Kiss me tender

Chapter 95 (Part Two)
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Chapter 95 (Part Two)

Hearing Colin's laughter, director Li asked, "Mr. Colin, what's your opinion?"

Colin said calmly, "I'm an investor. It's up to you to decide the actress." "But I wonder what role MissShen has chosen." He then raised his eyebrows and looked at Melissa.

Director Li chuckled and said, "Miss Shen, come to audition and play the role of swordswoman. Youplay the supporting role in the play and usually wear men's clothes. And she lacks of caution."

"Okay……" Colin nodded his head and added in a forced smile, "But I don't think a beautiful andinnocent lady like Miss Shen can handle the role."

"Mr. Colin, what do you mean?" Director Li couldn't help but try to figure out the motivation behindColin's words. Did he dislike this actress?

Hearing Colin's words, Melissa was nervous. It sounded like it was not going to work. He was thebiggest investor now and what he said certainly played an important role in this play. If he didn't likeher, then director Li would replace her immediately.

At the same time, Melissa felt both sad and angry. She was angry that Colin didn't let her go and thathe was really going to make her suffer? In private, Melissa would yell at him and argue with him. Butnow, she couldn't show anger to

Colin in front of the director, so she had to put on a forced smile and explained, "Mr. Colin, youmisunderstood me. Actors need to focus on their acting skills, not your appearance. You have to workhard on acting. If you judge one person only by looking at the person's appearance, there wouldn't beso many actors with great strength in the country." "Though I don't look so beautiful now, butsometimes my personality is much like that of a boy. I think if I can do the job well with makeup and Ican do it well with my acting skill."

Director Li couldn't help looking up at Melissa and said, "It seems that Miss Shen is very confident."

Then Melissa said to Director Li with a smile, "Director, you can put on some make-up and try on themirror to see if it works. Then maybe the impact has been created you can't expect." "If it really can't,it's worthy for me to come here today to have an audition. If I lose, it's no regret!"

Melissa said with earnest, but director Li had a look at Colin and asked him for his opinion as well asthe interrogation.

With a gentle smile, Colin said to Melissa, "Miss Shen, how about sitting down and tell us how you canplay this role so that you can persuade us?"

Hearing that, Melissa knew that Colin was trying to make fun of her. But she couldn't lose her temperbecause director Li was here. Bearing the anger in her heart, she smiled and said, "Okay!" Then shechecked the seat. She wanted to sit next to Director Li. But director Li was so fat that he could evenoccupy a sofa for himself. There was only a small area left. She couldn't squeeze a sofa with directorLi. How impolite! And she found only one side of the sofa by Colin and that man seemed to have madea plan as he moved to the other side. Although Melissa was unwilling to sit next to him, she had to bitethe bullet and sit down.

As soon as Melissa sat down, Colin moved his body, almost sitting next to her. She could even smellthe Eau de Cologne and male breath on him, which made her out of breath. The sofa was so small thatMelissa had to sit there in such an exquisite way. And there was nothing she could do to avoid. Thesofa was very soft, but she immediately felt restless sitting by Colin.

"Miss Shen, tell me. Do you have any experience in playing this role well?" As a result, Colindeliberately forced her to face him with his head tilted to one side.

Melissa tried her best to keep calm. She looked straight at the director and explained, "The director toldme on the phone yesterday that the supporting role was a simple and chivalrous woman. Her mother

died at a young age and she was hired by the bodyguard Bureau. She was surrounded by a lot of men,so she acted like a boy." "I think that I has to start from her heart to act this well……"

As Melissa was speaking, she didn't notice that Colin was sitting close to her and one of his hands washolding the sofa behind her. Although he didn't hold her shoulders, he seemed to have held hershoulders as tightly from others perspectives. He also gave some grapes to her from time to time. Evenif she refused, he still sent some to her. In the end, he just handed the grape to her mouth.

This move made Melissa pause. She had to stop the speech. He did it only when they were together athome, but today it was in front of director Li.

As for Colin, he asked with a forced smile, "Miss Shen, why don't you eat?"

Director Li, who sat opposite them, suddenly smiled, very ambiguous and meaningful, as if figuring outsomething. Perhaps, director Li thought that Colin had fallen in love with the new actress again.novelbin

The smile on director Li's face brought Melissa back her mind. After taking a glance at herself, shefound that Colin almost wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she was so close to him that hecould touch her face as long as he lowered his head. Obviously, it was the action of playboys to molestgirls. For an instant, she felt that she had been tricked. So she was angry and humiliated. She stood upfrom the sofa and gazed at Colin coldly.

As Colin saw her get up, a bigger and more distinct smile crept onto his face and there was also acynical look on his face, as if he was telling her that he had flirted with her. Director Li was soembarrassed that he lowered his head to hold back his laughter.

Feeling being fooled, Melissa was about to explode. However, the door of the lounge was pushed openand Junia came in.

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