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Chapter 175

Gravis continued racing towards the Spirit Forming Realm. Only ten more minutes remained until he would reach it. If hemanaged to get there, he could defeat Aion and any other Heavenborn at the Spirit Forming Realm's initial stage.

As time flew by, Gravis grew more excited, but also more anxious. Heaven had managed to outsmart him so many times. Gravishad learned that Heaven was clever the hard way. He refused to believe that all of Heaven's plans fell flat just because Gravishad changed his route and managed to convince Saron not to attack him. The Heaven he knew wouldn't have only this smallweapon for such a big moment.

The minutes ticked by, and just when only five minutes remained...


Gravis’ face whitened in anxiety and fear. He knew that Spirit. He had felt that Spirit every day for multiple months.It was Aion.

Aion was currently coming from the Middle-Continent and running straight for Gravis. Gravis quickly checked his Energy storageand the Energy in his mind. He did some quick calculations and concluded that, if he used all his remaining Energy and pushed itinto his mind, he would only reach about 98% of the saturation required to reach the Spirit Forming Realm. 98%! So close!

Gravis gnashed his teeth and jumped into the Wind Wall. He knew exactly how powerful Aion was. Gravis could barely winagainst Saron inside the Wind Wall. In comparison, Aion had reached the tenth level of Energy Gathering before reaching theSpirit Forming Realm and also had his Heavenly Pressure, which was many times stronger than a normal Will-Aura. Graviscouldn't win this fight. He could only try to survive.

"Gravis, Gravis, Gravis," said Aion's voice in Gravis' head. "You have really played us all for a fool. | even gave you a weaponand also helped you temper your body, yet you were never a part of us."

Gravis used his full power to move inside the Wind Wall. He flew along it in a bit to outspeed Aion.CRK!

Aone-meter long icicle appeared in front of Gravis out of nowhere. Gravis had to use all of his power to react on time. He quicklyunsheathed his saber and struck the icicle.


Surprisingly, the icicle wasn't destroyed, and instead, it just got knocked into the distance. The wind picked it up, and the icicleviolently flew around in the Wind Wall.

"You know, | always was a little skeptical about your ‘special’ treatment by Heaven," Aion's voice continued. "| thought thatHeaven wanted to temper you, for some reason, but who knew that you actually came from a higher world?"


Another icicle appeared in front of Gravis, and he smashed this one away too. Yet, in the time when the second icicle flew away,the first one made a U-turn and shot at Gravis again. In the nick of time, Gravis managed to deflect it again.

Gravis had no time to think about how Aion found out about him being from a higher world. These icicles were dangerous andwere very close to killing him.


Athird one appeared, and Gravis managed it again to deflect this one. The first and second icicles then came flying back at thesame time.


Gravis activated his Will-Aura, and the will inside the icicles was disrupted. They barely missed Gravis, which gave him sometime to relax.

“Wow, you actually managed to condense a Unity Will in the Magic Gathering Stage. No one has ever achieved that before. Youtruly are a talent worthy of coming from a higher world," Aion continued speaking in Gravis’ mind.

Gravis was moving with insane speeds inside the Wind Wall, but for some reason, he never left Aion's Spirit. This could onlymean that Aion was chasing with just as much speed. Gravis hadn't expected Aion to be this fast.

"Well," Aion's voice continued, "a Unity Will might make this a little harder, but it still won't be a problem."CRK CRK CRK CRK CRK!

Five icicles appeared 500 meters away from Gravis. Gravis' Will-Aura only had a radius of 300 meters, so he couldn't disrupt thewill of those icicles. After they appeared, they all turned to Gravis and shot at him. On top of that, the other three icicles frombefore also shot at Gravis from different directions. Gravis didn't have a formed Spirit, so he couldn't keep watch over all of hissurroundings.


Gravis deflected three of the icicles with his weapon, but he didn't have the time to block the other two, so he had to use hislightning. Surprisingly, where his body had failed, his Energy succeeded. The icicles hit by his lightning exploded.


One of the earlier icicles penetrated Gravis' lower left arm. There had been too many. Luckily, Gravis still had his Will-Auraactivated, making it impossible for Aion to manipulate this icicle. Gravis immediately exploded the icicle in his arm with hislightning. He couldn't take any chances.

Yet, even though Gravis managed to destroy some icicles, he had already lost. He had wanted to gain some time to condensehis Spirit, but by using his Energy to attack, he was actually using it up, which increased the distance to the Spirit FormingRealm. The only thing he could do was run away from Aion. He had to bank on his Elemental Synchronicity! Aion couldn't be asfast as Gravis inside this Wind Wall.


Four more icicles appeared and shot at Gravis, joining the earlier ones. Whenever Gravis deflected one icicle, it would fly until itleft the area of his Will-Aura. As soon as it left that area, Aion would retake control of it and shoot it at Gravis again. Aion wasbasically aiming at Gravis from all directions from a distance of over 300 meters, and Gravis thought that Aion was very good ataiming!

"You know what's actually funny?" Aion continued speaking in Gravis’ mind. "I don't even have to aim at you. Due to you beingan enemy of Heaven, your karmic luck is at rock bottom, while mine is at the top. The wind just randomly moves so that theicicles hit you."

More and more icicles appeared around Gravis, and he had to use his lightning even more than before.PUCHI PUCHI!

Two icicles pierced his abdomen, barely missing his dantian. Gravis immediately made those explode too, but...PUCHI PUCHI PUCHI!

Three more icicles stabbed through

multiple parts of his body due to

Gravis losing his gogoentralisa.novelbin

Gravis Bye Narrowed, and he

stopped taking care of those icicles

inside his body. He couldn't lose his

focus. The content is on

NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

"Do you know what | am especiallysurprised about?" Aion asked inGravis' mind. ‘Why aracpouectvslyableto SyehYonize with theelements? If you couldn't do that, youwouldn't be able to fly with this muchcontrol in this Wind Wall." Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Gravis was a little surprised that Aion said the word "synchronized" since that was part of the name of his ElementalSynchronicity. Was it accidental?

As the time passed, Gravis realizedthat Aion was only playing with him.Aion hadn't even u (his. KteayéinlyFests Kell Ke Ni n't even usethose rings that he always carriedwith him. Just with his Spirit and hiselement, Aion was able to play Gravisto death. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Gravis lost more and more Energy, and it didn't take long until he also had to use the Energy inside his mind. The more timepassed, the further Gravis moved away from the Spirit Forming Realm.

"You know," Aion's voice continued, "when you started synchronizing with the Wind Wall, | was quite surprised about that. Doeseveryone have that in the higher worlds? Because..."

Aion's voice made a pause as he appeared in front of Gravis. No element was surrounding him as he simply and casually swamthrough the air, just like Gravis.

“Only Heavenborn have Elemental Synchronicity."

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