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Chapter 295

Gravis watched as the discussions broke down and force was used. Would he get involved?No.

Why should he get involved? Just because Joyce was a woman? Cultivation didn't take gender into account. The cultivationworld was different than the mortal world. In the mortal world, one person couldn't have enough power to overthrow wholenations, Clans, or family heads. People needed help from other people in the mortal world since one person just couldn't reachoverwhelming power. For mortals, the cooperation between humans was necessary.

Yet, in the cultivation world, this belief would break down. When there were no rules to stop someone from committing all sorts ofthings that mortals would consider "atrocious crimes", the strength of a single individual became more important than thestrength of a group.

So, all in all, Joyce needed to deal with this problem herself. Her father wasn't an enemy of hers, and he also wouldn't kill her. IfJoyce wasn't even able to handle something like that, she might as well stop cultivating. Even though her father was way morepowerful than her, she wasn't helpless right now. If one didn't have enough power, then one had to get creative. Gravis sawmultiple ways which would give Joyce an upper hand.

“Marvin, are you sure about that?" Reginald asked unsurely."It's what's best for her," Marvin said evenly.novelbin

Marvin also saw how Gravis didn't react at all, which gave him even more confidence. The fact that Gravis didn't get involvedshowed that he didn't care about Joyce at all. If Gravis wanted the best for Joyce, he would step to her side and help her. Thisonly strengthened Marvin's belief that Gravis was trying to manipulate Joyce.

"You..." Joyce managed to utter through clenched teeth. She was suppressed by Marvin's Will-Aura, but not completely. Shecould still talk, though it was hard. "You!" she managed to shout through clenched teeth.

"Be silent!" Marvin commanded. "I know what's best for you! As soon as you calm down, you will also realize this."

Joyce's emotions were raging inside her. Frustration, rage, helplessness, hurt, sadness, loss, and many similar emotions allmixed together. She gnashed her teeth so hard that blood started flowing out of her mouth.

This was her father! He had always helped her, and he had always shown his love for her. Her mother had died, so her fatherwas the closest person to her. Her father was the most important person in her life, but now he stood between her and hercultivation.

She involuntarily remembered what Gravis had told her. She remembered that Gravis had said that there might come a time inthe future where Heaven might use all his companions to threaten him. At the time, she had said that this situation sounded toocruel to be real, but wasn't something similar happening right now?

Was she forced to decide between her father and her cultivation? Could she even do that? If she went against her father, shemight lose the entire Freya Clan. Like this, she would become homeless and lonely. A life without her family just didn't seemworth living.

Joyce violently shook her head through the suppression of Marvin's Will-Aura. 'What am | thinking!? Didn't | just say that even if |go through a thousand years of pain, | will continue cultivating?’ Joyce thought with frustration and rage. ‘Am | really that weakthat | will break down now? No, I'm not!

She glanced to the side at Gravis. 'He doesn't get involved. Right! If | can't even get through this, how will | ever reach my goal?This family argument is nothing in comparison to the pain | will feel in the future! My path has been made, and | will walk it to theend, no matter who stands in front of me! If | have to choose between my family and my cultivation, | will choose my cultivation!’


Joyce's Will-Aura, which had been helplessly fighting against the Will-Aura of her father, started expanding furiously. Her fullycompressed Will-Aura stretched out and wouldn't stop until it reached a radius of several hundred meters.

Nearly every member of the Freya Clan in that vicinity lost consciousness. Only the people in the Spirit Forming Realm wereable to resist. Meanwhile, her Will-Aura pushed her father's Will-Aura away until she could finally move again. She was stillslightly suppressed, but not that much.

The mouths of Reginald and Marvin fell open as they saw this. They knew what this meant. Joyce had condensed her Unity Will!She had been very close to it for a long while, but they hadn't expected that she would achieve a breakthrough right now!

Marvin knew how a will was tempered, so he knew what this meant. Joyce had just made a decision that filled her with incrediblepain. This could only mean that she had decided to abandon him as her father. She was about to walk out of his life forever.

Marvin's face blanched as panic, terror, and guilt took hold of him. ‘What have | done?" he thought."Huh, well, that's also a way to solve the issue,’ Gravis thought in surprise.

“Father, if you stand between me and my cultivation, then you will no longer be my father," Joyce said with an icy voice, thoughone could hear her emotions behind it. She was afraid and nervous.

Marvin's arm stretched to his daughter from a distance, almost like he tried to catch her before she left. "No... please..." he saidin terror. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Please, don't leave!" Marvin said as tears started rolling down his eyes. "| made a mistake! I'msorry! You're the most important thing in my life, and | don't want to lose you!"

By now, Marvin was full-on crying, surprising Gravis quite a bit. Gravis rubbed his chin in interest. ‘Interesting. This emotionalreaction shows that his motive wasn't selfish, but that he genuinely believed that he knew better. If he didn't love his daughterthat much, he wouldn't have shown such weakness in front of Reginald and me. He genuinely doesn't care about his dignity rightnow. He was ready to throw away all his face to keep his daughter.’

Gravis sighed. ‘Many people might find this display to be pathetic, but | don't think so. It requires strength to humiliate oneself likethis to not lose a loved one.’ Gravis looked out of the window as Marvin continued begging. 'Would | be able to do that? Would |be able to throw away my dignity and self-respect to keep a loved one? | honestly don't think so. | don't think that there is suchan important person in my life.’


Joyce jumped into her father's chest and hugged him tightly. "Thank you for understanding, daddy!" she shouted as tears alsofell from her eyes. "I'm sorry that I've hurt you, but you just wouldn't listen. I'm sorry, daddy!"

Marvin was first shocked but then cried even harder. He tightly hugged his daughter as all the pain was forgotten. "I'm so sorry,pumpkin. | didn't want to let my little treasure go!" he shouted. "| saw how you started changing and how you decided to goagainst tradition! | felt like you were about to leave me! I'm so sorry for what | have done, pumpkin!"

Like this, the two continued crying in each other's embrace. Gravis and Reginald left the room.

"Thank you for not involving yourself," Reginald said with relief.

"If she can't even handle that, she might as well stop cultivating," Gravis said directly.

Reginald sighed when he heard that. "When you put it like that, it sounds so cold and distant. Why don't you just say that youbelieve that she would make the right decision?"

"Because | didn't," Gravis said directly, eliciting a disgusted look from Reginald. "| don't know her enough to judge that. It couldbe that all of her previous words were empty promises. As soon as someone gets pushed into a corner, their true personality willshow."

Reginald wasn't happy with Gravis' cold outlook. "What would you have done if she didn't manage to convince Marvin?"

"Nothing," Gravis immediatelyanswered. "If she weren't able to getthrough something like thi iEyauldbe genuinely batter to youreafiyiniore. This is a lesson my fathertaught me. If you don't want powerand freedom with all your being, it'sbetter not to cultivate at all, and |agree with that." The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Reginald didn't say anything, andGravis looked him in the eyes. Then,Gravis started smirking. "I didn’completely understiaG What {hatnyeant: en twas younger, but |think | do now. Your will to moveforward helps you in tempering yourWill-Aura. After all, if you are notwilling to risk your life, you won't beable to temper your Will-Aura." Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Gravis continued explaining. "Then,with a more powerful Will-Aura, yourwill to move forward fy co mstrengt nedywbichhi urn, makes itelisier to further solidify yourWill-Aura. It's a circle of mutualbenefit that is the basis for everycultivator. Without that, you will giveup at some point." The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Reginald nodded in praise. "That's an excellent explanation. You know quite a lot for your age."

“Age has nothing to do with it," Gravis said. "A ten-year-old child that receives education might already know more than a sixty-year-old farmer that never left his village. Age only becomes relevant if both people have a similar lifestyle."

Reginald frowned. "Am | the farmer in your analogy? We are both cultivators, you know?"Gravis looked at Reginald evenly. "| am 19 and am close to reaching a level three Unity Will."

“Are our lifestyles really similar?"

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