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Chapter 53

All participants looked up from what they were doing. Everyone saw the seven people of the Elemental Guilds, and the moreknowledgeable ones knew that those seven people were the Guild Masters. These seven were the most powerful people in theElemental Guilds, and all of them were in the Energy Gathering stage.novelbin

Gravis also stood up, yet before he could concentrate on the Guild Masters, Gravis noticed something else.

At the sides of the arena, Gravis could see the heads of some people looking over the edge of the arena to look at what wasgoing on. They had grabbed the side of the arena with their hands and held themselves there to watch.

The people behind them, who didn't have any space to grab the edge of the arena, jumped up continuously to look. They lookedlike dogs who had ventured too far into high grass and jumped over it to see where they were going. Gravis thought that thislooked really bizarre. ‘Do they have no shame?’ Gravis had also seen Jeros' head appearing for a short time.

Suddenly, one man, who had been able to grab the ledge of the arena, got pulled down, and Gravis could hear a scuffle. Shortlyafter, Jeros' head had replaced the man's at the edge of the arena. Jeros simply winked at Gravis.

Gravis smiled a little, feeling some embarrassment for the spectator's actions. Then, he shook his head to clear his thoughts andlooked back at the Guild Masters.

“Alright, everyone gather at one side of the arena!" shouted an old man with blackish-blue robes.

When everyone had gathered at one side of the arena, the young woman with deep-blue robes took out a crystal ball. Thecrystal ball looked grey and lifeless. She walked to the middle of the arena and then gestured for the youngsters to come.“Please walk past this crystal ball one at a time," she kindly asked.

Many of the youngsters didn't know what this was about, but one of them walked forward, and when he passed the crystal ball,nothing happened. The Guild Master of Water didn't seem to mind and just gestured for the next person to come.

Slowly, one person after another just walked past the crystal ball, and it never reacted. The crowd of youngsters grew denser atthe crystal ball, and now more than one youngster passed at a time. The Guild Master of Water didn't seem to mind. When theline got too wide, she told them to pass again, but closer.

The speed of the line had also increased, and the youngsters were practically passing the crystal ball with a sprint. From above,the whole scene looked like a vat of water had suddenly received a hole, and water was furiously rushing out.

"Oh?" the Guild Master of Water released a slight sound of surprise, as the crystal started glowing slightly. It wasn't very bright,and not very many people noticed it, but the glow was slowly increasing. The Guild Master of Water grew more interested in theparticipants and started watching those who haven't passed yet, with more interest.

As time progressed, the glow increased even more, and it was shining now like a little star. The gazes of the Guild Masters’increased in intensity, and they started to concentrate on the youngsters, who had not passed yet.

Suddenly, the glow increased exponentially, and the Guild Master of Water's gaze focused on a couple of youngsters. ‘They'recoming! she shouted in her mind. She felt the crystal ball and how it was close to its breaking point due to its released energy,and she knew, the person she was waiting for would be the next one.

The greed in all the Guild Masters' eyes increased, and they all focused on a black-haired youngster, carrying a black saber. Theyoungster ran to the crystal ball, which started shuddering, and ultimately exploded when he arrived beside it.

"It's you!" the Guild Master of Water excitedly shouted and tried to grab the youngster.WHOOOM!

It felt like a massive wave of death and killing intent was released, and many of the surrounding participants were affected sostrongly, that they even flew back like a shockwave had struck them. The Guild Master of Water also felt the Will-Aura andblanched. She didn't expect it to be this strong. She froze momentarily as a saber chop came down on her head withunimaginable killing intent.

The youngster was, of course, Gravis. When he had seen how the crystal ball lighted up when he got closer, he anticipated thatthis was probably a device to check for something. He also had the inkling that this device would likely react to him. When herealized that, he started watching the Guild Masters’ closely.

The more the crystal ball shone, the more the greed in their eyes increased. They looked like they were going to go mad withdesire. Gravis was not sure what they were after, but being greedily eyed by more powerful people couldn't be something good.At this point, Gravis had decided to flee.

Yet, if he just ran away suddenly, theGuild Masters could single him outand use any kind of excuse to chaseafter him. Then, he xe} hays Lealdeal NaN thane rice. So,


Chavis cided to catch them bysurprise and kill one of themimmediately. This was better thangetting chased by all of them. He hadconcentrated his Will-Aura as muchas possible on the Guild Master ofWater, and it had worked. The WindSplitting Chop would split her head.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!


Suddenly, a bolt of lighting from theside hit his saber to make the attackdeviate, yet Gravis' saber was eout of Void-Stone TRIG WaS the firstaffabk. ade out of Energy thatGravis had received in his life, and theVoid-Stone absorbed the energywithout issue. The old man inblackish-blue robes blanched whenhe saw that. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


A wall of stone appeared beforeGravis, and his saber cut throughmost of it but had been yetthe ere IS gueptise thas was afaite: so Gravis quickly retrieved hissaber and ran away with all hispower. Those people were allstronger than him, and he couldn'tpossibly win against them. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Suddenly, Gravis saw the imposing-looking Guild Master of Earth landing before him, blocking his way. All the others, except theGuild Master of Water, appeared around him, staring at Gravis with intense eyes of greed and astonishment, and Gravis felt likedeath was as close as never before.

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