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Chapter 260

Gravis jumped back and forth while the seed shot around his Spirit Space with unreal speed. Gravis had been hit quite a lot inthe past couple of minutes. In the beginning, it hadn't been that hard to evade the seed, but as soon as Gravis started hitting itwith more power, it became increasingly more difficult. The seed became nearly unavoidable as soon as Gravis started kickinginstead of punching it.

Yet, Gravis had the time of his life right now. He realized that this was an incredible way of training his dodging. Since the seedwas round, and Gravis constantly had to dodge it, he decided to call this training Dodge Ball. He thought that this was a fittingname for the training.

"Is everything alright?" Gravis heard the voice of Old Man Lightning reverberating throughout his Spirit Space. He guessed thatthis was how a sound transmission sounded while inside his own Spirit Space. Of course, that voice distracted him enough to gethit by the seed.


The seed just released some lightning that entered Gravis’ "body" and then halted. The seed was himself, so it obviouslywouldn't injure him. Yet, he was a little bummed out that he couldn't break his record of consecutive dodges. After a sigh, Gravisleft his Spirit Space.

In the physical world, Gravis opened his eyes and looked at Old Man Lightning. "Oh, everything's fine. | was just training."WACK!novelbin

“And here | thought something went wrong," Old Man Lightning shouted with frustration. "After your breakthrough, you justremained silent, and | was worried that something went wrong. Instead, you immediately went back to training! Try to think of myposition for once!"

Gravis rubbed his head, but he realized that he might have worried Old Man Lightning by being silent. "Yeah, sorry," Gravis saidnonchalantly. "I was just really absorbed in training.”

Old Man Lightning snorted. "What training? You just made a breakthrough, and you have to wait for your Realm to increaseagain. What could you possibly train while remaining still like a rock?"

Gravis smirked. "I call it Dodge Ball!" Gravis said proudly.

Old Man Lightning had confusion written on his face. "Dodge Ball?" he asked.

Gravis nodded. "Yes, Dodge Ball! | poked my Spirit Seed and noticed that it bounced off the membrane of-"WACK! BOOM!

Gravis was hit pretty hard by the cane, and his body hit the wall, destroying some furniture. "Are you insane!?" Old ManLightning shouted with anxiety and rage. "Do you know how fragile a Spirit Seed is? If it breaks, you will fall back into the initialstage of Spirit Forming!"

Gravis stood up and rubbed his head. He looked at Old Man Lightning with annoyance. "What are you talking about? Fragile? |can kick that little ball of lightning with my full power, and nothing happened to it."

"Kicked... with... your... full... power?" Old Man Lightning said in shock between deep breaths. "What nonsense are youspouting!? Even a small poke can injure the Spirit Seed!"

Gravis sneered. "Well, that's not what | saw! | can punch and kick it however | want."

Old Man Lightning looked incredibly confused and agitated for a while, but after seeing that Gravis was alright, he calmed downwith a sigh. "Well, your cultivation is different from others." Old Man Lightning sat back down in his armchair. "Tell me whathappened."

Gravis snorted once due to being hit twice, but he complied. He started telling Old Man Lightning about his breakthrough andwhat had happened. When he told him how he used his Spirit Seed for avoidance training, Old Man Lightning became a slight bitanxious, but nothing too much.

After Gravis was finished telling his tale, Old Man Lightning sighed. Then, he looked out of one of his windows into the sky. "Iguess Magic and lightning are different," he said slowly. Then, he turned to Gravis. "When a cultivator reaches the Seed Stage,they have created their Spirit Seed, but that seed is still fragile. If it gets hit, it breaks apart and becomes a mass of Magic again.Even though we can control Magic with our Spirit, we can't create enough pressure to keep the Spirit Seed stable if some forceacts upon it.”

Gravis thought about this for a bit and nodded. "I guess that sounds reasonable," he said. "After all, Energy is very passive. Itisn't really dangerous in itself and can easily be converted into many other things. Something like that probably can't be abusedwithout breaking it."

Old Man Lightning nodded. "Yes. Lightning is different in that regard. It is a powerful force that destroys everything that touchesit. If Magic is one extreme, then lightning is the other. | guess that, if you hit it, it would rather strike back than break. Yet, sinceyou are one with lightning, it probably doesn't care. After all, it's just you."

Gravis agreed with that statement. If he weren't synchronized with lightning, that little seed would probably unload its whole selfinto him, trying to destroy him with everything it had. Yet, since Gravis was basically lightning, there was no sense in attackingitself. With the situation as it was, the Spirit Seed could only accept the abuse that Gravis bestowed upon it under the name oftraining.

This all sounded dramatic, but the Spirit Seed didn't have its own personality or will. It was just an amalgamation of a lot oflightning, after all.

"So, what will you do now?" Old Man Lightning asked.

Gravis thought for a while. "I think I'll buy some pills to make my body equal to my lightning."

Old Man Lightning looked like he remembered something. "Speaking of, you haven't condensed your lightning yet," he said.Gravis now also showed a look recognition. "Oh yeah, right!"

With a more powerful Spirit, one could condense their Energy further. This was how the Energy of Spirit Forming expertsincreased. They would press the Energy inside their dantian into a denser form, creating more space for more Energy. Like this,the amount of Energy in their dantian would increase.

Yet, Gravis didn't have any Energy inside his dantian. He only had lightning, and that didn't even conform to his dantian. It wasjust ignoring it and growing without end. Gravis already knew that his increase in Realm wouldn't increase his amount oflightning. Yet, it would concentrate his lightning more, and therefore, making it not poke out of his body as much.

Gravis used his Spirit to inspect his lightning and then pressed it together with everything he had. This whole thing took a coupleof minutes, and after he was finished, the size of his lightning had been reduced by about 50%.

Old Man Lightning saw this and nodded with praise. "Good! Like this, you probably won't unload into the ground anymore.Though, you will probably still unload onto other people if they bump into you. Let's go outside and see where your newthresholds are.”

Gravis nodded, and they walked outside. They walked until they left the Sect and stopped when nothing was around forhundreds of meters. Old Man Lightning turned to Gravis. "Alright, how much lightning do you have now?" he asked.

"I'm a little bit below 70%," Gravis answered.Old Man Lightning nodded. "Alright, let's see."Pack!

The cane touched Gravis’ belly, but nothing happened. "That looks good. Even at nearly 70%, it doesn't hit anything outside yourbody. Now, let's wait."

Gravis remained silent and looked at his abdomen in interest. He also wanted to know what his new threshold would be. Afterwaiting for some minutes...


Some lightning came out of Gravis' abdomen and went along Old Man Lightning's hand. Yet, even with the new density of Gravis’Destruction Lightning, it still didn't injure Old Man Lightning's hand by much. His hand was only a little red.

“How much was that?" Old Man Lightning asked."About 74%," Gravis answered.

Old Man Lightning nodded. "Alright, try to remain below 70% while being anywhere near the Sect. Now, just to be sure, let's seeif it still unloads into the floor."

Gravis also nodded, and they bothwaited. Old Man Lightning was nowstanding severabmateks airay tromGravis: tet all, he wanted to see ifGravis unloaded into the ground andnot onto himself. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

After about an hour, Gravis spoke up."I'm full," he said. Lightning could beseen coming out of his lower m

abdom n. dg envelope e entireidwet part of his abdomen, includingeverything that was between his legs.The lightning stopped at around halfthe distance between his abdomenand knees. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Old Man Lightning nodded. "Sounds good. Just a question. You also have your Life Lightning remaining, right?" he asked.Gravis lifted an eyebrow. "Yes, | do. Why do you ask?"

"| want to feel the power of your lightning," Old Man Lightning said while slowly walking forward. His outstretched hand pointed atthe middle of the lightning ball between Gravis' legs.

"Sure, go ahead!" Gravis said. He put his arms on his hip and waited for Old Man Lightning's hand that was coming closer to hislower abdomen.

After a couple of seconds...BANG!

Aviolent thunder exploded as all the outside lightning shot into the hand, which was still 50 centimeters away. Some fleshexploded off of Old Man Lightning's arm, and he gritted his teeth.


Gravis quickly used his Life Lightning to heal the arm. Old Man Lightning's body was powerful, so it took nearly all of Gravis’Energy to heal that single wound.

“How much was it?" Old Man Lightning asked."Around 40%," Gravis answered.

Old Man Lightning nodded. "That'spretty impressive. 40% of your mlightning managed 1 urérhy armto this. ée. | think, with thatpower, you can take on some of theweaker Sect Masters." The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

Gravis rubbed his chin in thought.


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