Kiss me tender

Chapter 54
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Chapter 54

Woody rushed to Eric, seeming to say something. But at that moment, he couldn't say anything. Hehad been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and he had seen anyone, but only didn't seeColin, not to mention that Colin's mother, Fannie. But he had never seen them before, he just knew thelegend about them. How horrible they were, especially Colin's mother, Fannie. Offending her wasindeed a death penalty. And her son, who must be as evil as her.

Eric was composed as he kept looking at Colin. It was also the first time for him to see Colin. He sawColin at the award ceremony or other events, but he didn't speak to him and he didn't know what kindof person Colin was. But all the people in the circle knew that they couldn't offend Colin. In addition, hetold Colin looked powerful today, bringing such a group of bodyguards with him. The people who didn'tunderstand him thought that he saw the gangster. But for Gilbert's family, what's the difference betweenthe entertainment industry and the gangs?novelbin

Ling family was just like a royal family, a Mafia family. With more than half of the power, they could dowhatever they wanted, and no one dared to offend them!

Colin led a group of bodyguards in front of Eric, and Woody was smart enough to react immediately.Deserved to be the top agent, of course he could deal with such a situation well, even if he was inpanic. With his fingers crooked, he greeted Evan, "Hey, isn't that the distinguished Mr. Colin? Mr. Colin,what brings you here? It's great to meet you here! "

Woody tried to shake Colin's hand back, but his hand was in the air, and Colin didn't reply, staring athim coldly. Woody retracted his hand awkwardly and said with a smile, "I've heard that Mr. Colin is a bigshot. Today I see you that you are truly dignified and different from many other big bosses. You are sobrilliant that I dare not look straight into your eyes! What brings you here? "

With his lips curled into a mocking smile, Colin said, "Mr. Woody is indeed a well-known manager in theentertainment circle. You have brought more and more famous artists, one better than another.

Especially the best actor now, Eric. You are really a piece of work!"

"What?" Hearing that, Woody dazed for a moment. He didn't know what did Colin mean by that. Hedidn't know whether it was irony or something else. Colin pointed to what? But it soundeduncomfortable.

Eric kept staring at Colin, until he finally spoke, "it's late at night. What do you want from me?"

Colin turned to look at Eric. Evil and insidious smile covered Colin's face as well as his eyes. Clearly,some kind of emotion was brewing in them, and it could burst out at any time, which made peopleshudder. Without saying anything else, he told Eric, "hand her over!"

Hearing that, Eric was stunned for a while, but soon he realized who Colin referred to. He frowned andsaid, "what's the relationship between Mr. Colin and her? Why do you want me to give her to you?"

Woody was startled by Eric's words. He held Eric's hand and asked, "Eric, what are you talking about?This is Mr. Colin. You should give him whatever he wants! "

But Eric was determined, staring at Colin fearlessly, as if he wanted to confront Colin without fear.

Hearing that, Colin looked Eric up and down and nodded slightly, as if thinking that he should give Erica new appraisal of this best actor. Then Colin raised his eyebrows and said proudly, "she's my woman.What do you think I have to do with her? And now I want to take my woman home. Do you still want tostop me? What's your relationship with her? "

Eric finally fell silent. He closed his mouth tightly, as if he was shocked by Colin's confession.

With a snort of contempt, Colin passed by Eric and was about to enter the room. But at the verymoment, Eric reached out to stop him again and said indifferently, "no matter if she's your woman or

not, she just said that she hated you and said what you should do to let her go. If you are a man, youwon't force her."

Hearing that, Colin abruptly stopped. He turned around and stared at Eric coldly. Obviously, his eyeswere already irritated by the fact that Eric kept challenging his authority, and Melissa's words provokedhim as well.

Colin didn't reply and move, but stared at Eric coldly, which made people around breathless. They wereso scared especially Woody, who had been in the entertainment circle for so many years and had seenany big shots, but he had never seen a man with such threatening eyes like Colin. Colin looked like aplayboy with a ruffian face, but once he got angry, his eyes would definitely kill people. Moreover, whatEric had just said and his movements were completely made the lion in Colin's body in anger.

Woody stepped forward and grabbed Eric's hand and said, "Eric, let's not get involved in this. Sinceshe is Mr. Colin's woman, just let Mr. Colin take her away!"

But Eric wasn't afraid of Colin at all. He still stuck out his arm and blocked Colin's way.

After staring at Eric for a while, Colin finally opened his mouth. With a cunning smile, he said, "you'rebold! Do you know what will happen if you offend me? "

Hearing that, Woody was scared. He held the hand of Eric and persuaded, "get out of the way, Eric. LetMr. Colin in. It's none of our business!" But he was not as tall as Eric and was not as strong as Eric.Woody couldn't pull him over.

Staring indifferently at Colin, Eric said, "I know you're powerful, but if you use power to fight for awoman, it's no big deal."

Colin gazed him up and down for a long time, and then his eyes suddenly turned dark. After a longtime, he said coldly, "do you like her?"

Eric was shocked by Colin' words, because it directly poked into his heart. But he managed to keepcalm and replied coldly, "so what? Does it matter? "

Hearing that, Colin laughed all of a sudden. He took a step back and looked at Eric up and down. Thenhe said with a half-smile, "huh, I didn't know that best actor is such an interesting person! Are you tryingto tell me that you want to take over my woman? You want to declare war on me? " Although Colin saidthe last sentence with a smile, his tone was obviously dangerous.

Colin didn't expect that there were other people liked Melissa. He was not enough, there also was ahandsome and famous actor Eric took a fancy to her? But at the beginning, as soon as the womancontacted with Eric, Colin had asked someone to keep an eye on them. Although at that time, thepeople who aimed at them didn't find anything suspicious, Colin was still very uncomfortable. Why onearth could other men get interested in the woman that he claimed? No matter he loved Melissa or notand whatever did he think she was, he wouldn't allow any other men to touch his woman! Thus, Eric'swords were just like looking for death!

As Woody perceived the dissatisfaction in Colin's words, he quickly moved forward, waved his handand said, "well, it's not what you think. Mr. Colin, you misunderstood! Eric was just joking. He'sprobably drunk, so he's still in a serious state. Don't take his words seriously! "

"Drunk?" Lifting one of his eyebrows, Colin said in a forced smile, "well, you're right, or else how dareyou fight for my woman in the bar regardless of your image?"

Hearing that, Woody was stunned again. He thought about it carefully and had great fear. It turned outthat Colin was the biggest paparazzi, or perhaps he was more well-informed than the paparazzi! As thepaparazzi were digging further, Colin had knew what had happened tonight. He not only knew that Erichad gotten into a fight in a bar, but also knew that the woman that Eric had brought back was Melissa.What a scheming man he was to be so well-informed! It seemed impossible to do anything under

Colin's watch in the future. If he dared to do anything to Colin, he would probably suffer a lot? Thinkingof this, Woody couldn't help shivering.

Colin kept his eyes glued on Eric's face. All of a sudden, he spotted something and squinted at it. Asexpected, the drunken Eric's face was slightly red, like a woman's lipstick. He raised his hand andwiped his face lightly, but was immediately stopped by Eric's hand.

Eric stared coldly at Colin and looked at him coldly. Then he pushed Colin's hand away, as if he didn'tlike his touch and warmth. Eric even frowned.

Tilting his head, Colin looked at his finger and wiped the red color off. Suddenly, Colin sneered. Hissmile was as cold as ice and snow. At the same time, the sharp blade of a knife flew out one afteranother, making people tremble with fear. In a dangerous tone, he said, "you not only want to chargeme of the woman, but also touched my woman!"

As soon as Eric saw Colin's moves, Eric suddenly realized what he had said, but Eric didn't intend toexplain. He wasn't afraid of Colin, so he said coldly, "it was her who kissed me. If you don't believe it,you can ask her. And she said that she hated you and wanted to get rid of you!" Looking at Colin, Ericsaid deapised, "Mr. Colin, even if you are powerful, can you steal a woman's heart if she is unwilling?"

"She dared to kiss you?" Colin ground his teeth and said coldly. Then Colin suddenly smiled coldly andsaid through gritted teeth, "I just want her. I will get her by all means. So what? What does it matterwhether she loves me or not? I don't love her. I don't care about her feelings. But I have to tell you thatshe is my woman! " As he spoke, Colin fiercely pushed Eric's hand away and walked in.

But Eric was furious about what Colin had said. The girl he cherished the most was a toy to Colin. AndColin didn't love her, but he also wanted to have her and hurt her. Seeing how painful Melissa was, Ericunderstood that Colin just trampled her feeling! Thus, Eric was totally enraged, caught up with Colinand gave him a hard punch.

The punch came out of Eric's sheer fury. It was a more violent strike than he had used to fight withthose men in the bar. Without noticing, Colin was beaten by him in the face. Colin fell onto the sofaopposite him, even pushed the sofa out, and made a loud noise of friction.

The people around them were totally panic. Woody was frightened and shouted, "ah!"

On hearing that, the bodyguards following Colin immediately rushed forward and grabbed Eric like hewas a bandit, restrained him and made him immobile. Eric shouted angrily, "I gave you this punch onbehalf of her. You scumbag! You are the scum of men! "

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