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Chapter 141

The whole Heaven Sect waited for Gravis to return, but he never did. Aion couldn't delay the departure anymore and led theHeaven Sect away, fuming with anger. ‘When | return, I'll tear you a new one, Gravis,’ he thought. Didn't Gravis know howimportant this visit was? Was this how Gravis thanked him for all the work he had done?

Meanwhile, Gravis was sitting on top of Skye and flew to the east. Behind Gravis lay a gigantic banner about 20 meters long.‘They will travel for a total of six days and will stay for one. | doubt that Aion will return prematurely just because of me. So, theywill be back exactly one week from now. | have one week to get as much tempering and wealth as possible, though | shouldprobably stop after six days. Without a good head start, Aion might find me very quickly."

Luckily, with Skye now being a high-grade Energy Beast, the way to Gravis' destination was very short. It only took them oneday. Gravis and Skye had left on the second day and arrived at their destination simultaneously as the Heaven Sect took off totheir headquarter.

Gravis looked at the horizon. There, he saw a gigantic volcano, higher than any volcano or mountain he had ever seen. Just itsbase was already breaking through the clouds, and a lot of lava was running down its sides. The volcano was always active andspewed lava 24/7. Around the base of the volcano, Gravis could see a lot of buildings made of obsidian. People darted from onebuilding to the other.

Obviously, that was the Fire Guild. Gravis looked around but couldn't see any Energy Beasts or Energy Plants. It seemed like thestrength of the Fire Guild was about the same as the Lightning Guild and couldn't compare with the Wind Guild.

Gravis furrowed his brows as he saw some peculiar things. In the Wind Guild, no one fought, while he had seen some spars inthe Lightning Guild. Yet, that was child's play in comparison to the Fire Guild. Wherever he looked, he saw people fighting. Theywere even fighting along the communal toilets. Their battle intent was really crazy. Gravis' furrowed brows slowly changed into asmirk. ‘I bet they'll love my proposition.’

Skye and Gravis flew closer and stopped near the edge of their borders. A lot of disciples and guards already looked at Skye andpointed with their fingers. It was rare seeing a high-grade Energy Beast around these parts. Many of the guards readied theirweapons. Such a foe was dangerous!

"Fire Guild!" Gravis shouted with all his power from Skye's back. His voice reverberated throughout half of the Fire Guild, andeveryone looked into his direction. "| am Gravis from the Heaven Sect, and | have an offer for all of you!"

The disciple's narrowed their eyes, and their battle intent skyrocketed. Someone not from their guild was flying above them andtalking down to them. In their minds, this was blatant disrespect, even if Gravis didn’t mean it like that. That was just how thedisciples of the Fire Guild were. They searched for any reason to battle with others.

“We are not interested!" came a strong shout from the middle of the guild. Gravis felt that this shout came from someone in theSpirit Forming Realm. "We don't care what you offer! We only want to temper ourselves. Leave!" the voice shouted again.

Gravis’ smirk increased. "That's exactly what | am here for!" he shouted back and, surprisingly, the voice didn't answerimmediately. "Starting today for the next six days, | will accept life and death duels from anyone in the eighth and ninth level ofMagic Gathering. This is my personal proposal and has nothing to do with the Heaven Sect. If | die, nothing will happen to you!Of course, | still have one condition.”

The disciples talked with each other. It was hard for most of them to find real life and death tempering. Disciples in the higherstages could only find life and death tempering with high-grade Energy Beasts or with other people in their level. Yet, how easywas it to find a high-grade Energy Beast, and how easy was it to find people at their strength, willing to fight them? That was thebiggest reason why they had so many people in the higher levels of Energy Gathering but nearly no Spirit Forming experts.

"What's your condition?" said the voice from the Spirit Forming expert, now with more friendliness. The Fire Guild was veryinterested in that offer. Free life and death tempering? Who could say no to that? Of course, this was only true for the Fire Guild.The other guilds would probably decline. They have spent so much to get so many strong disciples. Why would they send themto their deaths?

"Simple!" shouted Gravis. "I will place a banner down in front of your guild. Written on it are the names of multiple bodystrengthening pills. Someone who wants to fight with me to the death has to give me one of those before the fight," Gravisreleased a small laugh. "Of course, if the disciple wins and | die, they can rob me of everything | have. Why would a dead personcare about their wealth?”

At first, some disciples thought this sounded like a scam, but in the end, they realized that it honestly didn't matter. If they killedGravis, they would get their pill back, as well as all his wealth, and if they died, their wealth would be irrelevant. They slowlystarted realizing how confident Gravis was in winning. This made a lot of them furious. In their minds, Gravis was obviouslyunderestimating them! How dare he!?

“Alright, we accept!" shouted the voice again. Gravis smirk intensified, and he took up the banner from behind him. He hadcreated the banner while they were on their way to the Fire Guild. Gravis made Skye dive and threw the banner at the ground.The banner was made out of the wood of an Energy Plant, so it was pretty durable. As it hit the ground, the earth shook, and thebanner vibrated for a while.

I'll be waiting ten kilometers to thenorth of here!" Gravis shouted. Skyequickly brought Gravis to thelr targetfeleatlo i) landed fightingaferla that Gravis chose was outsideon a meadow, near a river. There wasa lot of open space, and theywouldn't destroy that much stuffwhile they fought. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

The river was only around a hundredmeters wide, and Skye flew to theother side. Skye wouldn't beparticipating in the psequeat ae!

fi Thisntidiel mpering was allfor Gravis. Meanwhile, Gravis’emotions were a mixture of anxietyand excitement. While killingsomeone in the eighth level of EnergyGathering was not difficult, killingsomeone at the ninth was an actualfight that could end in his death. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!


After waiting for around five minutes,the earth started vibrating. Gravisnarrowed his eyes bs looked

t ards the iret n of the FireGuild. Thousands of people werecharging towards him. Gravis took adeep breath. He knew that hischallenge would be popular. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

But not this popular!

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