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Chapter 307

The group told Gravis what they went through in their first trial. They had to defend themselves from an army of beasts that grewmore and more numerous as time went by, without any pause. Gravis immediately saw the similarity between that trial and hismad dash for power back in his homeworld. Back then, he had willingly put himself in a similar situation.

That mad dash for power had helped him in condensing his initial Will-Aura. After all, it was good tempering, and it gave a lot ofcombat experience. The group had to adapt to waves of beasts that continually got stronger to survive.

This confirmed Gravis' thought that Heaven was putting the group through the perfect trials for them. After all, they had threepeople that went through the tenth level of Energy Gathering. They were probably more valuable to Heaven than all the othergroups combined. In total, their trial had been going on for one month.

Then, it was Gravis’ turn to tell of his first trial. He told them of the priest that he had met and how outclassed he was. When hetold them how prepared the priest was for him, their disbelief only increased. How could he have possibly gotten out of thatsituation alive? In their minds, it had been impossible for him to win.novelbin

When he came to the point where he told them about his guesses on how the Jade Tokens worked, they realized that therereally was a chance. It actually sounded really logical! Yet, even if that solution appeared logical to them now, they doubted thatthey would have been able to see it in such a situation.

Emotions could be a liability in a fight. If one feared the enemy too much, they would think less about a way to survive and moreabout the horror they were experiencing themselves. Only by keeping a cool head in a stressful situation would one be able tomake the best decisions.

When Gravis came to the point where the fight ended, the reactions of the group were mixed. Joyce looked with disgust atGravis. Claude, the lightning disciple, looked a little uncomfortable. Manuel just laughed. After all, he had done similar things inthe past. The darkness disciple looked with motivation and admiration at Gravis. Gravis had used all his weapons, no matter howdespicable, to win the fight. That perfectly fit the temperament of darkness cultivators.

“And that's where | got that spear," Gravis said as he pointed at the spear that Manuel was holding. He wanted to familiarizehimself with his weapon, so he carried it around.

Yet, admiration was the last thing on the group's mind right now. Of course, Gravis’ performance was more than praiseworthy,but the fact that Gravis went through such an insane first trial made them nervous and afraid of their future trials. This obviouslydidn't conform to the rules of the inheritance. Also, how was it possible that a priest was inside this trial? Hadn't a previousascendent created this trial?

"Will we be able to survive?" Joyce asked the group with worry, but they also weren't sure. This showed a precedence ofsomething way too powerful appearing. If something like this happened to them, they could only die. Should they stop and waituntil they reached the Self Stage? After all, there was no time limit.

"Something like this won't happen to you," Gravis said, eliciting unsure glances from the group. They knew that Gravis knew alot, but they couldn't bet their lives on that. After all, Gravis could be mistaken.

Gravis saw that and rubbed his chin in thought. "Hey, wait here for a minute, okay?” he said. Then, he went back into the corridorhe came from. The door to the first trial was closed again, but not the door to the corridor that led to the first trial. The grouplooked at the retreating Gravis in confusion. What was he doing? Did he need to take a shit?

After running for about two kilometers, so that he was outside their Spirit's range, he stopped and looked at the ceiling. "Youthree are probably having a grand ol' time watching this. Two are probably watching in interest, while the last one is watching infrustration," he said with a smirk.

The three beings he was referring to were the lower Heaven, highest Heaven, and his father. "Anyway, so you've seen howunsure they are after they heard what happened to me in the first trial. They might decide to completely follow me from now on orto just wait here for 40 years or so. | guess highest Heaven isn't a big fan of that. After all, you want powerful cultivators and alsopeople close to me so that you can take them hostage in the future."

Of course, no one answered.

Gravis only smirked. "I am pretty close to Joyce and Manuel, and you know that. So, how about this? | tell them about theHeaven's Trial and how it works so that they can continue tempering themselves. When they know the background, they cantemper themselves without any worries. We all want that, right? So, that alright with you?"

"The old bastard said ok," the voice of Gravis' father appeared in his mind.Gravis nodded. "Alrighty then."

Even though he hadn't shown any outward emotional reaction to his father's voice, Gravis was still happy and relieved that hisfather was watching him. This showed that his father was interested in and supportive of Gravis’ progress. This also remindedhim that he still had a family waiting for him. He hadn't talked to his mother in years, and he was also missing her.

After that, Gravis walked back to the group, who was still discussing and gathered their attention. "Alright, | just got the OK to tellyou the truth about this inheritance," he said, eliciting even more confused expressions.

Gravis explained to them the worth of a cultivator and the different standings in the middle world. That was to tell them theirimportance to Heaven. Then, he told them about the concept of a Heaven's Trial.

After he was finished, a lot more things made sense. The appearance of a priest in the first trial, the splitting off from the othergroups, the incomprehensible amount of wealth in this "inheritance", the continually changing trials, it all made sense now!

"So anyways,” Gravis said, "that's why you don't have to be worried. Your group is more valuable than every other groupcombined. Heaven will send trials at you that will push you to your limit, but it won't send something so strong that only death isleft."

Then, Gravis looked solemnly at them. "Of course, you can't take it lightly. You will still be in mortal danger. It might even makethe next trial extra hard just to prove that you can't lose focus. Going through the tenth Stage of Energy Gathering is nice, but ifyou can't even get through something like that, what's the point of letting you ascend?"

All this information came as a shock to the group. Heaven had always been an elusive concept, something beyond time andcomprehension. Yet, the way Gravis explained Heaven, it seemed almost human. On one point, they felt they understoodHeaven better, but on another point, this kind of took some of the exciting mysticism and magic out of the world. After all, theforce that governed the entire world was basically nothing more than an administrator of some area.

“But if that is true, why did it send a priest at you?" Manuel asked.

Gravis rolled his eyes. "Duh, because it wants to kill me. My goal is to kill this garbage lower Heaven, and | am pretty fuckingclose to having that strength. It is backed into a corner. Any beast that is backed into a corner will try its very best to defenditself."

Manuel was a little surprised by the logical and mundane explanation. Again, Heaven appeared like just some dude in his eyes.This really overturned all his previous feelings for Heaven and the rules of the world. It was just too logical and calculating, justlike a human.

"How many Magic Stones do you have, Manuel?" Claude asked suddenly.

Manuel turned to the person with confusion, but then his face warped into a smirk. "Good decision! | have enough for you. I'lllend them to you for the time being, but you better repay me, okay?"

Claude sighed and nodded. "Thank you. | won't forget this debt."BANG!

His Spirit shattered, and he fell back into the Energy Gathering Stage. Joyce and the darkness disciple were pleasantly surprisedwhile Gravis smirked. "That's the right decision," he said.

With this, the whole group wouldconsist of people that went throughthe tenth Stage of Energy Gathering.For everyone else) thisDedver's Trialwasian atic death sentence,but for this group, it was the besttempering experience in the entireworld. Not everyone had the luxury ofhaving Heaven choose appropriatetempering for them. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"Anyway, you go on and continue,"Gravis said as he walked to thesecond trial. Just |i before, chet

gona anni 1’ and one door

ith a ‘4’. "I'll be the first to finish the

second trial. See you in a couple ofmonths!" he said with a wave as hepushed open the door. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

The group was a little surprised by the sudden departure, but they all gave their farewells. This time, it would be them who wouldenter their trials later.


The door closed behind Gravis, andhe sighed. "Even though the secondtrial probably won't egatly asihardthe fixsicone Fa actually moreapprehensive about this one. Judgingby this petty-ass Heaven'spersonality, | will probably have to dosome disgusting things." The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

And with that, Gravis walked along the corridor to his second trial.

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