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Chapter 342


“But I'm telling you, I'm Gravis!" Gravis shouted as he punched the desk in front of him, but the desk wasn't damaged in any way.By now, the clerk and Gravis had been at this topic for over ten minutes, and they had moved to the clerk's office.

“And I'm telling you that there is only one person named Gravis working as a Research Assistant. You don't look like him, youdon't feel like him, and you don't have the Obsidian Ring on you," the clerk said back with annoyance. "I don't know what you'retrying to accomplish, but it's not going to work!"

"Like | said, my cultivation has changed my look, and | lost the ring!" Gravis shouted back. This whole conversation was gratingon his nerves. He hated it when people told him that he was lying. Gravis was pretty sure that he knew his own fucking name!

The clerk snorted. "Even if that were the case, Gravis has left only two days ago, which would be equal to about six years. Howwould you have reached the Unity Realm in only six years? On top of that, look at your ridiculously overtrained Will-Aura. Howwould you even do that in six years?"

"You're telling me that there is no way to reach the Unity Realm in such a short amount of time? Also, | went through a lot oftempering to get that Will-Aura, and it took me only six years! If | can achieve this Will-Aura in only six years, you can't tell methat there is no way to reach the Unity Realm in six years!" Gravis shouted back.novelbin

"Sure, there are ways to reach the Unity Realm in a short amount of time," the clerk said, "but all the lower worlds available toResearch Assistants follow the Will-Forging Path. The fastest way to progress in that path is to remain at least ten years in theSpirit Forming Realm. Even with the help of pills, your Spirit still needs to adapt!"

Gravis clenched his fists in frustration. "Then how about | just tell you how | achieved it? You should be able to verify if that ispossible or not!" Gravis shouted back.

The clerk shrugged. "Sure. Telling us everything you learned about cultivation is your job either way," the clerk said as hesummoned a Jade Token, which floated over to Gravis. "Put it against your forehead and make your Spirit enter it for about fiveseconds. It automatically records everything you know about cultivation."

Gravis grabbed the Jade Token out of the air. Many people wanted to keep their cultivation a secret, but that was impossible forGravis. After all, it was literally his job to gather and deliver the knowledge of a lower world.


Gravis put the Jade Token at his forehead and made his Spirit enter it. He felt his Spirit being filtered by the Jade Token, andafter five seconds, it pushed his Spirit away. "There! Go check it for yourself!" Gravis shouted with annoyance as he threw theJade Token back.


Ahand caught the Jade Token, but it was neither Gravis' nor the clerk's hand.

"There are things in here that no one should know," the Opposer said as he crushed the Jade Token.Gravis looked with pleasant surprise at his father. "Father, long time no see," he said.

The Opposer looked at Gravis with a smile and nodded. "We'll talk later." Then, he turned to the clerk, who was sitting there interror and with widely opened eyes. Did the most powerful being of the world just arrive right in front of him? He couldn't evenprocess what was happening.

Another Jade Token appeared, as well as four shining, white stones. "This includes all cultivation techniques for this lower world,and these are the four Immortal Energy Stones that my son owes you," he said.

The clerk accepted both things with shock and reverence. "Th-Thank you, your exalted majesty," he said quietly.And suddenly, the Opposer wasn't there anymore. It was like he had never been here in the first place.Gravis looked with a smug grin at the clerk. "Convinced now?" he asked.

The clerk released a nervous sigh. "Yeah, okay. Sorry," he whispered as he started filling out the form. "Apparently, it really ispossible. Who would've thought?" he muttered to himself. He wouldn't doubt the Opposer's words.

After some seconds, the clerk put the Jade Token on his forehead. A second later, he put it away again and frowned. "Eh, threeoutta ten. Pretty bad. But the information is very comprehensive and very detailed. Of course, that's to be expected from hisexalted majesty," he commented.

Gravis furrowed his brows. "What do you mean with that?" Gravis asked.

The clerk seemed to be back in his usual, carefree, and boring mood. "We rate the cultivation techniques of the worlds on ascale of one to ten. We take the strength, ease of use, adaptability, speed, and potential into account."

"The strength of the cultivation techniques of that lower world is a little bit above average, but it's not easy to use. First, you haveto create a separate Elemental Seed, and you also need to have a fitting temperament. This makes it nearly impossible for oneperson to cultivate more than one element. On top of that, the temperaments would clash."

Gravis' eyebrows rose in surprise. "Does that mean that the temperament restriction isn't an issue in other elemental cultivationmethods?"

"Nope," the clerk said. "Many of them just suppress and use the element, while others make the element completely yours.That's a way more effective method to use the elements."

Gravis was a little surprised about that. "What about the other three criteria?" he asked.

“Adaptability refers to the possibility to change, modify, or remove the cultivation technique with the least amount of backlash aspossible. It's also around average in that regard. Could be better, could be worse," the clerk narrated as he played with the JadeToken in his hand.

"Speed refers to the speed of progress in cultivation. Some cultivation techniques hinder progress, while others hasten it. Samelike the previous criteria, it could be considered as average."

Gravis frowned. "So, everything up to now is average or slightly above average, with one thing being worse than average. Untilnow, it sounds like a five out of ten for me. | guess the bad factor is the last criteria?" Gravis asked.

The clerk nodded. "Exactly. With these Elemental Seeds, you create something new inside of you that still remains its own thing.Your power comes from this seed, but the seed isn't completely yours. After all, if it were yours, it wouldn't have a restriction onyour temperament, would it? Having another arm doesn't force you to grab more stuff, does it?"

Gravis thought about this. He hadn't seen it like that before, but it made sense. "I'm guessing this will be a problem later downthe line?"

The clerk nodded again. "In theImmortal Realm, you need to create abody that can resonate and mharmonize withgqukL@dvs“Heivingsomethi g foreign inside you makesthat pretty difficult. Yet, at that point,the Elemental Seed has already beenpart of you for a long time. Changingit will make it difficult andtime-consuming,’ the clerk explained.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

Gravis was confused. "Laws? What's that?" he asked.

"The understanding of the world.Water goes down. Hot air goes up.Lightning goes boom. All simple rulesof the world, but thentoye complexmeghahies are Salled Laws. If youunderstand and feel them, you canuse them to become more powerfuland grow. But that's not somethingyou need to care about right now.Give it another two Realms," the clerkexplained. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Gravis wanted to ask more, but he decided to ask his father instead of the clerk later. His father would probably explain it in amore comprehensive manner.

Seeing that Gravis had no morequestions, the clerk put the clipboardaway. Then, he su meyetan m

2) blemtiete'Syb r ResearchAdept emblem. Don't lose it, or youwill be thrown out of the city fortrespassing," he said as the emblemfloated over to Gravis. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Gravis put the emblem onto his black shirt and nodded at the clerk. Then, he left the hall.

Meanwhile, the clerk released a nervous sigh as he slumped back into his chair. ‘Man, I'm lucky that | don't do the round-up. If |did that, | would probably be dead right now,’ the clerk thought with lingering fear.

When someone came back from the lower world and used a service that cost money, some of his colleagues would round up thesum. Like this, Gravis' four Immortal Energy Stones would have become five. Four would go to the company, while one would bepocketed.

Luckily for the clerk, he was one of the few honest clerks.Scamming the Opposer's son?

That was an all-exclusive high-end express delivery to the afterlife.

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