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Chapter 42

Gravis continued running after the bandits. Along the way, the bandits picked up lots of other bandits. At the beginning, the newbandits didn't believe the old bandits and attacked Gravis. Yet, after their weapons broke, they immediately joined the makeshiftbandit caravan.

Now, every bandit that saw the caravan immediately joined them in running away. Gravis smiled while watching the banditcaravan growing bigger and bigger. Chasing those bandits was a lot of fun.

Suddenly, a cold shudder went through Gravis. He nearly fell for Heaven's trick. He had started enjoying the feeling ofsuperiority. If he hadn't noticed Heaven's intentions, his will would grow weaker. Gravis realized that he could not relax. Heavenwas treacherous and used every kind of scheme to stop him from growing.novelbin

“Even this innocent bit of fun could be weaponized by Heaven," Gravis clenched his teeth. "You really won't allow me any kind ofhappiness," he muttered to himself as he continued running.

"Why are we running? We are over 20 people by now! With that many people, we can even take down a low-grade demonicbeast!” one of the bandits shouted to the others.

“Are you kidding?" one of the first bandits of the caravan shouted through intermittent pants. "My full power spear thrust didn'teven break its skin!" Gravis had already been degraded to an ‘it’. "If we can't even break its defense, then how are we supposedto kill it?"

"There must be something we can do! I'm not sure | can hold out much longer!" the same bandit who proposed the attack said.

"Quit whining. I've been running way longer than you, and | can still keep going," shouted the very first bandit. "You're going to beimpressed when you see how far your body can be pushed in this chase. We only need to run! The closer we get to Body City,the stronger our fellow brothers get."

“But it's so far," one of them whined. "Why don't we just scatter?"“And get picked off one by one? Are you insane? There is safety in numbers," another one immediately shut down the idea.“Hey! You just said that our numbers don't matter, so how is there suddenly safety in numbers?" the bandit seemed annoyed.

“Have you ever seen a swarm of fish? They can't do anything about their predators, but due to their numbers, many of themsurvive. | doubt the monster will kill every single one," one of them explained.

“Fuck you, I'm taking this chance!" another bandit shouted as he left the street and ran to the right into the forest."Tch, idiot," a bandit spat on the ground.

They watched how the monster chasing them would react to the fleeing bandit. Surprisingly, the monster seemed to ignore thebandit. When others saw how it ignored the bandit, they immediately took their chance and also scattered in all directions.

"You idiots!" cursed the first bandit, and continued running along the path. "Who will warn our brothers, if you all run for yourlives?" he shouted at them, heroically. It seemed like this bandit had quite the loyal heart. Even if it might cost his life, he wouldstill warn his brothers on the street. Luckily, he was not completely alone. Another Bandit followed him.

"Ignore those selfish bastards! We'll warn our brothers!" he stated heroically as they pitifully continued running.

Gravis tried to ignore everything. If he were to attach any emotions to this situation, it would only help Heaven. After all thisrunning, Gravis finally decided to take a break and slowed down. Also, he started getting hungry. He didn't bother to bring anyrations since he could just hunt any wild animal or ferocious beast.

The two bandits grew ecstatic as they saw Gravis giving up the chase. Yet, they continued running. They had to get away as faras possible. After some minutes, they ultimately left Gravis’ vision. He didn't care and just rested for a couple of minutes.

After he had rested enough, he ran into the forest to get some food. He searched for some minutes until he heard a loud roarechoing throughout the forest. "Interesting," Gravis muttered and ran to the roar's origin.

When he arrived, he saw a big clearing in the middle of the forest. There were no animals and no grass. This seemed unusual.Gravis also saw the origin of the roar in the middle of the clearing.

It was a sizable badger. It was probably around two meters high, and its grey fur was glistening in the sun. It calmly lay in themiddle of the clearing.

“Low-grade demonic beast," Gravis quickly concluded. After all his fights, Gravis developed a certain feeling towards beasts.Just by watching a beast, he could roughly gauge its strength. "Just what | needed," he muttered. Finally, something that couldput his new tempered skin to the test. On top of that, low-grade demonic beasts in the wild always loitered around naturaltreasures.

There was a difference between low-grade demonic beasts in the wild and the ones near human settlements. The targetmonsters of the Hunting Guild's missions always stayed close to human territory. Those monsters were using humans as a foodsource to keep growing. Yet, the monsters in the wilderness always took the best spots.

Gravis walked to the badger but didn't activate his Will-Aura, while carrying his saber in his right hand. The badger noticed himand slowly rose to its feet. Normally, it would just roar to scare anything away that was coming closer. Yet, this time, there was adifference. It had started getting hungry.

The badger didn't stand on ceremony and charged at Gravis, and when it reached him, it swiped one of its claws at him. Graviswanted to try out his tempered skin and blocked the claw with his free arm.


The claws left some shallow gashes in his arm that bled. It didn't use its full power, and its claws were not its primary weapon.Gravis knew that and concluded that a normal attack would not injure him heavily. That was a significant improvement to thepast. If he got hit by anything in the past, he would be severely injured. In the past, he couldn't allow for any mistakes. He alwayshad to be perfect.

It seemed like, with his tempered skin, he only needed to evade the really strong attacks from low-grade demonic beasts. Thepressure had lessened immensely. Yet, everything had its advantages and disadvantages. While surviving grew easier now, thetempering of his will grew harder. If the pressure lessened, his will could not increase that quickly anymore.

Additionally, Gravis was absolutely sure that he still couldn't take on a middle-grade demonic beast. Their attack power andspeed was just too overwhelming. Tempered skin or normal skin, it literally didn't make a difference. He would get severelyinjured or killed either way. This left him in an awkward spot. Tempering his will grew severely harder by fighting low-grade

demonic beasts, but middle-grade demonic beasts were definitely too strong for him.

When the badger finished its attack,Gravis instantly released hisWill-Aura, which had grown strongerby killing the ceptipdaé rhe ba geriramedi ay stiffened. It felt like amighty beast was close and wouldkill it at any moment. If its enemyweren't so close, it could reactproperly, yet the sudden shock madeit unable to move. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Gravis had already guessed that hisWill-Aura would stun the badger, sohe immediately jumped for its headand buried his saberint9 one@ritdeyes adidas Ke could. The badgercouldn't react in time, and the sabercut through its eye, right into itsbrain. The badger panicked andswiped one of its paws at the saber.Gravis simply retreated, leaving hissaber stuck in its head. The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


The full power of its swipe struck the saber. It didn't matter from which side it struck the saber. The cutting edge was angled tothe inside of its brain. If it hit it from the inside, the saber would cut through its brain, and if it hit it from the outside, the saber'sblunt side would shake or destroy its whole skull.

As for breaking the saber? That was impossible for a low-grade demonic beast.

The swipe hit the saber's inner side, and it cut deep into the badger's brain. The badger immediately seized and fell to theground. Its muscles and limbs were spasming out of control. Gravis jumped to the saber and moved it around in the badger'sbrain. Shortly after, the badger completely stopped moving.

Gravis looked at the dead badger andstarted thinking. "My Will-Aura hassubstantially increased after killi

the contest Nedduse iPas aslirprise attack. My skin allows me toblock most attacks of low-gradedemonic beasts. As long as nothingunforeseen happens, low-gradedemonic beasts should not be anythreat to me anymore." The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

He sighed.

"I've grown stronger. Enemies that always required me to execute a nearly flawless plan perfectly, can now be killed casually."Gravis didn't feel excited. He didn't know why. In the past, he always imagined him being incredibly excited or happy when hisstrength increased. Yet, it felt like he didn't care. Why was that?

Gravis had already realized the reason, but it was hard acknowledging it.

It was because he was alone.

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