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Chapter 108

"We'll go with plan B," said the leader of the disciples. Even though two others were also at the eighth level of Energy Gathering,he was their leader for a reason. The reason was that he had a Will-Aura. It had just recently condensed, yet that made himnearly invincible in his level. On his level, the others could only release 80% of their fighting strength while he activated his Will-Aura.

"Silvio, it all depends on you now," said the leader as he passed something to the disciple at the seventh level of EnergyGathering. "We won't be able to kill the bird, but we can keep it at bay for some seconds. Follow the plan!"

"Don't worry! | won't make a mistake. The betrayer will die today!" shouted Silvio as he looked at Gravis with thick killing intent.Silvio had been romantically interested in Escura, and he wanted to court her, yet the betrayer had killed her. His fury hadexploded when he heard about it, and he had screamed to the heavens in hatred.

When the hit-squad was prepared, Silvio was absolutely adamant in coming with them. Initially, due to Gravis' danger, no discipleunder the eighth level was allowed to participate, but Silvio went mad when he had been denied. He turned everything over andeven ignored all the people who tried to suppress him. He even accepted heavy punishment and debt, just to convince everyoneto let him come along.

Originally, the three other disciples were not happy with him tagging along, but when they saw the bird, they were thankful. Itwould need all three of them just to occupy the bird for a couple of seconds. Without him, they could only return in failure.

"We're going in!" shouted the leader and shot forward. The others followed closely behind him, and they all charged up the treewith their full power, leaving a trail of destruction along the tree. They had been informed about the tree, but the tree couldn'tcompare to even the weakest of them.

Escura, who was at the sixth level of Energy Gathering, could already kill the tree in a one-on-one if she weren't disturbed byothers in her fight. The tree tried its best to stop them, but just their lightning movement already tore all the branches apart. Thetree couldn't even delay them.

The parent bird screeched loudly, while Skye flew away, to safety. It couldn't get involved in this fight, even if it wanted to. Theparent bird took to the air and charged at the congregation of eighth level disciples. Silvio split off from the other three andcharged towards Gravis.

Gravis saw this and readied himself. He had an idea of what they were planning, and to stop them from succeeding, he wouldhave to gamble with his life. This could go wrong very quickly, and a single mistake or missed timing would spell his doom. But ifhe managed to succeed...

Gravis charged down, running straight at Silvio. Silvio grew excited when he saw that. If Gravis reached him, Gravis would die100%!

Gravis and Silvio came closer, and just before Gravis reached a ten-meter distance from Silvio, Silvio took out a jade token."You're dead!" he shouted and crushed the token.


At least he tried to, but suddenly an intense pressure appeared out of nowhere. He knew Gravis was a Heavenborn, and he wasprepared to receive Gravis' Heavenly Pressure, but this pressure was way stronger than he had expected. Silvio froze for a splitsecond due to the shock.

Gravis shot a lightning bolt at Silvio's hand, which loosened the jade token, and it left his hand. Gravis quickly caught it and rantowards the other battlefield.

"Stop!" shouted Silvio and shot his strongest lightning bolt at Gravis. Gravis already expected that and loaded his weapon with20% of his whole Energy reserve and blocked it. He managed to block the attack, but his arm, carrying the saber, was stillscorched black.

Silvio, who had been sure that this lightning bolt could severely injure Gravis, was shocked when he saw that. He hadn't evenstarted charging forward because he had concentrated everything on that lightning bolt. His eyes opened wide, and his jawdropped as he saw Gravis getting closer to the other disciples.

"Flee!" Silvio shouted with all his might, but the others couldn't hear him over the apocalyptic wind around them. The parent birdwas proving to be a more than formidable opponent, and they couldn't spare even a single glance. The bird took up their fullconcentration. They were all entirely unloading their lightning on the bird, and their Energy reserves were already starting to getlow. Without using absolutely everything, they couldn't keep it at bay.

They all shot another fully loaded lightning bolt at the bird, but only a single one reached it, and that didn't even leave an injury.The other two lightning bolts got blocked by a sudden Formation Array.

"Silvio, you idiot! Why are you..." the leader shouted. He was outside of the Formation Array as he turned to the others, butstopped when he saw Gravis inside the Formation Array. His eyes grew wide, and he immediately started running down the tree.

The other two disciples saw Gravis and unloaded all their lightning on him, but Gravis had quickly left the Formation Array andwilled it to block the attack. "Kill the other one!" Gravis shouted with all his might, as he shot a weak lightning bolt at the fleeingleader.

The bird quickly saw what was happening and realized what Gravis wanted. It ignored the two captives and flew straight at thefleeing leader. Trying to flee alone from a high-grade Energy Beast bird with the wind element? Gravis only smirked in disdain.

Gravis knew that the Lightning Guildtook him seriously now. They wouldprobably use UCR

a enalit stop firh’ When Gravis

saw that the disciples didn't fleeearlier, even when they saw the bird,he knew that they probably prepareda Formation Array to contain him.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

Would they contain the bird in the Formation Array and attack him? Gravis doubted it. If they could, they probably would do that,but the last Formation Array he had seen only had a diameter of ten meters. Such a small space couldn't even contain the bird'storso.

Gravis already expected that suchFormation Arrays were supremelyexpensive. The Aveo teein Earth Tqwnyont Ha single one,which was only meant foremergencies. One Formation Array toprotect a whole congregation ofdisciples? That showed its immenseworth. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

How expensive would a FormationArray be if it had the size to containthe bird? If such a Formation Arraywere easily progupad, Ger wouldn'tbe-dny: high-grade Energy Beastsanymore. Gravis knew that they tookhim seriously, but to use such anover the top Formation Array thatcould contain a high-grade EnergyBeast? Gravis doubted that. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!novelbin

Of course, a lot of that was only speculation, and there was still a significant risk for Gravis. He could only gamble. Gravispresumed that if the disciples didn't have an Array Formation, they would have never engaged the bird. It was just too powerful.The big bird chased the leader of the disciples, and Gravis turned to Silvio, who was angrily charging at him.

“Let's have a proper life and death battle!"

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