Kiss me tender

Chapter 17 Break Up
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Chapter 17 Break Up

Colin suddenly stopped the car which was next to a big tree near the bus station. He spontaneouslystopped it regardless of whether he broke the traffic laws. The brake was so fast that Melissa's bodyleaned forward as a result of inertia. In a hurry, she pulled the seat belt and turned around. Then sheasked Colin, "What are you doing?"

Colin stared blankly ahead and his face suddenly darkened as if something were ripping apart and thedevil was about to come out of the thick fog. So he lit a cigarette and said, "Aren't you going to have atalk with me?"

Looking at his face, Melissa realized that there was something wrong with him. He was not as gentleand upright as he was with her parents at home. But now he looked in bad mood. He was so cold andcruel, as if he could take revenge on others at any time.novelbin

At this time, it was the hardest to deal with Colin, because he was likely to lose his temper at any timeand other people might be punished by him. But Melissa did not want to retreat. After hearing what hermother said to her, she knew that she couldn't continue to tangle with Colin. If her father knew, it woulddefinitely lead to a bigger family chaos, and she also didn't want her father to suffer this. So shedecided to live independently and have integrity. In addition, her contract with Colin for five years wasabout to expire. She should have made a plan for herself. So she said: "I don't think I have anything tosay, anyway, the contract is about to expire. Please take back the ban on me and let me out to shoot."

Colin smoked his cigarette and sneered scornfully, "Do you think I will take back the seal as you want?"

Annoyed by Colin's indifferent attitude, Melissa said coldly, "I don't do anything wrong or offendedpolitics, so why do I have to be banned? It is all your decision and I have tolerated you for a long time.But now the contract is about to expire, you should at least set me free. "

Hearing that, Colin turned his head to look at her with a deep and inexplicable smile at the corners ofhis mouth and said, "Can't I block you if you don't do anything against the law? Melissa, don't you know

what you're facing? I'm the boss. Do you think it's against the law if I have a ban on others? "

Clenching her fists, Melissa asked, "Why do you keep me a secret? Our contract has expired. Are youstill trying to detain me? "

As Colin snapped, he suddenly clapped his hands. He stopped Melissa's words and she stared at Colinin bewilderment. Colin said, "And I don't know that you are a powerful woman. " He pinched her chinwith his slender fingers, raised her face to look at him, and then said, "Melissa, you thought of me whenyou were in your worst days. Now, I have sent doctors to cure your father's illness, buy a house foryour family, and block those villas. Now, your family is stable. Do you just want to kick me out? Do youthink I, known as Colin, am an idiot who wants to have an unfair deal?"

Melissa was angry and pushed him away with saying, "Colin, do you want to break your contract? Don'tforget that you have promised me these things. Our contract has been prepared for this. You help myparents and I will follow you for five years. Just do whatever you want. For these years, I have neverresisted you... "

"Haven't you resisted me? You tried to escape several times, but I got caught you again. What's wrongwith that? "

Melissa said angrily, "Fine. Even if I tried to escape several times, I was driven crazy by you. Butexcept that, I didn't do anything wrong. I would listen to you, wouldn't I?"

"Ha…… You broke the contract when you tried to escape. And I did the something. What do you say?Melissa, I, known as Colin, am not an idiot. I won't let go the woman who gets benefit from me? That iswhat I should do. Don't tell me that you don't want to use my power to back up your family by signingthe contract with me? Now your family is safe. Do you want to escape? But don't you ask me, knownas Colin, if I would like to let you go? Do you think that it is you who make the call to decide whether wewill be together or not? "

Melissa clenched her hands and said angrily, "Colin, what do you want? Are you still not going to let mego when the contract will expire? What's the point of you pestering me like this? I am just a substitutefor a woman who has died in your hands, am I? Isn't that enough for you with abnormal psychology?You are so crazy about that woman. Why do you torture me like this? "

Hearing that, Colin's eyes suddenly turned gloomy and he said coldly, "What are you talking about?"He seemed to be irritated by the word of Melissa who talked with Avril. Melissa still didn't learn from it.As many years had passed, she still didn't remember that she couldn't mention Avril in front of him!

And Melissa was mad at him. She thought he was a rogue. The contract had been expired, but he stillinsisted on torturing her. So she didn't care about his anger and continued to sneer, "Don't think I don'tknow your relationship with that woman! Avril, right? No matter how deep you hide it, someone knowsyour taboo love. Avril is your aunt, your uncle's wife, but you, as a nephew, actually have a secret lovefor her. Your relationship will never be blessed by God. Alright, Avril's dead and you're cynical of theworld. You have to take revenge on other women to get a psychological balance. But Colin, how canyou be so happy? Do you feel good? You are a pervert too! "

"Pa!" All of a sudden, Melissa was hit hard in the face by Colin, which made her face painful. Melissacovered her face with her hand and turned her head away.

His slap was so hard that it hurt a lot. Melissa's face must be red and swollen. For a moment, she wasin a trance. For all these years, no matter how bad the man was, Colin would not beat her, no matterhow hard he tried to torture her on the bed or on the spirit. But he had never done that to her before,and today he did it to her. So, she was in a trance for a long time and looked at him with covering herface.

Colin enraged and yelled at him, "Don't say that! Avril and I love each other. We're the purest love inthe world. I love her the most! Don't insult her! "

Melissa stared at him in a daze. She looked at the man who transformed himself into a devil and beather on Avril grounds and the man who had an affair with her for five years. He beat her hard justbecause she said something wrong about Avril on impulse. She didn't know why her heart suddenlybecame cold. Although she had never expected it, she had never thought that her position in his heartwould be so low and weak compared with that of Avril. Avril was sacred and inviolable and she was justhis cheap bed partner, so there was no comparison between her and Avril in his heart. There was a bigdifference!

Melissa's heart sank. She said coldly, "Colin, I will hold on even if you hit me or scold me. Our contractwill expire two months later. No matter what tricks you use, I will leave at all costs. I, known as Melissawill not stay at your side and let you bully me!" Then Melissa got off the car and slammed the door andleft.

As soon as she walked out, she found it was raining outside. It was always like this in spring. Itoccasionally rained slightly. Melissa ignored it and continued walking in the rain. Some water on theground reflected her lonely figure. She was wearing a white dress and had a thin figure. She seemed tobe cold, but she ignored it.

On the other hand, Colin gazed at her in the car with a mixture of feelings in his eyes. He didn't ask herto stay when she was leaving.

All of a sudden, the traffic police came on his motorbike and patted his window. The driver's license andother documents were required and the police told him not to park the car at random. Colin was soannoyed that he took a big drag on his cigarette and then pressed the accelerator hard. He totallyignored the policeman's abuse. He did what Colin should do.

The police climbed on his motorcycle and tried to catch up with Colin. But since there was a splash onthe road when Colin passed by, he didn't turn around. Instead, he rushed at it and a huge wave threwat Melissa, which made her wet all over.

She closed her eyes and felt the chilling coldness. Then she opened her eyes and saw Colin's carbeing chased by the traffic police. Colin left relentlessly. She became even colder, clenching her fistsand thinking angrily, "Colin, you will see, I, known as Melissa will never forgive you!"

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