Kiss me tender

Chapter 47 (Part One)
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Chapter 47 (Part One)

Startled, Melissa felt bad like pouring cold water on her face. Then she felt both cold and heartbroken.She tried to calm down and asked, "Mom, why are you asking this?"

Jenny still stared at her with sharp eyes as if she wanted to see through her. Still, she stared at her andasked, "Tell me the truth. Is that true that Colin loves you?"novelbin

Melissa kept in silence when she was facing her mother's sharp eyes. She couldn't tell a lie, nor couldshe admit it. She could do nothing but quietly look at her. Her heart was quivering and she didn't knowhow to react with her hands holding her handbag and letting it go.

Seeing her like this, Jenny seemed to be a little disappointed. She said more sharply, "Don't you knowwhat family style is?" A person should have integrity, live upright, and cherish his/her own reputation!"Your father has been in the official field for so many years and has never done anything against hisconscience. Although he was setup this time, he has never yielded to that person. Your mother is aprofessor and a musician and she cares more about her reputation. You are the only daughter of ourfamily and we all love you as if you are treated as a treasure. We don't want you to make greatachievements in the future. Even if you are an ordinary person, it doesn't matter. But you have to live aclean life. Otherwise, you will not be worthy of being treated well for your parents and yourself."

"Mom..." It was difficult for Melissa to open her mouth. But at that moment, she didn't know what to say.All she could was to call her mother.

"Tell me the truth. Is it true? Rumors said that you and Colin……" "Do you have a hidden relationship?"Jenny felt it was so difficult to say the last two words, which made her embarrassed.

"What are the rumors?" "What do you hear from others?" Melissa tried to grab her hand, but hermother pulled it away from her hand. Jenny stared at her daughter and said, "Melissa, if you keep thisfrom me, I'm sure you'll feel sorry for your parents for the rest of your life."

Melissa suddenly felt sad when she saw the determination in her mother's eyes. She didn't care ifanyone in the world would look down upon her, as long as she could rely on her parents. But if herparents also looked down upon her, she really didn't know what to do. Her parents once said that nomatter what happened, they would always stand behind her and support her. Now it turned out to belike this.

Melissa didn't dare to admit it. She took her mother's hand in hers and said, "Mom……" I and……Didn't I tell you that Colin and I get along well? However…… "I am his girlfriend..." Melissa found it hardfor her to find an excuse to cover her complicated relationship with this man. But she still lied to her."You saw us at home last time. He and I……" We have a good relationship. "I don't know that motherbelieves rumors like that..."

"Melissa, even if you are an actor, you can't lie to me. I'm your mother. I've brought you up. Don't I haveany idea of your character? Don't I know how you've acted when you lied?"

"……" Melissa didn't know how to reply. Sadness seized her. She stared at her mother silently, as ifasking for her help.

Jenny suddenly sank into desperation. She said in low spirits, "Fine, I won't force you if you don't wantto admit it. But can you live up to your conscience?" "Your father..." Jenny was so sad that she bit herlips hard to hold back the sadness that was about to burst out. After a while, she continued, "Whenyour father hear the rumor, he was too angry to say a word. He broke several glasses on the spot." Doyou know how sad we were that night? "But because of your work, we didn't disturb you. I thought yourfather would be so quiet, but from that day on, he secretly took the pills and hid them in his clothes,then threw them away. At that time, his health gradually got worse and worse, which led to today'ssituation."

Jenny looked at Melissa with pleading eyes and said, "Melissa, if it's not true, then you have to behonest to me and explain to me why there are these rumors, why there are these misunderstandings,

and what on earth is the relationship between you and Colin?"

Jenny looked at her with pitiful eyes. She hoped that Melissa would tell her the truth. At the same time,she also hoped to clarify that there was nothing wrong between her and Colin. But Melissa didn't knowhow to answer, so she just said weakly, "I..."

At this time, the door of the operating room opened. Jenny rushed to the door without asking her.Melissa also ran to the door. They were waiting for the doctor.

The doctor took off his mask and came out. His forehead was covered with sweat, seeming very tiredor nervous. After more than an hour, he was sweating heavily. It was uncertain if it was very dangerousinside. Jenny quickly asked, "Doctor, how is my husband now?"

Melissa looked at him anxiously.

The doctor bowed his head and thought for a while. He seemed to be thinking about what to say. Thenhe raised his head and said, "Your husband has been rescued temporarily, but……" "Mrs. Shen, I willtell you the truth. I don't know whether your husband's illness can be cured this time. As you can see,his situation just now is so dangerous. Although he is out of danger for the time being, we can'tguarantee that in the future, unless..."

"Unless what?" Jenny asked him anxiously and then she added immediately, "Doctor, I'm willing to paywhatever price. As long as my husband can be saved, doctor, please do me a favor. My husband can'tbe in danger!"

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