Kiss me tender

Chapter 73
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Chapter 73

In a tea room with smoke curling, a few young girls dressed in red cheongsam were kneeling at thetable to make tea and making tea. Their white hands looked elegant in posture. They made teaaccording to their action standard. They were as elegant and professional as the official ladies fromancient times.

Fannie was sitting on a wooden chair to take a rest. Someone was massaging her legs. Every daywhen she felt tired, she would like to come to this place to have a rest. She liked the Chinese style,especially tea. She used to drink coffee to refresh herself when she was young, but now she only likedtea when she was a little older. Therefore, she was quite familiar with the Tin Teahouse.

She was in her fifties, but her skin was as smooth like a lady in her early forties. She had always beena coquettish girl in her youth, but now she was well preserved with appropriately exquisite make-up andhigh-end clothes. So she looked like a queen, completely different from her previous coquettish stylethat was looked down upon by others.

No one in the entertainment circle dared to defy her. Her husband, Gilbert, was ninety years old andparalyzed with old age. He could only lie on the bed, waiting for his death. He could do nothing withanything and the business of the Ling family had fallen into her hands completely. The ex-wives andother children of Gilbert, who were not able to deal with her, could be controlled by her, as if she couldeasily deal with an ant.

After hearing Candy's report, Fannie raised her hand gracefully. The big diamond and emerald braceleton her hand glittered in the light, which immediately attracted Candy's attention. Candy stopped talkingand just looked at Fannie, who closed her eyes meditatively.

Fannie waved her hand and asked the waiter to leave. Then she sat up slowly and said, "I got it. Youmean that the woman began to break up with Colin, right?"

Candy nodded and said, "Yes. That woman ran out after Mr. Colin scolded her that night. She lookedvery sad and Mr. Colin was very angry, so he didn't chase her out. Therefore, I guess they will not haveany relationship in the future, right?"

Fannie took the small tea cup the waitress served, smelt the fragrant taste of the tea, and then slowlydrank the tea, saying, "Well done."

Hearing that, Candy smiled fawningly and said, "It's all because of you. You are so brilliant. First, yougave words to Melissa's parents to irritate them. Then, you parted Colin and Melissa by takingadvantage of Melissa's parents. Finally, you provoked Mr. Colin with the belongings of Avril and Mr.Colin said harsh words to Melissa. So, both of them finally hated each other." "From now on, they willbe strangers."

Fannie put down the tea cup gracefully and sneered, "You are too naive. If you let it go, Colin won't bemy son!"

"What do you mean, madam?" Candy said with puzzlement.

Then, Fannie took the second cup of tea to taste slowly. She said, "Since you have said that Mr. Colin'sattitude towards that woman is different and that woman also was kept staying with Colin for five yearsas well as even Colin brought her home. Apparently, that woman has a place in Colin's heart""According to Colin's character, can he easily give up her?"

"Madam, do you mean that……" Mr. Colin has fallen in love with that woman. What can we do? "It's noteasy for him to give up!" Candy was a little scared.

Slowly, Fannie raised her head and glanced at Candy with her eyes glistening with coldness. She saidslowly, "That depends on that woman. It's okay if she is not greedy, but if this time she just chooses tobe separated from Colin, that's all." If she acts like Avril and she continued to have an affair with Colin,Then……. "Then……" Fannie lowered her head and adjusted the super big diamond ring on her middle

finger. She said slowly, "I don't mind to deal with her in the same way as I dealt with Avril in the past. Ifshe dare to covet Colin, I will let her disappear in the world inexplicably!" She raised her handgracefully to show her diamond ring in the sunlight and then smiled with satisfaction.

But Candy's face turned pale with fright. How terrible madam dealt with Avril and the way she killedAvril was bad! It was too cruel! Candy couldn't help shivering.

Melissa slept for a long time, so that she thought she would never wake up. She had many nightmares,she dreamed that everyone in the world abandoned her, and her parents despised her as well. Theydidn't even raise their hands to help her when they saw her fall into hell. They just stood on top of her,coldly watching her fall into the hell.

Then Colin was the demon who tried to drag her to the place she didn't want to go. No matter how hardshe struggled and roared, he dragged her into the sea of fire, turning her into ashes.

She screamed and shouted at her parents, asking them not to leave her or telling Colin not to be withher again. She pleaded for mercy and finally when she was so helpless, she grabbed a hand, whichwas so strong, holding her tightly. There was a man yelling, "Melissa……" "Melissa……"

All of a sudden, Melissa's nerves were at ease. Holding his hand tightly, she felt that it was warm andsecure. She was not afraid of falling into hell without her parents' help. She held his hand tightly untilher nightmare was gone and she fell asleep gradually.

When she woke up, it was already morning. The sunshine dazzled her. Melissa opened her eyes andsaw herself lying on the hospital bed in white with the smell of disinfectant. She was put on a drip, butshe still felt weak and heavy. It seemed as if she had been carrying something weighing thousands ofpounds, which was hard for her to move.

Then she turned her head and saw a man sleeping next to her bed. He was very tall, so he didn't seemto be very comfortable in his sleep. His posture was very restrained, but he clasped her hand tightly,

without loosening it at all.

Melissa tried her best to recall what had happened last night. Then she remembered that she hadreceived a call from Eric before she had been in a coma and had asked him for help weakly. Was heEric? Did she get rid of the cold rainy night and the abductors?novelbin

Melissa moved her fingers and called out lightly, "Eric..."

Eric woke up at once. He might be a light sleeper, so if there was any noise coming from outside, hewould be awake at once. He raised his head to look at her. His eyes lit up at the sight of her awake.With a big grin, he said cheerfully, "Melissa, are you awake?" How do you feel now? "Do you feel betternow?"

He stood up and asked her kindly. It was not until then that Melissa noticed that his clothes were still ina mess. It seemed that he was still wet in the rain and there were a lot of stains on it. And his hair wasa bit messy, which was not like him who was usually clean and tidy. He looked haggard and perhapsbecause he didn't get enough sleep. And there were dark circles under his eyes and his chin wasgrowing with some beard. In short, he was not like the clean and handsome Eric in usual.

Melissa asked, "Are you always awake?" "What time is it now?"

Eric checked his watch and answered, "It's almost noon. You had a long sleep. You had a fever lastnight. Did you have a lot of nightmares?"

Melissa looked at him gratefully, "Thank you. Thank you so much. But I don't know what to do withoutyou last night, so thank you!"

She was so weak that she was on the verge of having a nervous breakdown last night. If Eric hadn'tshown up, perhaps she had died in Dream Garden and even nobody knew it. However, that time she

would rather die than be abandoned by others so that she felt so sad.

Eric reached out to stroke Melissa's forehead and then let out a sigh of relief. His uneasiness wasfinally relieved. He smiled and said, "The fever has been brought down. When I sent you to the hospitalyesterday, you had a high fever and the wound on your head has been inflamed. The doctor said that itwas very dangerous. It would be troublesome if you couldn't wake up this morning. Fortunately, youfinally wake up. The fever was gone. You must have passed the crisis."

Noticing that there were tears in Melissa's eyes, Eric asked with concern, "Yesterday……" Whathappened to you last night? Why were you in such a mess? When I found you yesterday, I saw youleaning in an empty corner, unconscious, embarrassing, with no shoes and your feet are bleeding.What's wrong with you? Why did they come to the suburb? "What happened?"

His words saddened Melissa again. Tears came down from her eyes and dropped on the pillow. Shecouldn't help but sob and she was really sad.

Eric grabbed her hand tightly and asked coldly with a frown, "Is it related to Colin? Or yourparents……" You kept calling their names when you had nightmares last night. What did they do toyou? "And especially Colin? What did he do to you?"

Speaking of Colin, Eric was still angry. That night in a five-star hotel, he had a quarrel with Colin. Henever found that there was such a bad man in the world. And that man was so mean to a woman. Itseemed that he had tortured Melissa for many years. Otherwise, how could she become like this asshe was such a good star and an innocent woman? But he didn't expect that Melissa and Colin had ahidden relationship. They were from two different worlds. Melissa was an innocent woman. Why wouldMelissa be with Colin later?

Melissa cried for a while and she held back her tears with saying, "It's all over now. I won't get involvedin Colin from now on." "And I don't want to talk about him either."

Seeing that she didn't want to talk about it, Eric thought that she might have been hurt by those things.Although he was very worried, it was not appropriate to reveal her wound since she didn't want to. Sohe lowered his head and stopped asking. After a while, he asked with concern, "What are you going todo in the future?"

Melissa stared blankly at the ceiling, thought for a while, and then gritted her teeth and said, "I want toshow them that I'm successful. Although I've left the entertainment circle for a long time, it doesn'tmean that I'll be down in the world for the rest of my life." "I will stand from where I stepped down. Idon't want to be bullied by those who bully me one more time! I, known as Melissa, want to fightagainst them!"

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