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Chapter 272

The elders were incredibly nervous. They hadn't faced such a danger to the Lightning Sect before in their lives. After all, Lasarwas the strongest Sect Master out of all the Sect Masters. On top of that, they also had Old Man Lightning. In their minds, therehadn't been anything that could threaten the well-being of the Lightning Sect.

The elder responsible for internal affairs had already started planning. After all, planning these things was his responsibility. "Isee four possible solutions to this," he said.

Old Man Lightning looked at him. "Then let's hear them."

The elder walked into the middle of the hall. He was too riled up, and his brain thought too quickly to stay put in his throne. "Firstsolution. We won't make any more Destruction Lightning disciples. Like this, we can keep the old Sect and the quota. Of course,the bad thing is that we would give up our path forward.”

"| disagree with that," said another elder. "Giving up our path forward isn't worth it."Stor also nodded. "I also disagree."Old Man Lightning lifted his hand to stop the discussion. "What's the second one?" he asked.

The elder continued. "Second solution. We keep a carefully maintained balance of disciples that cultivate natural lightning andDestruction Lightning. Like that, no side can become more powerful. Of course, that could still lead to civil war, and keeping thenumbers equal isn't the same as keeping the strength equal. One side just needs one more top expert to dominate the other."

"Also disagree," one elder said. "This would still create a civil war. Like this, the Sect will split into two. This is no solution."Old Man Lightning shook his head. "This is unacceptable. Third solution, please," he said.

"Third solution. We split the Sect into a Destruction Lightning Sect and Natural Lightning Sect. Like this, we don't have anyconflicts between the side."

The elders didn't instantly disagree this time. This solution was worthwhile to consider, after all.

One of the elders sighed. "Like this, we would split apart directly without casualties. Our Sect might not become stronger in thisinstance, but become weaker. After all, we would give up a lot of disciples to the Destruction Lightning Sect. Though, we couldalso consider it as our Sect."

Old Man Lightning shook his head. "This is a bad solution. You guys don't look at the situation from the point of view of young,aspiring cultivators."

The elders looked at Old Man Lightning. "What do you mean?" one of them asked.

"Think of yourself as someone in the Body Tempering Realm," Old Man Lightning started explaining. "You have the choicebetween natural lightning and Destruction Lightning. Which one would you choose?" he asked.

The elders all realized what Old Man Lightning meant, and they grimaced. "Everyone would choose Destruction Lightning.”novelbin

Old Man Lightning nodded. "Exactly! Why would anyone want to choose a weaker element? Destruction Lightning is objectivelymore powerful. If we split our Sects, the Destruction Lightning Sect will flourish while the old Lightning Sect would deteriorateuntil nearly nothing remained. Without new blood to replace the old, the old Lightning Sect will die out."

Old Man Lightning turned to the elder responsible for internal affairs again. "What's the last solution?"

The elder took a deep breath. "Fourth solution. Every single new member of the Lightning Sect will, from now on, learnDestruction Lightning. The new will completely replace the old. Until the natural lightning people die out, we will maintain thecurrent rules. Like this, the internal conflict will still be there, but there won't be any civil war. After all, the cultivators only have towait."

The room remained silent as the elders thought about this last possibility. All in all, logically, this was the best decision. TheLightning Sect would still remain the Lightning Sect, and no civil war would happen. Yet, emotionally, this was a difficult decision.

The elders empathize and cared for each other, specifically because they all cultivated the same element. It bound them togetherinto one force. Yet, if they decided to go through with this, they would become the last members that would cultivate this, ever. Tothem, it felt like they were a species at the brink of extinction. The difference between the third and fourth solution was that theLightning Sect remained as one with the fourth solution. Yet, the natural lightning cultivators would still die out.

Every cultivator already saw themselves as their own race or species. They all cultivated one thing, which made them verydifferent from others. They felt like they were the last humans. They felt like they were about to be replaced by a new kind ofhumans. Wasn't their way the best way? Didn't they choose this element because they thought it was the best?

Before this discussion, they hadn't seen the Destruction Lightning cultivators as other people. They also cultivated lightning, afterall. They weren't different from them. Yet, with the changed temperament and different power levels, they automatically distancedthemselves from the Destruction Lightning cultivators.

They started looking out of the windows into the Sect. Fights of life and death were allowed if both sides agreed to it or if bothparties were at the same level. If both parties were at the same level, it only needed one side to agree. Natural lightningcultivators would find that unfair since Destruction Lightning cultivators could be counted as a full level stronger. At least, thatheld true for the Energy Gathering Realm.

The difference in levels was different in the Spirit Forming Realm. With Gravis’ relative power that he had now, he would havebeen able to fight four or five levels above his own in the Energy Gathering Realm, yet he could only barely fight two levelshigher in the Spirit Forming Realm.

This meant that natural lightning cultivators could only be considered as half a level higher in the Spirit Forming Realm, while onelevel higher in the Energy Gathering Realm. Yet, this half level, or one level, could be likened to the difference between aHeavenborn and a normal cultivator. It wasn't impossible to win against someone like that, but very difficult.

As they thought about the differences, they also saw several things that they would consider unfair. Someone with DestructionLightning could bully or anger anyone with natural lightning as long as they were at the same level. After all, if the personcultivating natural lightning refused to comply, the person with Destruction Lightning could simply kill that person.

Moving the levels up when between factions would anger the Destruction Lightning cultivators. After all, it had always been theRealm that decided the fairness in a fight. If Destruction Lightning cultivators were only allowed to fight one level abovethemselves against natural lightning cultivators, this would break the fairness in their minds. That was why this option hadn'teven been considered.

The lives of the disciples who still held natural lightning could become horrible. The elders started discussing this issue. Deepinside, they had already decided that they would be the last of their kind. The cultivation of natural lightning was about to die out.The fourth solution was the best one, logically speaking, but the most painful for the elders to make. It felt like they brought theblade down on their own kind. Their kind was about to die out.

"| will be responsible for keeping the peace," Old Man Lightning said suddenly.

The elders turned to him with questioning looks.

"| can't watch as the old lightningdisciples get taken advantage of. Ofcourse, such an incident will be veryrare, but it will en

a ays Kusted Sat isciples. Wealways trusted that their ownfairness kept them in check. Yet,now, | will revoke that trust. | will keepwatch over the Lightning Sect, and ifan enmity occurs, | will judgeaccordingly," Old Man Lightningexplained. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

The elders were a little confused. "Isn't that exactly the trigger for the civil war? After all, the disciples will feel that they can't gettheir fairness."

Old Man Lightning shook his head. "!will act differently. As long as thedisciples are of the same camp, |won't interfere. If his gbyeads attdssthee eants, Pwill Stay hidden behindthe scenes and watch. If | think it isreasonable, | won't interfere. Yet, if |see someone take advantage of hisinherent higher power..." Old ManLightning took a deep breath, "! willstealthily make that person vanish."The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

The elders looked with discomfort at Old Man Lightning. "That would be harmful to your cultivation," one elder said quietly. "Thisisn't the way of lightning."

Old Man Lightning sighed. "| don't see a better option.”

The elders remained silent. They also didn't see a better option. Having one person sacrifice themselves for the Sect was thebest option they could come up with.

After some minutes of silence, OldMan Lightning sighed again. "I reallywish | had the creati Ipypf Gravis.\No

ter what New at him, he founda Creative and smart solution out ofhis mess." Old Man Lightning tookout his cane and looked at it, "| can'teven hit him with my cane anymore."The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

"Wait!" Old Man Lightning suddenly said with a new shine in his eyes. Then, he turned to the elders. "Do you mind if | ask Gravisfor his opinion? He might come up with a solution to this."

The elders were a little taken aback by Old Man Lightning's swift change of mood, but they all shook their heads. "Go ahead,"they said.

Like this, Old Man Lightning contacted Gravis.

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