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Chapter 220

"You mean that grey cloak?" Gravis asked.

Elder Byron nodded. "Exactly, though that's not all." Then, he took out a grey ring. "Remember when we showed you our rings?This is an identical one, but for you. We don't want others to find us, do we?" asked Elder Byron with a slight laugh.

Gravis also laughed. "Of course not."

Gravis quickly retrieved the two things with his Spirit and then resummoned them on his body. The grey cloak completelyenveloped his body and head, and no one would be able to recognize him like this. But Gravis was actually more interested inthe ring. He remembered how it managed to keep the Greys hidden from his Spirit, which was a handy ability.

Gravis looked at the ring on his hand. As soon as he put it on, he felt a kind of membrane enveloping his body, which wasprobably the cloaking field that diverted the Spirits of others. He also felt his own Spirit and vision pass through it.

Elder Byron laughed a little. "The ring is great, isn't it?" he asked with a smirk.

"It also has a different effect," a voice came out of the ring on Gravis’ right hand, which surprised him. He was sure that that wasElder Byron's voice.

Gravis looked at Elder Byron again. "This is a communication tool, as well?"

Elder Byron simply nodded. "We need to talk over long distances after all. Like this, we can communicate even when someonewith a more powerful Spirit is close to you. If you get surrounded by others, you might need backup.”

Gravis looked at the ring, smiled, but then shook his head. "I won't ask for backup. If | die, | die. If you always are ready tointervene, it won't be genuine life and death tempering."

Elder Byron was surprised for a little, but then also grinned and nodded. "That's an excellent mindset. Oh, one more thing," hesaid as if he had remembered something. "Don't be surprised if you can't take full ownership of the ring. It is worth a lot, and |don't want to lose one if something happens to you. Like this, | can retrieve it."

Gravis had already noticed that he hadn't had the full ownership of the item, but he had already guessed the reason. That ElderByron said it himself also showed his honest attitude again. "Don't worry. | get it," Gravis acknowledged. "Anyway, where are theGreens right now?"

“Let me ask," said Elder Byron. Then, he looked at his ring for a while. After some seconds, Elder Byron turned to Gravis again."They didn't go far. It seems like they are not running at full speed. Creed is currently following them and waiting for you. Just runtowards the north-north-east, and you can get updates from Creed on the way. Just experiment with the ring, and I'm sure thatyou will get the hang of it.”

Then Elder Byron looked like he remembered something else as well. "Oh, | totally forgot," he said. "If you release your Spirit,the Greens will notice it. Try to keep your Spirit hidden until you have them in your vision. As soon as they feel your Spirit, theywill be ready for a fight."

Gravis nodded again. He had already guessed that. "I'll be off then," said Gravis as he retrieved his Lightning Board. He quicklyjumped onto it and started accelerating to the north.

“| wish you success!" shouted Elder Byron after him, which Gravis answered with a wave of his hand. In nearly no time, Gravisleft the vicinity of the Greys.

He quickly started accelerating until he broke the sound barrier. If he moved slower than sound, it would take him over an hour toget to his destination. Only like this could he arrive quickly enough.

After around half an hour, Gravis checked his ring again and willed it to connect with Creed. "Creed, can you hear me? This isGravis."

"Oh, Gravis. Where are you right now?" Creed's voice came out of the ring."I've traveled for nearly 1,000 kilometers to north-north-east. Where do | need to go?" Gravis asked."Do you see a gigantic Spirit Tree somewhere?" asked Creed through the ring.

Gravis looked around for a bit. After some seconds, he saw a humongous tree on the horizon. "| see an about ten-kilometer-talltree some kilometers to the west from here."

"That's the Spirit Tree,” answered Creed. "Just move towards the east from there. I'll release my Spirit. You should be able to feelit at some point."

"Alright," answered Gravis, and shot towards the east.

After some minutes of traveling, he felt a powerful Spirit encompass him. ‘This should be the Spirit of a Seed Stage cultivator,’Gravis judged. Gravis hadn't felt the Spirit of his new colleagues before since they always wore the ring, so he wasn't sure if thiswas Creed's Spirit. Gravis looked at his ring again. "I feel the Spirit of a Seed Stage cultivator. Is that yours?”

"Yeah, that's me," answered Creed. "If you feel it, then move towards the north-east again. I'm on a hill beside a forest."Gravis check his surroundings and saw a close forest.WHOOM!

Gravis used his strength to push the Lightning Board down with his feet, which then shot into the air together with Gravis. Fromthe air, Gravis could see over the forest's canopy and saw the hill that Creed had mentioned. After Gravis landed, he changedhis course to the hill.

Some seconds later, Gravis arrived, and he saw Creed waving towards him. Gravis stopped beside him. "Where are they?" heasked.

"| left their vicinity to release my Spirit so that you can find me," said Creed and then took out a map. "You should know that theSpirit's area always increases by a matter of two. They have a Sapling Stage cultivator, so | needed to build a distance of at least40 kilometers to reach you."novelbin

Creed then pointed at the map. "Weare currently here, and they are goingexactly this way," he said as hepointed at anothe Igogtjorc"Fhis isSor ckyan Siitpost of the WindSect. You might think they are prettyclose, but this map encompasses ahuge part of the Core-Continent. Thecity is still around 2,000 kilometersaway. As long as you follow alongthis path, you will find them." Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Gravis checked the map and nodded. "How do | recognize them?" he asked.

Creed laughed a little. "That's easy!They wear the same kinds of robesas us, but green in color. Of course,they are not allowedtté Reép °thernse hidden with an item.They are our entrance test, after all,and not the other way around. Thereare one Sapling Stage cultivator andthree Seed Stage cultivators. So, becareful, okay?" Creed said. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Gravis smirked and nodded. "No worries. I'll be off. See you later!" Gravis said as he continued his journey.

After around two minutes, Gravis sawseveral people on the horizon. Yet,when he saw them, his eyes andmouth opened in s qk Whatdid heSs 2 The(four/peop e were flying ontheir weapons low to the ground.How was that possible? WindCultivators could fly with the help oftheir element, but they didn't ride onweapons. Gravis couldn't think ofanother element that was able to flyin this manner. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"They really are from a different world," Gravis unwittingly uttered. Gravis still had had some doubts before. That people fromanother world arrived in this one was an extraordinary claim, and Gravis wouldn't wholly believe someone if they said somethinglike that. He still needed to see it with his own eyes to be convinced.

Yet, when he saw those people flying on their weapons with no help of an element, he was convinced. His last doubts towardsthe Greys vanished. Something like this couldn't be faked. Gravis had to accept that something that he had accepted for a facthad been wrong. Apparently, lower worlds could send over their own people to different ones.

"| wonder how they will fight. They probably won't use elements since they came from a different world. Will their fighting style besimilar to the Rakshasa Saber? | also wonder if they are stronger than the cultivators from this world."

“Now, this will be interesting," Gravis said as he shot towards them.

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