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Chapter 134

Gravis' insides churned as he heard Wendy. This came out of nowhere and threw all his suspicions about why she wanted tomeet him into disarray. "What do you mean?" he asked with narrowed eyes.

Wendy released a dry laugh. "You're not a Heavenborn. | have felt the Heavenly Pressure of Heavenborn, and | know that theycan't keep their Heavenly Pressure up for more than ten minutes," she explained. "When | saw you keeping your Will-Aura up forseveral hours, | was already sure that you were not a Heavenborn."

She knew his secret, and he couldn't risk her fleeing and telling others. He walked closer and took out the jade token. She didn'tseem to mind and didn't attack Gravis even when she stood inside the Formation Array's activation range. Even though Gravisknew that she could have told others earlier, he didn't want to take any chances.novelbin

"Tell me," started Gravis. "If you already knew that | am not a Heavenborn, then why didn't you just publicize it? If you did that, |would already be dead."

Wendy smiled slightly. "| don't want to kill you," she said, and Gravis furrowed his brows. He had thought, based on how she hadacted, that she wanted his life. Her not wanting his life came as a surprise to him.

"Then why all this slandering?" Gravis asked her.

Wendy looked a little apologetic. "| wanted to meet you," she explained. "How could | meet you when you were inside theHeaven Sect without awaking suspicion? | also don't know where and when your missions would take place, so | had no choicebut to become your target."

Gravis furrowed his brows further. "But you know that becoming my target means that | either have to kill you or flee from theHeaven Sect," he said, "and | don't plan on blowing my cover just yet."

Wendy continued smiling, for some reason. "I know that, and | don't want you to blow your cover."Gravis lifted one of his brows. "Are you telling me that you intend to die here?" he asked incredulously.

Wendy sighed. "Maybe," she said and made a pause. She sat down and patted the spot beside her for Gravis to also sit down.By now, Gravis knew that he would already be dead if she wanted to kill him. She would've just needed to tell others about hisWill-Aura. So, Gravis took her offer and sat beside her. They both looked at the quiet forest.

"| want to tell you my story," she said after a while. "Could you grant me this last wish?"Gravis nodded. "Sure. I'm also interested in what reason you could have to throw away your life like that."

Wendy's smile brightened a little. "| had a husband once," she started. "We knew each other ever since | was a young teenager.We basically grew up together, and we were best of friends. My father wanted me to become a strong cultivator, so he had sentme out into the Outer-Continent when | was just twelve. Of course, before sending me out, he helped me temper my organs andblood. | met my husband in a town in the Outer-Continent."

Gravis felt that this situation was similar to his own. He also arrived in this lower world when he only had tempered his organsand blood. Gravis looked to the sky and thought about his homeworld.

Wendy looked at Gravis and guessed that he had gone through something similar. She moved her legs closer to her chest andhugged them in a comfortable position. "When we met, he was just a teenager from a town. He was about one year older thanme and had already tempered his skin. In the beginning, we fought a lot, but then we started getting closer."

Wendy looked up into the sky. "I stayed in that town until | was 14. By then, | had also tempered my skin and bones by hunting inthe Hunting Guild. We were already very close at that time, and some romantic feelings started blossoming in my heart. Yet..."

Wendy sighed in sadness. "It wasn't meant to last. One particular day, we went on a hunt together, and after we had slain thebeast, we were exhausted and injured. Just when we had decided to rest, some raiders jumped out of the bushes out ofnowhere. | don't know if you know, but in comparison to bandits, raiders are the real outlaws. They kill, destroy, rob, and do otherunsavory things."

Gravis nodded. He still remembered the raiders that attacked that one village.

Wendy sighed. "If we were at our peak, we could have won against them, but at that time, we had no chance. My husbandmanaged to give me a chance to flee while he remained behind to keep them at bay. | wanted to help him so badly, but | knewthat that would only make his sacrifice meaningless. | fled to the Hunting Guild and told them what happened. Luckily, we werenot that far away."

“About an hour later, | returned with several hunters, and we only found some corpses and some blood, but nothing more. | knewhow many raiders attacked us, and | saw that only a third of them died to him. | knew that they had taken him captive. Raidersoften do business with slave-traders, and someone with tempered skin and bones was worth a lot of money."

Some tears ran down Wendy's face, but she didn't seem to notice. "| was heartbroken, and | lost all my will to cultivate and live. |remained in the town and waited for him every day. | couldn't accept that he was gone and spent most of my time looking overthe wall of the town, into the wilderness, hoping that | would see him return."

Then, Wendy smiled. "About six months later, he actually returned. At that time, | thought | was dreaming. It was a miracle fromHeaven! | knew that Heaven wanted him to return! | was so happy, and | wept for days out of happiness. All the light in my lifereturned at that point, and | was happy that | held out. Before that, | had contemplated suicide every day.”

Gravis could feel that Wendy's feelings were genuine, and he felt for her. "How did he manage to escape?" he asked.

Wendy smiled sweetly. "They trainedhim to be a slave. It's a very torturousprocess where the regk somedne

wn Over@ hong i e and makethem lose their individuality. At thatpoint, they would only live for theirmasters. He acted like he was slowlylosing himself, but always held out."The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

Her cheeks reddened a little. "He saidit was because he wanted to see meagain and didn't want me to feel badfor him. At some ndiat He frdnagedteeScabs Sra they chased him. Heused guerilla tactics to engage inmany smaller fights, and his life wasalways hanging by a thread. After aparticularly difficult fight, hemanaged to materialize his will." Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Gravis was surprised. "So, due to all the torture and the fights, he managed to create a Will-Aura in the Body Tempering Realm?"he asked.

Wendy nodded. "Yes, and with thepower of his Will-Aura, heslaughtered every last raider an

freed the slayegAferhd radtakenhis, fev: ene immediately ran backto our town to meet me. We fell intoeach other's arms and confessed ourmutual love for each other. Wedecided that we would marry eachother as soon as we would turn 16."The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

Wendy's expression turned back to sadness. "We lived in happiness, and every day felt like | was living in a dream, but after sixmonths..."

“An executioner of the Heaven Sect appeared.”

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