Kiss me tender

Chapter 162 (Part One)
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Chapter 162 (Part One)

"I didn't play any tricks!" Frowning, Colin asked, "you don't believe me?"

After staring at him for a while, Melissa laughed all of a sudden with saying, "I don't know how tobelieve your words. Your behaviors in the past few days told me that you only loved Avril. You didn'tcare about my feelings, but when I dated with Eric, you stood out to stop me. You didn't want me to benice to another man. It's your possessive desire. Wasn't it?" You don't love me, but you want to haveme. You've forced me to stay with you by all kinds of means. And now are you beginning to useanother scheme? "You can pretend that you love me and keep me by your side, so that you can takerevenge on me from now on!"

"You only think of me like this?" Colin said in anger.

"Who else do I think you are except for this kind of person? Is there any other reason that explain yourabnormal behavior today?"

"Do you think it's strange for me to fall in love with you?" Frowning, Colin asked. His heart wasstimulated by the Melissa's words. It took him a long time to finally acknowledge that he fall in love withher. Although he told her in person that he loved her, she kept questioning his true feelings andintentions. Didn't he get hurt?

Melissa didn't want to argue anymore when she heard his arrogant words, which was of no use toargue. He wouldn't admit it, neither would he admit that he had really possessive desire for her. If hereally loved her, why didn't he take her feelings into consideration but got her by force? A hunter alwaystreated his prey with indifference instead of love! But to satisfy his self-esteem and selfish desire ofpossession. If a man didn't really think for a woman, he would never love her!

If Colin loved her, at least he wanted to treat her well like Avril with half of his heart and make herhappy. But he just want to force her to stay with him, just controlling her freedom.

Melissa smiled reluctantly. She lowered her head and said, "Okay. Your mind is different from mine. Itwon't make any sense. I treated you as a drunken man and lost control of yourself last night. I don'twant to argue with you over this. You will never think that you are wrong, so please go back. I'm goingto play as well."

After finishing her words coldly, Melissa took a blanket, held herself up and made her way to thebathroom.

But Colin grasped her hand, "You don't have to work anymore. I've asked director Li to give you a dayoff."

A surge of anger rose in Melissa's heart. She looked back at Colin, intending to argue with him. Butlooking at his stubborn face for a while, she calmed herself down, because she didn't want to listen toany of his argument. So she didn't say anything. She turned around and continued to walk towards thebathroom.

But right then, her phone rang. The ringtone was specially set for Eric, a song he had sung a few yearsago. So as soon as she heard it, she knew it was Eric calling. Melissa intended to turn back to answerit.

Then she saw Colin take up her phone for a glance. When he saw the name of Eric on the screen, heimmediately raised his eyebrows and looked at Melissa coldly.

Melissa quickly walked over to snatch her phone, but Colin was faster than her. He only stood up,which made him taller than her. He pressed the answer button and before the other party could speak,he said, "Is it Eric?" "I am Colin. I'm telling you, the past is the past and Melissa is my woman now.Don't contact her anymore." He hung up the phone as soon as he finished speaking. Then he threw thephone to the opposite side of the bed.

Melissa couldn't take her phone away from him. Then Colin hung up the phone. She said with anger,"What are you doing, Colin? Why do you hang up my phone?"

"You are my woman from now on. Keep away from him!" Colin just gave her an order.

At the thought of this, Melissa trembled with rage. She backed off one step and another, staring at himin disbelief. Then, in a both amusing and flighty tone, she said, "Colin, do you know what you havedone? You are really childish to treat this. Eric is my boyfriend. Why we can't contact with each other?"What's your relationship with me? It is none of your business. "Don't you think you are overbearing,ridiculous and hateful?" She said almost all the words she could think of, gnashing her teeth. If therewas a knife in front of her, she would have picked it up and cut him. This man was hateful!

Seeing that Melissa was going crazy, Colin raised his eyebrows naughtily and said, "Did I say anythingwrong?" "You are my woman. Don't deny it as soon as you got up from bed. We had made love lastnight!" He even pinched her chin and declared in a commanding tone, "I'll tell you again that you canonly be my woman in the future. Otherwise, I won't let you go."

Hearing that, Melissa was on the verge of breaking down. She pushed him away and shouted, "Getout!" "Get out!"

Just then, her phone rang again. It was the same music and it was Eric calling.

This time, Melissa was quick. She got down on the bed, grabbed the phone and answered, "Hello,Eric……"

"Melissa, what happened over there?" "Are you still at home?" Asked Eric anxiously.

"Nothing important. I'm at home……" "Ah, Colin, what are you doing? Give me back my phone!"

Before Melissa could finish her sentence, Colin snatched her phone back forcefully. But instead oftalking to Eric anymore, he hung up the phone and warned Melissa, "If you dare to contact him again,I'll have my men confront with him!" "And I will forbid him from entering the entertainment industry forthe rest of his life!"

"You can go and find Eric. Eric's work is not here. He's been a member in an international movie for thepast few years. Even if you send someone to deal with him, he can go abroad." Shouted Melissa.

"Huh, Melissa, you're just daydreaming. Eric's business was rooted in this city. Even if he has becomean international artist, he has to make his place in the domestic film and television industry as hisfoundation. Do you think he can create a tower in the sky and go abroad at all?"

"Colin, you evil man! Don't you think it's shameful for you to deal with a woman this way?"

As Colin forced her to face him, he said, "I'll treat those disobedient women in this way. You'd betterstay, or I will punish you in anyways!"

Colin looked so crazy that you could believe that he would do anything to achieve his goal.

Melissa knew him well. He was a cruel man who would play all kinds of surprising tricks to get what hewanted in the business world. He had racked his brains, no matter it was illegal or fair. He wouldn't letanyone have anything on him. He would do the same to the woman. It could be seen that he playedsome dirty tricks to get Avril. He was a man with extreme character. Anyone who offended him wouldcome to no good end.novelbin

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