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Chapter 349

"Grassis?" Gravis asked with a lifted brow. "Is that a joke?”The Opposer looked at Gravis with his steely gaze. "Yes," he said coldly.

Gravis was first a bit confused, but then he started laughing. "Okay, it might not be funny, but your delivery is spot on," Gravissaid. His father's blunt and cold delivery somehow made the shitty joke funny.

The Opposer stood up and walked over to his son. "Welcome back," he said, this time with a smile.Gravis also smiled. "Thank you, father."

"Come, sit with me,” he said as he sat down again. Gravis followed and also sat down.


Two cups appeared out of thin air, and Gravis immediately smelled what was in them. It was something that he had dearlymissed. Gravis took the offered cup and smelled it more closely. "Coffee," he said with a sigh. "But it smells a bit differently.”

"Yes," the Opposer said, "because this is a new blend. After all, you're no longer a mortal. You're as strong as grass now,” theOpposer said with a smirk.

Gravis rolled his eyes. "Haha," he said sarcastically, "but | guess you're right. | wouldn't have expected that even just grasswould be this powerful," he said while sipping from the cup.

The nostalgic taste assaulted his tastebuds, but that was not all. Gravis felt parts of the coffee enter his Spirit Space.Surprisingly, the coffee fused with his Self in the Spirit Space, and Gravis felt awake and refreshed.

Seeing Gravis’ astounded expression, the Opposer smiled. "You're not a normal cultivator, so | had to invent this new kind ofcoffee. Otherwise, you wouldn't feel a thing.”

Gravis was a bit surprised that there was a drink that could affect his peculiar Spirit. After all, his Self in his Spirit Space wascomprised of lightning. How would anything be able to affect it? Yet, he quickly remembered who his father actually was.Something like this probably wasn't difficult for him.

It felt refreshing to actually drink something that affected his Spirit. The Spirit Wine hadn't worked back in the Lightning Sect.Gravis didn't care about that, but he had feared that he also wouldn't feel the effects of coffee or tea anymore. Luckily, his fatherfound a way around this.

"To come back to your earlier comment," the Opposer said, "only the grass surrounding the city is this powerful. That's becauseof the Energy density and the constant struggle for survival. After all, one fight between some beasts is deadly for grass."

Gravis remembered something. "Speaking of, what were these shockwaves? I'm assuming that two beasts fought against eachother?" Gravis asked as he took another sip.

The Opposer nodded. "Two beasts of the same faction had a scuffle and fought against each other about 1700 kilometers awayfrom you. Such a scuffle can take up to a year if they are pretty close in power," he said.

Gravis' eyes widened in shock. "1700 kilometers away from me, yet the shockwaves were still so powerful?" he asked with ashocked voice.

The Opposer nodded. "Yes. You should remember where you are," he said."The highest world?" Gravis asked.

The Opposer shook his head. "Yes, but I'm referring to a more specific place. You're in the Central Plains, where the Energy isthe densest in the entire world. Only the most powerful beasts and cultivators live here. You can't find any mortals for millions ofkilometers, except the ones that are protected by their powerful family."

Gravis nodded. "That makes sense," he said and stayed silent for some seconds. "Father, could you tell me more about ourworld?" he asked.

"Sure," the Opposer said. "Your will is powerful enough that seeing the wider horizon won't affect you anymore. If | told you thesethings earlier, you might see the vast gulf in power and think that you would never reach it."novelbin

Gravis nodded. "I understand," he said.

The Opposer finished his cup and refilled it. "Our world was the first world. Back then, meaning before | became this powerful,there were no other worlds.”

Gravis' eyes widened. "No other worlds?" he asked. He had assumed that all the worlds had been created at the same time.

His father nodded. "Yes. There was only this world. The old bastard only decided to create the other worlds to expedite thegathering of Cosmic Energy after he saw that | became a threat. After all, he and | still become stronger, and he needed an edgeover me," the Opposer explained.

Gravis' felt his horizons widen. Cosmic Energy? The Opposer and Heaven were still becoming more powerful? He had expectedthat both of them had already reached the peak. "What's this Cosmic Energy?" Gravis asked.

The Opposer stayed silent for a couple of seconds. "I can't tell you all the details since that would maybe motivate the oldbastard to move against you, but I can tell it to you in more general terms."

“Every world is created inside something that | call the Chaos Void. There is no official word for it since I'm the only being thathad ever been there," he explained.

Gravis' felt his heart race. His father was about to tell him something that only he knew. Probably no one else, except for maybesome members of his family, knew this.

"It's basically an endless conglomerate of chaotic forces with no pattern. To put the forces at play into perspective: Every otherbeing that would go there would die immediately. Only the old bastard and | can survive out there."

Gravis couldn't imagine the power of the forces at play.

“Energy is part of the Chaos Void, and that's where the Energy in the world comes from. The world is able to filter the Energy outof the forces, but it doesn't have enough attraction to pull in more than just a little bit," he explained.

"That's where the cultivators come into play. Try to imagine the world as a spherical filter inside an ocean. The filter only allowswater to enter the sphere but not exit it. Obviously, the sphere has the same density and pressure inside as outside, right?" theOpposer asked as he drank more coffee.

Gravis nodded. "Right, and in order to get more water into it, the water inside the sphere needs to be compressed to make roomfor more. After all, you said that no water could exit it," Gravis said.

The Opposer nodded. "Exactly. Thewater is obviously Energy in thisanalogy. In order to comprese,the\Energy, Lwoutd, to use moreEheldy. Like this, you only have asmall gain of Energy since youalready used a lot of it to compress it.On top of that, it requires moreEnergy the further you compress it."The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

The Opposer finished his cup. "That'swhere cultivators come into play," theOpposer said. "By becoming stronger,they automatically co ressmoreand mare Energy inte themselvesacne more from thesurroundings. This creates emptyspots of Energy in the world, whichwe call an Energy Vacuum. Due tothe lower pressure, more of thechaotic forces get pulled into theworld to fill the vacuum. Thus, moreEnergy enters the worlds." Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

"That's the reason why there are cultivators," he repeated.

Gravis looked out of one of the windows in thought. The reason why there was cultivation was one of the central philosophicalquestions that every human had. This question was on the same level as to why there were life and death and why the worldeven existed in the first place.

Yet, such a philosophical question had such a logical and straightforward answer. "So, cultivators only exist to make the worlds,and probably also Heaven, more powerful?” he asked.

The Opposer nodded. "Exactly," he said. "For your info, the reason why death exists also has something to do with it. Byknowing why there's cultivation, you should be able to infer why death also exists," the Opposer said.

Gravis sighed. Even the mysteriousreason for death was this logical. He

already hada are guess)"The possibility ofl r losing ouridved ones is terrifying and amotivator to become more powerful.After all, with more power, we have abetter chance of protecting ourselvesand our close ones." The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

The Opposer nodded. "Yes. Same reason why we have love and friendship. If we didn't care for our close ones, death wouldn'thave such a powerful effect. Everything has been perfectly designed to motivate us to become stronger, and therefore,increasing the power of the old bastard."

Gravis sighed again. It felt like the world's philosophical truths had been answered, but the answer was only cold, selfish, andlogical. Everything only existed to make Heaven more powerful.

Gravis sighed another time as he finished his cup.

He felt like some of the wonder and magic of the world had left, only to leave a grey and calculating machine.

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