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Chapter 153

Gravis took a deep breath to relax. The fight was finally over. Gravis' life had constantly been in danger during the last couple ofminutes, and even at the end, Red had still nearly managed to kill him. Gravis had fought someone entirely out of his league.Deciding to fight Red was closer to suicide than tempering.

He had used everything in this fight. He had used his body, Energy, Will-Aura, pre-dodging, and also heavily relied on hisElemental Synchronicity. Without the first four, Gravis would have died before he and Red even left the clearing while the lastone allowed Gravis to kill Red. Gravis narrowed his eyes and decided to stay a little safer.


Gravis absorbed Red's Energy and broke into the seventh level of Energy Gathering. Earlier, Gravis had decided againstabsorbing enough Energy for a breakthrough because he thought he would be invincible in the Energy Gathering Realm then.Yet, Gravis had made a grave error. He had underestimated the elders, who had remained on that level for decades.

Red's body had been too powerful, and even with Gravis now being at the seventh level of Energy Gathering, the fight wouldn'thave been much easier. The advantage of rising a level in the Energy Gathering Realm was the increased density and reserve ofEnergy. The increased reserve was literally useless for Gravis since he could just refill his Energy with the one in his mind.

Yet, the density of Energy was also nearly no help in fighting against those people. For example, if Gravis had used 100% of hisEnergy instead of 50% to attack Red, there would be no difference. The lightning wasn't able to injure someone like Red just byitself. Gravis could only use the explosion's shockwave when his lightning exploded to sever Red's hand. An explosion double aspowerful would only have thrown his arm further away. That made no difference.

So, the Energy, when breaking into the seventh level, surprisingly, didn't increase his fighting strength by much while fightingsuch monsters. The true help was the lower suppression against his Will-Aura. His Will-Aura had only worked once against Redsince he had been three levels above him. Now, he could use his Will-Aura multiple times, and it wouldn't lose its effectivenessthat quickly.

After absorbing all the Energy, Gravis only needed 60% more for breaking into the eighth level. When he reached the eighthlevel, he would genuinely be invincible in the Energy Gathering Realm. The higher density of his Energy would also allow Gravisto move faster with his Lightning Movement. With his new speed and Will-Aura, he wouldn't need to fight this passively anymore.


Suddenly, Gravis felt his Will-Aura going out of control. It started activating by itself, and Gravis couldn't manipulate it anymore. Itexpanded itself again from its compressed form until it encompassed everything in a 60-meter radius around Gravis. Then, itstarted expanding widely, and Gravis' mind shook.

Gravis felt his drive to continue in his journey strengthening at a rapid pace. Everything that had impacted his will before, like thesituation with Wendy or Gorn's death, started to feel more bearable. Gorn's death was still an issue in Gravis' mind, and hewould never forget his death, but his apprehension about gaining strength lessened. Gravis’ will was now strong enough thatWendy's situation no longer impacted him in the slightest.

In his mind, her death had already been a certainty, and there was no stopping it. Gravis still wasn't a fan of using her death tofurther his power, but it felt like his feelings started accepting his logic. Logically, he knew that he should not care about the wayhow he gained power, but his emotions always wavered when he had to make difficult decisions. Everything started becomingclearer in his eyes as his emotions started synchronizing with his logic.

As Gravis’ will and aura grew clearer, his Will-Aura expanded furiously into the surroundings. It was growing bigger by thesecond.

120 meters.150 meters.180 meters.

It just didn't seem to stop, and Gravis narrowed his eyes as they shone with a brilliant gleam. The trees inside his Will-Auracracked and then fell apart. The earth got pushed down for half a meter until it stopped. The water in the river was pushed downand out of the river, and no new water could come inside of his Will-Aura. The water outside, hitting his Will-Aura, overflowed likethere suddenly was a dam in front of it and swept into the surroundings.

210 meters.240 meters.270 meters.

At 300 meters, his Will-Aura stabilized. The surroundings were cleared of everything, and a circular crater was created aroundhim, several meters deep. Gravis regained the control of his Will-Aura and noticed that he couldn't compress it anymore. Asstrange as it sounded, it felt like his will was not strong enough to compress his Will-Aura anymore.

"So, my will is not strong enough to compress my will? That seems weird,’ Gravis thought, but he couldn't find any other reason.As he thought back, he also realized that it had been harder to compress his Will-Aura at the start. Compressing his Will-Aurainto a half-circle had taken several months, and its strength only doubled. Yet, in about the same amount of time, he hadmanaged to compress it onto a single individual, increasing its power by several dozen folds.novelbin

Gravis realized that, as his will had grown stronger, it had also grown easier to compress his Will-Aura. ‘This is probably a sign ofgrowth. My Will-Aura has probably broken through some kind of bottleneck, but I'm not sure,’ Gravis thought to himself.

Gravis was also surprised about the sheer power of his Will-Aura. Even though it was uncompressed, its strength transcendedhis earlier, fully-compressed Will-Aura by a large margin. Gravis was incredibly happy about his new, powerful Will-Aura, but healso grew a little bitter.

‘The sudden breakthrough of my Will-Aura was not planned. | guess that someone at Red's level would no longer pose achallenge against me with this new Will-Aura. | guess | can't temper myself anymore in the Energy Gathering Realm,’ he thoughtwith a sigh.

Gravis looked over at Red's corpse, which was not damaged by his Will-Aura, and went through his belongings. He found manybody tempering pills, and he also looked at the saber. When Gravis looked at it, his eyes shone. "A weapon for Spirit Formingexperts," he said involuntarily.

The saber was utterly red, with someblack streaks going through it. Withthis, Gravis wouldn't need to worryabout a weapon anymore as SOO ashe broke into.the Saka PormmingRealm: WGust like Energy weaponscouldn't be fully used by BodyTempering people, a Spirit Formingweapon couldn't be fully used bysomeone at the Energy GatheringRealm. An Energy weapon and aSpirit Forming weapon had the samestrength to someone in the EnergyGathering Realm. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Gravis put the saber on his back andnow carried three sabers and onelong sword. Thinking a out th¢ tangsword, ayjs,taok i his handsahid'lbo ed at it with a bitter smile. "|originally intended to use you toexplode fireballs from a safedistance, but it seemed like | nevergot the chance," he said. The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Gravis always had many differentplans for different situations. Byusing the long sword, Gravis wouldhave been able toexplodie GrSdaildegrly\from@ distance of over twometers. Like that, the explosionswould have been significantlyweakened when they hit his body.Yet, there never appeared a situationin the fight where he had needed touse the sword. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

Just like not every plan of Heaven came into being, not every plan of Gravis found use.

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