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Chapter 460

Gravis thought about this whole thing for a couple more seconds but couldn't find a long-term solution. Yet, he found a short-termsolution.

"Sorry for disturbing you,” Gravis transmitted to the white ape. "Forget what | said. | found a different solution. Thanks, anyway.”

The white ape became more confused when he heard Gravis' answer. On top of that, it also felt a little weird to have a Lordspeak to him this casually. Every Lord and King always talked to him in a very subservient manner. The white ape didn't know ifhe preferred this method of talking or the other.

"Okay," the white ape answered. "We can talk more later," he said."Sure," Gravis answered.

Then, Gravis simply flew back to the arena without talking to anyone else. His short-term solution was to ask the referrer of hisfuture opponent to keep watch over the ore. They would surely accept when Gravis gave them the possibility to kill him andprotect their candidate if he came close to the ore. After all, it was in their interest.

"I'm ready," Gravis shouted.

Most beasts still looked at the mountain of ore in surprise and shock. They had just never seen anything even remotely like this.The Empress nodded and turned to the level five Lords. "Anyone willing to fight him, step forward," she said.


No level five Lord was willing to take a step forward. Gravis’ first display had already somewhat intimidated them, and the secondone was obviously even worse. Right now, none of the candidates were ready to fight Gravis. There were simply just too manyvariables.

The Empress was quite happy when she saw that. She wanted this whole thing to be over as quickly as possible. There was nolonger any reason to test Gravis, and if there were an even more outstanding beast, they would have already stepped forwardand proven themselves.


One beast stepped forward, irritating the Empress. She had just thought that this whole thing was finally over, but a beastdecided to show its guts now. Obviously, she was annoyed, but that didn't mean that she would suppress this whole event. It wasjust a bit more time that needed to be wasted.

Asilver wolf stepped forward. He was "only" 500-meters-long, but his fur stood up like it had been electrified. Judging by hiscolor, he was a beast with a lightning affinity.

The Empress released a hidden sigh. Hopefully, this time, nothing went wrong. She didn't know if she could allow Gravis to askfor a fourth opponent. At some point, this whole thing would just become ridiculous.

"| can't fight that one," Gravis suddenly shouted from the arena.

Now, the annoyance of the Empress reached new heights. Why could nothing go smoothly on this day!? As soon as Gravis gotinvolved, this whole thing devolved into some weird one-beast-show starring Gravis. Could this still be considered a contest?

"What?" the Empress asked with obvious annoyance in her voice. She even sounded a bit threatening.

Gravis scratched his metallic cheek in embarrassment. "Well, how do | put this?" Gravis said with embarrassment. "Beasts with alightning affinity aren't my opponents,” he said.

The beasts were surprised again when they heard that. How could Gravis know that this beast wasn't even his opponent if hehadn't even seen anything of the beast's power?

“How can you know that?" the Empress asked with more annoyance. Watching Gravis enrage others was fun, but it stoppedbeing fun as soon as it involved her.

Gravis still had an embarrassed smile on his face. "I kind of... don't want to explain why," Gravis said, surprising the beasts evenmore. Being casual was one thing, but refusing to answer the Empress’ question was a whole different level.

The Empress was a little taken aback when she heard that.

"How about | show you?" Gravis said suddenly before the Empress could react. Then, he pointed at the wolf while still staying inthe arena.

The beasts had no idea what Gravis was doing. Why was he pointing at his opponent from that far away?

"Stop! Stop! | won't fight you anymore!" the wolf suddenly shouted in genuine panic and terror. Then, he quickly stepped backand even buried himself in the sea of other level five Lords behind him. It was like he was trying to get as far away from Gravisas possible.

That the beasts were shocked didn't need to be described or explained. It happened so often on this day that it already becameboring.novelbin

The white ape and the Empress were also surprised. They had seen the genuine battle-intent inside the wolf's eyes. He,obviously, had been ready to put his life on the line. Yet, as soon as Gravis pointed at him, his battle-intent immediatelytransformed into genuine terror.

Alevel five Lord was too weak to fake something like this in front of two Emperors. Emperors had far superior senses and couldsee the tells and symptoms of a lie easily. One first needed to become as powerful as them to lie to them successfully.

Because of that, they realized that the wolf felt genuine terror as soon as Gravis pointed at him. What could have made him soafraid so suddenly?

Of course, Gravis simply made the lightning inside the wolf go berserk. He moved it around a bit inside his body and burnedsome unimportant things, which could be easily regenerated. The feeling of losing control of one's power was terrifying toeveryone. Such a feeling was something that only appeared in nightmares.

After some seconds, the Empress turned to Gravis again. "What did you do?" she asked. Her annoyance had disappeared andwas replaced with curiosity.

Gravis scratched his cheek again. "|made his lightning go out of control,"he said. Gravis had to tell t ery 1somethi geAtteralittey could justforce the wolf to answer, whoobviously knew what had happened.As long as Gravis didn't tell them thatit also worked on Emperors,everything should be fine. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

The Empress and the white ape weresurprised when they heard that. Wassomething like that even p ssible?How wauld-fhateleh bork’ Thelighting didn't even leave the wolf'sbody! One had to realize that noteven the white ape was able to feelthe lightning inside the wolf's body. Itwas completely hidden inside of him.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

So, how was it possible that Gravis felt the lightning? Even more, how was it possible to control it like that!?The Empress looked at the wolf, who froze immediately as he saw the Empress looking at him. "Is that true?" she asked.

The wolf quickly nodded his head. "Yes," he whimpered. He had seen how the Empress killed even Kings, and he knew that if hedid anything wrong, she would also kill him.

The Empress was a bit taken aback when the wolf confirmed it. Something like this just didn't seem possible. Why were all ofGravis’ powers so weird!?

"It's the truth," the Red King suddenlysaid. "Gravis can control the igh ingof ever beast gad rdka it‘explode.Ag long G Beast has the lightningaffinity, he can kill them with only athought." The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Then, the Red King looked at the white ape.‘No, he wouldn't!’ Gravis thought in terror."No matter how powerful the beast is," the Red King finished.

The white ape's eyes widened in realization.

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