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Chapter 224

Yet, just when Gravis started accelerating, he immediately stopped since he had noticed something."Who's there!?" he shouted into the surroundings, but nothing appeared.

Just now, he had felt like someone was watching him. It felt similar to a Spirit, but it was not completely the same. It just felt likesomeone was watching him. Gravis never had this feeling before, and he trusted his instincts. He was 90% sure that someonewas watching him.

Yet, just when he had shouted, the feeling completely vanished. Now, Gravis was 100% sure that someone had watched him.The feeling wouldn't have vanished just like that otherwise. Gravis narrowed his eyes. 'This is troubling. Has this person seen thewhole fight? The feeling was very subtle, and I'm sure that | wouldn't have noticed it in a fight. What was going on?"

Gravis increased his speed. 'Someone who can keep their Spirit nearly completely invisible in front of me. I'm 90% sure that thewatching person is a Tree Stage cultivator. | can't fight someone like that!’ Gravis felt a little nervous while accelerating more andmore. Yet, surprisingly, even after over ten minutes, no one arrived. The feeling also didn't appear again.

‘What is the goal of that person?' Gravis thought. Yet, the more he thought, the more confused he got. If that were an enemy,they would have attacked him. He was injured, and his Spirit was nearly empty. There was no better opportunity than this. Yet, ifthat person was a friend, why would they vanish suddenly? On top of that, Gravis didn't have friends with such power. Was it aneutral party?

Gravis suddenly got an idea. 'Was it a powerful Heavenborn? Maybe they have noticed the fight and appeared, but noticing therobes of my enemy and me, they just continued watching? Elder Byron had said that Heavenborn weren't allowed to interfere inthis struggle, after all."

The more Gravis thought about this, the more reasonable it seemed. ‘This is the only explanation that | can come up with thatmakes sense. Everything else is too farfetched.’

After coming to that conclusion, Gravis' nervousness vanished. There were not many people in the Tree Stage in the Core-Continent. Tree-Stage cultivators were at the level of Sect Masters. How many of those would just casually walk around? Thehighest probability was that it had been a powerful Heavenborn.

After traveling for another twenty minutes, Gravis moved his Spirit to his ring and willed it to contact Elder Byron. "I'm done withthe mission. The whole group is dead. Where are you right now?"

"Oh?" the surprised voice of Elder Byron appeared from the ring. "You're done? That's great! | knew that getting you to join uswas the right decision! We are still at the same spot as previously. Quickly come back so we can get you some proper bodytempering pills!"

Gravis smiled and cut the connection. While the fight with the group leader didn't particularly increase his will, the previous fightagainst the other three was excellent tempering. He had come close to dying a couple of times and even used nearly all hisweapons. The only thing he hadn't used was his lightning parrying, which would influence the swing of a weapon. Their weaponshad been too swift and light for that.

And now, he would get more tempering for his body! This was great! The increase of his maximum amount of lightning byabsorbing the Energy Stones had also expedited his training speed in regards to his Realm. A higher lightning threshold meantfaster lightning regeneration and more lightning to push into his Spirit. Originally, he would have needed a full year for abreakthrough, but now, that time had been cut to ten months total.

‘I'm getting stronger. In ten months, | can even fight Tree Stage cultivators. Though...’ Gravis mind trailed off as his smile wasreplaced with a grimace. 'l have underestimated the cultivators of the Core-Continent. Originally, | thought | could maybe taketwo or three Sapling Stage cultivators at the same time, but apparently, | had been too naive."

Gravis thought about the fight and had noticed that the fight had had some close calls. This had been a fight against three SeedStage cultivators and one Sapling Stage cultivator, though it could actually only be counted as two Seed Stage and one SaplingStage cultivator. Gravis had immediately destroyed the first one before he could even put up a fight.

Gravis looked at his left arm-stump and felt his nearly completely empty Spirit. 'I even used the Energy inherent in my body,which | normally save for healing. | already had to fight so intensely against such a group. Two Sapling Stage cultivators wouldhave been even harder. The chances of me winning against two of those are actually below 50%."

Gravis thought more about this situation and noticed that he had been truly naive. ‘The person even managed to condense hisWill-Aura. | guess a condensed version of a Will-Aura is a requirement to reach the Sapling Stage. Someone who has such apowerful Will-Aura went through a lot of intense struggles. No one at that realm is inexperienced.’

Gravis gritted his teeth. ‘I've been so stupid! | have judged their power just based on their Realm and ignored the fact that everysingle one of them also has incredible fighting experience. | took the fighting experience standard of the Middle-Continent andapplied it to the Core-Continent. If | went into Fear City with this mindset, | might actually have died.’

Gravis thought more about the battle and the Core-Continent on his way to the Greys' camp. After some more minutes, hearrived. Gravis saw the others already present, though Creed was still missing. Creed was not nearly as fast as Gravis, so hewas probably still on his way back.

When the others saw Gravis, they all smiled with excitement.

"Nice going, Gravis!" Drake walked over and lightly punched Gravis' chest in a sign of camaraderie. Though his eyes stillseemed icy. The iciness of his eyes and his warm gesture and comments clashed violently, making for a weird scene.

"You're incredible, Gravis," both twins said and walked forward, heartfelt smiles blossoming on their faces.

Gravis rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. He wasn't used to having friends, so this still felt weird to him. The lastfriend that he could spend time with had been Ballor. Sadly, he had died very quickly in the first practical test. It had been twoyears since then. Aion was also Gravis’ friend, but they had never had the time to bond peacefully.

"Alright, alright. Calm down, everyone," Elder Byron berated them, but his warm and excited smile betrayed his true feelings."So, Gravis. What did you think about the fight?" he asked.

Gravis’ smile vanished, and hesighed. "I've been too arrogant,"Gravis said, surprising the athgrenGravis Racyet Killed r peopleabove his Realm, and one of themwas even two Realms higher. Suchbattle-strength was unprecedented! Ifhe didn't have the right to bearrogant, then who did? The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Elder Byron smiled like he hadexpected the answer. "That is what |wanted to show you with this fight. If| have sent you oninagainst one"Saplinglstage'cu tivator, you mightnot have realized the true strength ofcultivators in the Core-Continent.People in the Core-Continent areproficient in teamwork, and if youfight more than one of them, youneed to be very careful." The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Gravis nodded solemnly. On this day, he realized the power of the cultivators in the Core-Continent.

"Anyway," Elder Byron smirked and retrieved a sack full of pills. "| have your body tempering pills." Then, he threw them towardsGravis. "I took all your Contribution Points for these pills. This is what you wanted, right?"

Gravis nodded and retrieved thesack. He looked inside and noticedmany new pills that he hadn't seenbefore. They felt, way bre POWerfultian th? ohes that he had robbedfrom the Heaven Sect. He guessedthat this small sack of pills wasabout as good as the wholemountain of pills that he had stolenfrom the Heaven Sect. Gravis smiledin excitement as he saw them. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!novelbin

Elder Byron saw Gravis’ heartfelt smile and laughed. "I'm happy that you like them." Then, he gestured with his head towards adirection. "Let's pack up. Creed will arrive on the way. We should move since staying at the same place could make us a target.Gravis, you can cultivate on the way."

The Greys all nodded and put their cloaks over their heads. Then, they retrieved their belongings into their Spirit Space and leftthe campsite.

Meanwhile, Gravis was eating pills like a madman.

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