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Chapter 303

Gravis gritted his teeth. ‘Fuck, | only have a single option left!’ Gravis thought as he retrieved his Lightning Board and shot away.

"| also know about your Lightning Board. The arena is perfectly sized to counter your Lightning Board," the priest said evenly.The priest stopped charging forward and kept watch over Gravis. He wouldn't be able to follow him at that speed, so he quicklycharged to one wall to wait for him.

When Gravis saw that, he immediately jumped off the Lightning Board again. He had used the Lightning Board as a feint to getto the other side of the arena. Sadly, that still cost him around 3% of his lightning.

"Interesting. A feint. That will only work once. | will just continue charging at you, and you have to accelerate every time. | knowthat acceleration takes up the most lightning. As long as | follow this pattern, you will waste your lightning away," the priest saidas he charged at Gravis with his shield again.

Gravis' eyes became bloodshot. 'This is the only chance! If this doesn't work, | will die!’ he shouted inside his mind.Whoop!

Atorso appeared before Gravis, and he kicked it forward at the charging priest, who, by now, was around 200 meters away fromGravis.


The sound of feet digging into the ground resounded as the priest immediately stopped. He knew that Gravis could hide theLightning Bomb inside a torso. The agents have told him of that. The torso would deteriorate before the Lightning Bombexploded, so he had enough time to check if a Lightning Bomb was inside the torso or if that was also a feint.


Sure enough, a colossal Lightning Bomb came out of the torso. The priest had studied Gravis' fighting thoroughly. Even the HighPriest himself helped the priest with the calculations. According to math, this Lightning Bomb had around 80% of Gravis’ Spiritand lightning. The power and fluctuations of the lightning were in sync with the calculations. Math was never wrong.

The priest always kept watching Gravis, even in this situation. He knew that Gravis could reabsorb lightning, and if that LightningBomb were used as a feint, he would need to come close to reabsorb it. When the Lightning Bomb was only two meters awayfrom the priest, he crushed his Jade Token. Just to be sure, the priest even shoved his shield at the Lightning Bomb. If itsuddenly turned around, he would have wasted a Jade Token. He couldn't allow that!

Yet, the priest's eyes widened as he saw what Gravis was doing. Gravis had slashed forward with his saber, and the preloadedLightning Crescent inside his saber flew out. 'He is layering the attack, and I can only keep one barrier active at a time. | have totime the activation of the second barrier perfectly!’ the priest shouted in his mind.

Yes, Gravis was layering his attack. The Lightning Crescent would hit the Lightning Bomb. Like this, he would be able to increasethe power of his strongest attack by about 80%! Gravis was betting everything on the fact that the priest could only use onetoken at a time and that this combined attack would be powerful enough to overpower the Jade Token! If this attack failed, hewould be utterly empty of Destruction Lightning, Spirit, and Life Lightning.

After crushing the first token, the priest immediately readied the second token. He had to activate the second token at the exactmoment when the first one broke. Everything hinged on this moment!


The Lightning Crescent hit the Lightning Bomb, and both exploded at the same time. The lightning filled the whole arena andeven managed to destroy around one meter of wall. The walls were incredibly powerful, but even those received some damage.Luckily, the walls were multiple meters thick.

The first barrier broke nearly immediately, and the priest crush-WHOOOM!

Gravis activated his Will-Aura for the first time in the fight and used all his will to suppress the priest. The priest had been toocareful not to waste his limited Heavenly Pressure. No person was perfect, and the priest had been too preoccupied withactivating the second Jade Token that he had forgotten to activate his Heavenly Pressure.

Asplit second passed until the priest activated his Heavenly Pressure and crushed the second Jade Token. Yet, this split secondwas enough to let some of the explosion through. The Jade Token was made to resist attacks from outside. It wasn't meant toresist attacks from the inside! The explosion that went through the first barrier destroyed the second barrier in no time.

Yet, the second barrier did its job and blocked a lot of power. The whole explosion only had around a quarter of its powerremaining as it crashed into the priest's shield.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!"" The priest shouted with fury as he filled his whole body with the earth element. The brunt of the explosioncame from the front, but due to the arena's small size, the explosion had nowhere else to go. The circular walls kept theexplosion inside, making the explosion hit the priest's body from the side, behind, and top. The priest had already realized thisand cradled his head with both of his arms as he leaned against his shield.


The shield broke apart, and its fragments dug into the priest's body. The priest's body also started vanishing in the lightning, buthe held on! He had to hold on!


The explosion vanished, and the priest had survived but only barely! He stood on the ground, which had been lowered by aboutfive meters. One of his arms had vanished entirely while the other one was missing one half. The exposed parts of his head weregone, showing a clean skull as all blood and muscle had been burned away. His organs were burned and exposed to theoutside.

To put the priest's current health into perspective, he lost around 30% of his body mass. A mortal would have immediately died.Luckily, cultivators had more Life Energy. He could survive such damage and even make a full recovery in the future.

His Energy was also fully used up. If he hadn't used all his Energy to protect his body, he would have died.

Yet, even in this condition, the priest didn't lose his focus. He had closed his eyes and had also shielded them while he hadcradled his head in his arms. With this, he had evaded blindness. After the explosion, he had immediately opened them andlooked at the front. Due to the explosion, the surroundings were unstable, and his Spirit didn't work. He had to rely on his eyes!


His vigilance had saved his life! The priest had seen the approaching saber and summoned his weapon to block it. It was a two-meter-long spear. He held it in front of him, in one hand, and blocked the slash. It took all his strength to keep the spear stable.

Gravis gritted his teeth so hard that blood flowed out of his mouth. ‘Fuck! That was my best chance! he thought.‘Now, this fight will become really dirty!"

The priest used his power to push Gravis' saber to the side and pierced forward with his spear.Whoop!

Gravis sidestepped, but the Heavenly

Pressure slowed him just too much.

Usually, he would have been able to

use this as an opening butabe io ithesuppredsida, the priest was faster

and shoved the butt of the spear at

Gravis. Gravis managed to block the

butt of the spear with an arm, but the

physical power of the priest was a

Realm higher than Gravis’. Therefore,

Gravis still got shot into the distance.

The content is on NovelDrama.Org!

Read the latest chapter there!

Luckily, the spear wasn't as heavy asthe shield, and the priest also didn'thave any more Energy tp increase theweapon's Met Due to that, Gravisonly flew for around 100 meters andthen stopped. His arm was crackedbut still usable. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!novelbin


The spear vanished as anotherhumongous shield appeared. Thepriest only had one arm left, so hecouldn't use both aegnse omsimyltadesasly Luckily he could justswap between the two weapons at amoment's notice. He hadn't used theshield to block Gravis' attack earlierbecause the counterattack with theshield wouldn't be fast enough to hitGravis. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Without a word, the priest charged at Gravis with his shield again, but with considerably less speed. His body was incrediblyinjured, and he couldn't use all his power. If he did, his organs might slip out and leave his body.Gravis watched the approaching shield with narrowed eyes.

‘| have a chance now!"

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