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Chapter 1317

What is a Cosmos?That was a very difficult question to answer. After all, a Cosmos was something very different to different kinds of people.

Most Cultivators weren't able to tell the difference between a Cosmos and a world. A Cosmos was just another word for a world,right?

Aworld included the Laws of Time, Space, Gravity, Matter, Elements, and all the nuances of living beings. A world alreadyincluded everything.

ACosmos didn't add anything on top of that.

Their definition was correct.

For them, it didn't make a difference.

The concept of a world already encompassed everything they had ever known. A world was their entire life.What did more powerful people think about what a Cosmos was?

It was a more powerful world.

By knowing the Law of the True World and knowing the Law of Energy, one would be able to build a Cosmos. So, logically, aCosmos was just a world with more power.

Their definition was also correct. In a way, a Cosmos was just a more powerful version of a world.If the Primordial Chaos could think, what would it think what a Cosmos was?It would think that a Cosmos was a domain.

ACosmos could block out forces it didn't like and allow in forces it supported. It could block out Death and all the other forcesthat comprised the Primordial Chaos but let Energy through.novelbin

What would the Primordial Chaos think a world was?Aplace where Energy could safely undergo transformations without being attacked by the other forces.

ACosmos was a construct of Energy that defended a world from the Primordial Chaos while simultaneously siphoning powerfrom it.

That definition was also correct. After all, this was exactly what a Cosmos did.What did a Heaven Breaker think about what a Cosmos was?


It was them.

A Cosmos was simply a superior body.

A body could only absorb so much Energy. A body could only be so powerful. A body could only house a Spirit with a certain levelof power.

There was a limit to the natural density of everything.Anormal body would eventually reach these limits.That's when one needed a Cosmos.

The Cosmos was the actual body of a Heaven Breaker.

In essence, the Heaven Breaker would renounce their old body and make their Cosmos their new body. They would be far biggerthan before, which would allow them to gather far more Energy and power in the process.

With a Cosmos, they could also travel the Primordial Chaos without any fear. Their Cosmos would filter out all the dangerousforces while absorbing all the Energy.

If someone without a Cosmos entered the Primordial Chaos, all the different forces would destroy them.

The Primordial Chaos was endless, and even if it needed billions or trillions of times more Death to kill the Cultivator, it wouldn'tmake a difference.

The Primordial Chaos was infinite.

If a Cultivator didn't have a Cosmos, they couldn't siphon power out of the infinite well of pure power that was the PrimordialChaos.

What did a Heaven Breaker think a world was?Generator for power.

Since the Heaven Breaker was the Cosmos, they could use everything inside their Cosmos. After all, it belonged to them, and itwas inside them.

However, to become more powerful, one needed more living beings.Why?

First of all, living beings naturally condensed Energy. Increasing the density of Energy also needed Energy. In comparison, livingbeings would slowly work on their own density of Energy. After all, the more Energy they had inside them, the more powerful theybecame.

Second, Spirits could be used as a medium to channel Laws and concepts. The Heaven Breaker had an incredible amount ofconcentration, but by using the gathered Spirits of all their living beings, they could unleash even more power.

Third, life begets life. Life would continue multiplying, which would put the cost of Energy of creating new life on the shoulders ofthe parents. The parents would lose part of their power to create a child, but they would very quickly regather it simply byexisting.

With life, more Energy entered the Cosmos, which would fill the worlds with more Energy, which would support more livingbeings, which would pull in more Energy, and so on.

So, to summarize, to a Heaven Breaker, a Cosmos was them, and a world was their power generator.

Then, what about the human form of a Heaven Breaker?

That was simply a point of connection and a medium.

A Cosmos was so big that it could only move around in the Primordial Chaos. It couldn't just enter another Cosmos.

So, to enter another Cosmos, one needed a smaller representation of a Cosmos. The human body would only have as muchpower as such a small body could have, but it would have access to the entire Cosmos.

This was also why the human body was a medium for a Heaven Breaker. A Cosmos could unleash its power in the PrimordialChaos without a problem, but if it wanted to unleash its power in another Cosmos, it would need a medium.

That was the human body.

At this very moment, the Opposer's body only had as much Energy as a normal Heaven's Magnate. After all, that was themaximum density one could achieve with Energy.

However, the Opposer also had access to his entire Cosmos.

In the Primordial Chaos, time and space didn't matter. After all, time and space were creations of Orthar.

In the Primordial Chaos, everything was everywhere all the time.

Therefore, the Opposer could use thepower of his Cosmos in an instinside Orthar's Cosikds it wouldn'tbe dny: di fetent than if the Opposer'sCosmos were inside Orthar'sCosmos. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

The only difference was the access point.

Orthar would only need to defendhimself from a single 3D aeeesaipoint inthe shapelokel lian, whileOrtHar-could attack that access pointfrom anywhere. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

When talking about death in theHeaven Breaker Realm, one wouldn'ttalk about the deatfyofthe'accesspbirit No; killing a Heaven Breakermeant either destroying theirCosmos or destroying their will. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

The Opposer's body inside Orthar's Cosmos was an access point, but it could go both ways.The Opposer could attack Orthar via that access point, but Orthar could also attack the Opposer.

If Orthar managed to destroy the Opposer's will, he could use the access point to pull the Opposer's Cosmos towards hisCosmos and absorb it.

So, why was the Opposer trapped?

Because he didn't allow the connection between their Cosmoses to close.

If the Opposer decided to kill off his human body, it would be like leaving the channel open without a guard.This was what a Cosmos was.

A Cosmos was a Heaven Breaker, and Gravis knew that, which was how he had been able to comprehend the Law of theCosmos that quickly.

If one didn't know what a Cosmos was or what the Primordial Chaos was, it would be far more difficult to comprehend the Law.However, since Gravis knew all this, it hadn't been very difficult for him to comprehend the concept of a Cosmos.

In fact, Mortis also knew that which meant comprehending the Law of the Cosmos also wouldn't be very difficult for him.However, his problem was the Law of Energy.

Mortis couldn't perfectly emulate the mindset of the Avatar of Death, which reduced his closeness to Death.

Mortis definitely had it easier than other Heaven Breakers, but not so easy that he could just comprehend it because he wantedto.

And when Mortis heard that Gravis knew the Law of the Cosmos, he only furrowed his brows.

"You really don't want to wait anymore?’

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