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Chapter 333

It took nearly a day until Gravis finally reached the amount of lightning that he wanted. The Freya's Birch had already stoppedgrowing around 18 hours ago. At that time, it had become a high-grade Spirit Plant, and since ascending was impossible forbeasts and plants, it was simply impossible for it to grow any more. It would have this exact size until the day it would die.

Yet, it towered above everything. It had reached ten kilometers in height, but that didn't mean much. After all, many Spirit Plantsreached that height. The really impressive aspect was its sheer width. Its trunk had a diameter of around two kilometers, makingthe tree appear like a wall.

Yet, its trunk was nothing in comparison to its crown. Its crown stretched to a distance of nearly thirty kilometers. Everythingbelow it was shrouded in pure darkness, but that was nothing new to the Lightning Sect. After all, the Lightning Sect had beenbuilt under a constant congregation of storm clouds.

Speaking of the storm clouds, since the tree could be considered as a part of lightning, the storm clouds ignored it. The cloudsstill congregated above the Sect, though the difference was that there was also a thick ceiling of leaves at the clouds’ normalheight.

But since the tree was part of lightning, the clouds floated through the leaves and branches like they didn't exist. From theground, everyone could only see storm clouds intermingling with the tree's crown. Sometimes, lightning would shoot through andalong the leaves and branches, illuminating the tree. When the disciples looked at it, they felt a profound feeling.

Before the tree, they were tiny ants. Sure, a lot of elders could fight the tree without dying, but just its imposing size with theability to stretch through the storm clouds made it appear almost divine. The Freya's Birch from the Freya Clan was only a smallchild in comparison to this one.

This was probably the only high-grade Spirit Plant in the entire world. Plants couldn't move, so, as soon as someone saw apowerful Spirit Plant, they could retreat and return with a strong enough party to kill it. After all, such powerful plants surely wereworth a lot and were also useful for tempering.novelbin

Gravis smiled as he watched the happy tree. Even though it had become truly powerful in this lower world, its emotions were stillthe same. It still looked at Gravis as a father. The only difference was that it didn't show any hunger anymore. It had finishedgrowing, and now, its goal was to stay alive and send seeds out into the world.

"Please watch over the Lightning Sect," Gravis said. "They have helped you grow, and they will feed you. Yet, in return, youshould also help them. They won't betray you."

The tree sent back a feeling of affirmation. Many trees used symbiosis with other organisms, so it was not a new concept for thetree. The Lightning Sect had fed it, so it should also do something in return.

From this day forth, the most powerful and long-lasting protector and core of the Lightning Sect had been created.Though, that was not completely true.

Gravis looked at the nearly destroyed Lightning Sect. Due to its wild growth, the tree had destroyed over two kilometers of land.Buildings were destroyed, and the rubble was pushed outward. The Lightning Sect was in complete ruin.

Yet, this could be considered a rebirth. The old had been destroyed to create a nearly unshakable foundation for the future. TheLightning Sect would be reconstructed bigger and more powerful than ever before. The Lightning Sect was about to become anunshakable domain.

When Gravis saw that, he sighed. "It's not an eventuality anymore," Gravis said to himself. "The Lightning Sect has truly becomedominant. Even if the other six Sects attack at the same time, with the tree's power and the endless amount of Life Lightning, theSect can withstand such an assault."

Gravis looked at the tree. ‘It probably has an absurd amount of Life Energy. Killing it would take forever, even with multiple TreeStage cultivators. On top of that, it can regenerate itself with its own lightning. The only Sect that is still stronger is the HeavenSect, but as soon as Heaven is dead, they will all lose their Will-Aura. At that point, even Sapling Stage cultivators could stopthem from acting simply by using their Will-Aura.’

Gravis also looked at his own body. His lightning went a little bit out of his dantian, but not enough to leave his whole body. Withhis even stronger Spirit, he had compressed it again to an even smaller size. Gravis guessed that even without reaching theUnity Realm, his Spirit and lightning were probably only a tiny bit weaker than someone at the Unity Realm, and that was onlyconsidering Unity Realm cultivators that went through the Self Stage.

The biggest difference, though, was the body. Gravis' body was way weaker than his lightning and Spirit. He thought that thisappeared as kind of a waste, but he had to live with it. He had tried taking more pills, but it was absolutely impossible to increasethe power of his body. It was literally stuck at its weak stage. Gravis didn't even find anything that could help him in the HighPriest's belongings. If the High Priest didn't have such a thing, it probably didn't exist in this world.

On top of that, the feeling of resonance between his centers of power had changed. After he had just reached the Self Stage,Gravis had felt the resonance. At that time, his body and Spirit had resonated the strongest while the lightning only had had aweak feeling of resonance.

But now, his Spirit and lightning had a perfect feeling of resonance, while his body appeared very distant. It felt like his bodyalmost wasn't connected. Yet, the feeling was there, even if it were only faint. This meant that Gravis could still reach the UnityRealm whenever he wanted.

As Gravis thought about this, he sighed again. '| have no way of fixing this. | feel like my breakthrough will be imperfect, but thereis no alternative.’

Gravis quickly shook his head to regain his bearings. ‘It doesn't matter!’ Gravis thought with motivation. 'I will reach the UnityRealm, and | can find a solution to this problem later. | don't like to rely on others, but father probably knows what | should do. Assoon as | return, | can ask him.’


Gravis jumped down from the tree. As he fell, he began thinking about something else. ‘Why is it possible for people at the UnityRealm to fly while | can't?’ Gravis thought as he scratched his chin in free fall. ‘Even people that reached the Unity Realm via theTree Stage can fly."

‘I'm certain that | am way more powerful than such a Unity Realm cultivator. Yet, | still can't fly. | wonder, what do they actuallyuse to fly? Can | actually fly, but just don't know it?”


Gravis used his Spirit to slow his fall.This was the only way that he couldexplain how Unity Raf cliltivatorscbuld fly, ISis descent slowed downand eventually stopped. Yet, hisdescent started again shortly after.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

‘can stop myself in the air, but this short moment has used up over 50% of my Spirit,’ Gravis thought in exhaustion. ‘My body isjust too heavy.’

Suddenly, Gravis' eyes widened inrealization. 'Too heavy? Of course!’ hethought and started laughing. ‘WhenI'm at the Unity Realm oad just ionyqove ny say sical power into mySpirit. At that point, my body wouldbecome weak, and therefore, lighter.Instead of having to lift a body thatweighs many tons, | only have to lift abody that weighs around a hundredkilograms with a powerful Spirit.’ Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Gravis' eyes shone. ‘Like this, | could shoot my body around like a pebble.’ Gravis snickered a bit. ‘So that's how Uni-"BOOOOOOM!

Gravis hit the earth like a meteor andcreated a huge crater. He had been infree fall all this fiméyaha his ?inereuiby heavy body hit the groundat terminal velocity. It was like ameteorite had hit the earth. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

After a couple of seconds, the dust vanished, and Gravis was visible again. He was stuck in the ground inside the crater, andonly his head and right hand were visible.

His right hand was still scratching his chin in thought.

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