Kiss me tender

Chapter 184 (Part Two)
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Chapter 184 (Part Two)

"It doesn't matter. I won't blame you. No matter what you have done or even if you hurt me, as long as Ilove you, I won't blame you!" Muttered Eric.

"What a big fool!" Melissa said coldly, tears streaming down her face. She didn't say anything more.She was afraid that he would find out if she said a word, so she strode away heartlessly.

The high-heeled shoes echoed in the long corridor, shaking the hearts of the two people, and alsobreaking the hearts of the two people.

Eric was a big fool, a big fool! The word Melissa used to describe him countless times in her heartshowed that Melissa was heartbreaking, helpless and remorseful. She had been so cruel to him, but hestill said, "It doesn't matter, I won't blame you. No matter what you do, even if you hurt me, I won'tblame you as long as I love you!" What else could she say to such a man? Apart from heartache andremorse, she no longer knew how to deal with him. She only hoped that Eric could get better after that,and he would never meet a woman like her again, because she didn't deserve him. A man like himdeserved better!

In fact, it was her curse for her to meet Colin while it was Eric's curse for him to meet her.novelbin

When she got out of the room, Zack saw that Melissa's eyes were wet and red. He knew that she hadcried, so he asked anxiously, "What's wrong with you?" "I just said a few words, and you even cried!"

Melissa said indifferently, "Nothing. It's none of your business."

But Zack seemed to have something else to say, "Do you have to be like this?" You stood up for Eric.How could you shout at me like that just because I scolded him? Did he truly become your treasure?"He is nothing more than an outdated movie star……"

"Eric won't become reduced to it!" Melissa turned to Zack with her eyes focused on him scarily, "Justwait. He'll cheer up soon. Besides, don't speak ill of Eric in front of me. He's my precious treasure. Ifyou dare to say anything bad about him again, I'll be mad at you!"

Melissa was really angry this time, so she became very excited. She glared at Zack fiercely. Seeing herred eyes, Zack really scared her.

For the first time, Zack was shocked by the way Melissa snapped at him. He didn't expect that shewould lose her temper. So he just couldn't say any words.

Seeing that he was finally quiet, she got in the car.

At this moment, Zack turned around, gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice, "You finally havestrong wings. Now that you have Mr. Colin's back, you begin to scold your agent, right?" "Don't youknow who your backup is? Who helped you with your business? Who blocked the media and gainedresources? You are so ungrateful……"

Melissa ignored all his complaints. She could bear as long as he didn't mess with Eric. But speaking ofEric, she was pissed off! She couldn't love Eric, but she had to respect him, defend him, and even helphim when she needed her in the future. This was the only way to counteract her guilt!

In the evening, Melissa went to Colin's house as promised. Too many things had happened today,which made her very depressed. Her mother called her at first. And then she met Eric, which made herfeel stressed. Sometimes she didn't know why she did that. Was it done to suffer the hardship? Whywas she living such a hard life? Why was she so unhappy?

Therefore, she was very unhappy and resentful at the thought that all these things were more or lessrelated to Colin when she met him. She was very angry, but she couldn't vent her anger, and could onlyput up with it.

Fortunately, Colin was busy working in the study, texting on his computer endlessly. Seeing her, hedidn't stand up, either. He just raised his head and said, "You've come?" "Candy isn't there, but she hasleft dinner for you. If you haven't eaten much, you can get the microwave oven to heat it. I havesomething to do, and I'll talk to you later!"

Eager to be ignored, Melissa began to help herself.

Since Candy wasn't at home that day, there was big space in the house. Melissa was sitting on thecouch in the living room with a leather chair on her back. She turned on the TV and looked up at theceiling with the sound of the TV. She was absorbed in it. The sadness in her heart rotated and turnedinto tears at last.

Melissa stood up and wiped her face with a tissue, trying not to be sad. She happened to catch aglimpse of the study on the second floor which belonged to Avril. The door of the study was opened.Not only did it open, but the decoration inside seemed to have changed.

Melissa asked in surprise. The room was previous to Colin. The door was locked as usual, and nothingwas allowed to be moved in the room, let alone changed. She broke in last time, which caused aturmoil with him, and she has a shadow in her heart. Since then, she will not touch that room in hishouse. But what happened today……

The more Melissa thought about it, the more suspicious she became. She quietly went upstairs, andwalked to the door of that room. However, what she saw in that room amazedher.

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