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Chapter 268

The barricade shivered again as they saw Gravis lifting his leg again. Their indecisiveness grew with the previous two deaths.Imagining death and seeing death was a big difference. Yes, they went through a lot of life and death tempering, but they hadn'tbeen in a fight where they were this outclassed! On top of that, all their previous fights had always included both their lives andbeliefs. Yet, now, they had to choose between the two. This choice tore them apart on the inside.


Gravis' kick hit, and another disciple at the Seed Stage shot into the distance. No counterattack came. Just like before, Gravisvanished from the barricade. He quickly reappeared before the disciple that had just landed. The disciple froze in fear, andGravis repeated the same thing as before. The others didn't stop him. They were still indecisive about their decision. Gravis’hand slowly moved towards the throat of the disciple, who still lay on the ground.

"AAAHHI" the disciple shouted, and he attacked Gravis with his pike. Gravis simply evaded the attack. An attack made out offear was easy to evade. After evading the attack, lightning appeared around Gravis’ hand, and he slapped the disciple.


The head of the disciple was reduced to ash. His Energy entered Gravis as his belongings popped out of his body. "Third idiotdown!" Gravis said.

Did Gravis feel bad? Not at all! If he were weaker, he would have died to them. If he were weaker, they wouldn't have announcedtheir goal of killing him at that distance. Like this, they would have suddenly attacked him from a close range. Weakness didn'tabsolve one of their decisions. They wanted to kill him, so he felt no remorse in killing them. They had chosen their path,knowing fully what awaited them at the end.

Gravis cleaned his hand off the blood and ash. Then, he turned around and looked at the barricade again.

“AAAHHH!" three disciples shouted with rage, panic, and fear. They charged forward with all their power, leaving the barricade.They had decided that their beliefs were more important than their lives. When Gravis saw them, he slowly walked closer to thecharging disciples.


The first disciple stabbed forward with his lance, trying to hit Gravis. Obviously, Gravis easily sidestepped the attack. Anotherlightning-filled hand ended the disciple's life. Then, Gravis turned to the other two.


The charging disciples rammed their feet into the ground in order to stop, destroying the ground in the process. One of thedisciples hyperventilated, screamed, and threw his weapons to the side.


The sound of an explosion happened as the Spirit of the disciple broke into pieces. All his belongings left his body and appearedaround him. What the others didn't see was that his element also left his body. The disciple shouted in pain when that happenedand grabbed his head.


The other disciple did the same. His Spirit broke apart, and all his belongings left him. When Gravis saw this, he smiled. Thistime, it was in relief. He didn't feel bad about killing people that wanted to kill him, but he also felt like killing those people was awaste. After all, as long as they still had their lives, they could change. Recultivating also wouldn't be an issue. After all, they stillretained their Will-Auras and physical power.

"Good! At least two of you have some brains!" Gravis shouted. "You have chosen life, and | won't betray you! You can alwaysrecultivate and build new ones." Then, Gravis walked closer to the first disciple and put his hand on his shoulder, making thedisciple freeze in place. "You also don't need to cultivate the earth element. Maybe you'll find one that fits you better."

The cultivator wasn't sure how to react as a cacophony of emotions attacked his mind. He could do nothing else but stare atGravis. Right now, he was lost and had no idea how to proceed with his life.

Gravis walked past him and also smiled at the other disciple. Yet, before Gravis reached the much smaller barricade, someoneleft it. Surprisingly, it was the younger of the two Sapling Stage cultivators. He looked decisively at Gravis while Gravis lookedback with a lifted eyebrow.

Clank, Clank!

The young man threw his two weapons to the side. "I've never agreed with this whole stubborn belief thing," he said calmly butdecisively. "Yet, | was forced to accept it. Everyone around me followed that system, and | couldn't cultivate without it. | wasafraid of losing all my progress, so | stayed true to this. Not anymore!" he shouted.


His Spirit broke apart as his belongings appeared around him, but he didn't shout in pain. He only gritted his teeth. "This wholebelief thing is retarded!" he shouted angrily through his gritted teeth. "This whole thing is messed up! We are supposed to createour beliefs when we reach the Magic Gathering Realm, but how could someone at that Realm know how the world works!? Am |supposed to follow whatever | thought was right when I was a child!? That's so stupid!"

The young man sounded incredibly frustrated and angry. All his bottled up anger came to the surface and burst forward. He hadbeen unhappy for a long time, always accepting his current circumstances. He didn't want to lose his progress, so he had forcedhimself to accept his current situation. His mind had adapted and even started believing that this way was right. Yet, deep inside,he had never agreed.

"Fuck the Earth Sect and its retarded cultivation system!" he shouted with all his power. Even though his cultivation wasdestroyed, he still had a powerful body. His voice echoed for multiple kilometers and shook some trees. "| have enough of thisfucking bullshit! Even if | reforge my beliefs, right now, | am just a child in the eyes of my future self! My future self will think that |am an idiot right now, and my future self is probably right! | will grow, and | won't be bound by the stuff | believed when | wasyounger!"

Gravis watched this with a smile. The disciple's speech resonated with him. Wasn't he also very different from his past self?Skye's parent's death had shown him how much he had changed, and he also somewhat believed his past self to be a naivefool. If one always clung to the things they believed in the past, they would never grow.

"Good!" Gravis shouted and even clapped. "| am impressed by your mindset! What's your name?" Gravis asked.

After releasing all his frustration and anger, the young man took a deep breath. "I'm Eros," he said. Then, he walked closer toGravis. "Can | join the Lightning Sect?" he asked.

Gravis’ brows shot upward in surprise. "Why the Lightning Sect specifically?" he asked.

Eros looked in the direction of Quake City with narrowed eyes. "Because everyone has the right to revenge! You don't know, but |have an enemy that has killed someone very dear to me. When my power eclipsed that enemy, the Earth Sect forbade me fromtaking revenge. | hadn't been part of the Earth Sect when that bastard had taken my mother's life, so | wasn't allowed to takerevenge."

Gravis rubbed his chin. "How come?" he asked.

Eros snorted in disdain. "Because he was an administrator of some town under the Water Sect. Since the Water Sect and theEarth Sect are in an alliance, my ‘petty revenge’ would endanger the ‘family’. Therefore, | was forced to swallow my hatred. |think that everyone has the right to seek their own justice. If someone steps on your bottom line, your family shouldn't force youto swallow that enmity. This thing gnawed at me every day, and | finally want to take my revenge!"

Eros' eyes showed an incredible amount of willpower and motivation. His eyes were basically burning with fervor. Gravis alsorealized that Eros’ Will-Aura was rather powerful. He was probably only one or two tempering experiences away from achieving aUnity Will. Gravis guessed that Eros was an Ascender's Talent.

"Good!" Gravis shouted and put his hand on Eros’ shoulder. "I am certain that the Lightning Sect will accept someone like you!"Then, Gravis walked to the barricade and stopped in front of it. "Life or Beliefs!?" he shouted again.

Clank, Clank, Clank!

Several disciples dropped theirweapons as their Spirits crackedapart. It seemed like Eros' speechhad woken them. Headida sofethingfronmsdmédne Sise was completelydifferent than hearing it from theiridol. Eros was an Ascender's Talentand the idol of nearly every disciple ofthe Earth Sect. His speech resonatedwith them and their minds burnedwith decisiveness. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Gravis saw this and smiled. "Great!" Then, he turned to the last two people. They still held their weapons. One was at the SeedStage, and the other was the older cultivator at the Sapling Stage.

"| won't betray my beliefs," the older one said with decisiveness. "| am not as weak-willed as the others. The wills of these traitorsare weak, and they won't achieve anything in the future."


Lightning exploded under Gravis' feetas he shot forward suddenly. Alightning-filled kick exploded on theolder Duels. | cearlg breakingittapart tHe power of this kick wasmultiple times stronger than hisprevious ones. The older personhadn't excepted Gravis’ suddenattack, so he hadn't been able tocounterattack. Like this, he flew intothe distance. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


Gravis had regenerated a lot of his lightning by now and shot forward again with all his power. He reached the spot below theflying person in nearly an instant. "I don't know what they'll achieve," he said, and then kicked the back of the flying person with alightning empowered kick, obliterating him. "But, you'll achieve nothing!"


The last Seed Stage disciple droppedhis weapons and screamed in terror.He clutched his head and started

running towards Q ity veithniallhi eae in theesr

Sect and didn't want to betrayhis family. However, he had betrayedhis beliefs by not dying to Gravis, sohis cultivation got destroyed. Hewould rebuild his cultivation in theEarth Sect. After all, that was hishome. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Gravis saw this and sighed. People were different, and not everyone believed the same thing. There were bound to be peoplethat disliked the Earth Sect's system, but there were also people that agreed with it with all their hearts. Gravis let the personflee. After all, the guy hadn't attacked Gravis.

Even if that guy reported everything to the Sect Master, Gravis wouldn't mind.

Killing the Earth Sect Master would just be more tempering for him.

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