barbaric in their eyes.

After several seconds, Gravis let out one more blood filled cough and then took a deep breath. With that breath, the GuildMasters looked at him with excitement. He really only had tempered organs and blood! If Gravis had tempered organs andblood, as well as tempered muscles, his earlier attack would've killed the Guild Master of Water. So, they could be sure that hedidn't have tempered muscles.

"Sine, heal him!" said the Guild Master of Fire.

"Fuck no!" shouted the Guild Master of Water back.

The Guild Master of Light onlysighed, walked to Gravis, and startedhealing him with his light. There weremultiple elerents\initl the'abiity toheakothe ? yet, water was mostlyseen as the best one since ittransferred life energy from the userto the patient. Light, on the otherhand, stimulated the remaining lifeenergy of the patient themselves.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

After some seconds, Gravis stoodback up again, looking with intensityat the Guild Master kf Ele S¥ou onlysaid you Suld puncture my lung, notpuncture my whole torso," he saidwith gritted teeth. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

The Guild Master of Fire only smirked. "You nearly killed Sine, so take this as your just punishment," he turned to the GuildMaster of Water. "Can you let the kid off now?" he asked.

The Guild Master of Water just huffedand looked away like a little girlthrowing a Sa On sie

t avejcaimedtdd n. If it was hisintention or not, the Guild Master ofFire had helped Gravis deal with hisenmity with the Guild Master ofWater. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"Alright!" shouted the Guild Master of Earth as he stomped on the ground heavily. Everyone grew silent as they listened to him."We have postponed the entrance exam for too long. We should start.”

Gravis eyes grew fiery, and he walked back to the other participants.novelbin

"Wait!" Gravis heard the Guild Master of Lightning shout and turned around. "I think | have a special job for you,” he said with asly grin.

‘What now?"

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