Kiss me tender

Chapter 149
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Chapter 149

After resting for a while, the director asked them to shoot again. Eric patted Melissa's shoulder andsaid, "Don't worry too much. Everything will be okay!" "Just focus on your work."

Although Melissa was worried, she couldn't say anything more, so she nodded in agreement.

There were only three scenes left, so the shooting was very easy. Soon, the filming was over and Eric'spart was completed. When the filming was over, the worker gave him a congratulations and said,"Thank you very much for shooting!" Eric was a celebrity after all. Even though there were rumorsabout him outside, it was necessary for others to say that. After saying goodbye to them, Eric went intothe dressing room to remove his makeup and took off his clothes.

Although the shooting of the relevant scene between Melissa and Eric had been finished, her moviehadn't been finished yet. After all, she still had a lot of scenes to shoot, so she had to stay at the site.But to be honest, when she saw Eric leave this place, she wanted to follow him because she hadquestions to ask him. But to Melissa's surprise, after changing his clothes, Eric didn't leave at once.Instead, he put on his sunglasses and waited for her outside the filming site and talked with director Lifrom time to time.

A feeling of absentmindedness surged through Melissa. Her eyes were fixed on Eric and she couldn'tsettle down at all. Later, it was not sure if director Li had seen through her mind and suddenly becamevery gracious. He said to a staff member, "Today's done for Lara and let's start with the shooting ofothers." He then walked up to Melissa and said, "You must be tired after a day's work. Go home andhave a rest. Come back tomorrow."

In fact, director Li was afraid that the schedule of the filming would be affected if Melissa and

Eric stayed here. So it would be better if they left and attracted the reporters away.

But Melissa was grateful for director Li's sympathy. She smiled at director Li and nodded, "Thank you!"Then she left the set. She should have followed her assistant to the dressing room, but when she sawEric standing there waiting for her, she couldn't help but turn around to see him.

And Eric, wearing sunglasses, looked over too. His face was calm and expressionless. Melissa couldn'ttell the expression on his face, nor did she dare to say anything to him in public. She just nodded andfollowed the assistant into the dressing room.

However, after she changed her clothes and removed her makeup, she couldn't find Eric anywhere.So, Melissa looked around for him in a hurry. His phone was busy all the time and she didn't know whowas so anxious to call him. She walked around and couldn't help asking the hotel staff whether theyhad seen Eric. Later, she finally found him in a yard behind the filming site.

At that time, Eric and Woody were talking. They had a fierce quarrel, especially the Woody, who wasobviously very excited and angry. He had been berating Eric. Eric didn't answer her question until hekept silent for a while.

Seeing this scene, Melissa was hesitating whether to come forward or not. At this moment, shereceived a phone call from a stranger. That number was not saved in the phone, but when she took aglance at it, she actually had a good impression of it. It seemed that she saw it somewhere before. Atthe same time, she was inexplicably nervous, as if she felt that this number was different.

Melissa put it through with saying, "Hello."

The light music was playing, which seemed that the person was cozy in a tea room. The sound ofChinese traditional zither was flowing through the phone. The soothing music made Melissa instantlynervous, because she had already guessed who was calling.novelbin

As expected, Mrs. Fannie said lazily, "You didn't disappoint me. You are a smart woman. You havedone a good job this time."

Melissa didn't know what to say. She thought that Mrs. Fannie was such a scheming woman. Eventhough she said those words as a compliment, she might be calculating in her heart. So she saidcautiously, "I……" "It is a natural course of development. I didn't arrange it on purpose, but I haven'tforgotten your order."

Mrs. Fannie said in a lazy, comfortable voice, as if she was enjoying a massage. She said slowly, "Youdon't have to be afraid of me. And you are always so cautious in speaking. This time……" "You did agood job, but……" "Since you're going to be lover of Eric, I hope you're just being honest. I don't wantto see that you tangle with Colin again."

Frowning, Melissa replied, "Don't worry, Mrs. Fannie. I have nothing to do with Colin anymore. It won'tbe long before I get rid of him completely!" "Or, what do you mean by saying that?" Melissa tried toguess what was in Mrs. Fannie's mind. She wondered why she had warned her like that.

Mrs. Fannie changed her posture and said in a relaxed voice, "Nothing. All right, you can have a goodrelationship with Eric. As to Colin's matter, I will deal with it myself." "And at this crucial juncture, pleasenot let anything happen, because Colin has agreed to be engaged to Miss Linn. Do you understandwhat I mean?"

Melissa was shocked. She didn't expect that Colin would agree to marry Miss Linn so soon. Should sheadmire Colin for his cold blooded and ruthless abandonment, or for Mrs. Fannie's extraordinarymanners, which forced him to submit so quickly? Or she should admire Colin for his love for Avril. Hewas so persistent that he gave up struggling and even made an apology to Mrs. Fannie just to find outwhere the ashes of Avril was.

Trying her best to suppress her curiosity, Melissa said calmly to Mrs. Fannie, "I see. I'll make myrelationship with Eric public and keep from Colin."

"I hope you can keep your word. My son is a capable man. Do not cause me any trouble." After Mrs.Fannie finished her words lazily, she ended the conversation.

When Melissa hung up the phone, she was still upset. She lowered her head and kept silent. After along time, she sighed slightly.

As Eric and Woody came over, Woody probably didn't want to see her. He shot a resentful glance ather and strode away. Only Eric walked up to her and asked in a low voice, "What are you thinkingabout?" "Why are you so upset?"

Raising her head, Melissa said, "Am I disappointed?"

Eric rubbed her face and said, "Just laugh. No matter what happens, I like your smile."

But Melissa still lowered her head and sighed, wondering whether it was so obvious? After the phonecall with Mrs. Fannie, she was depressed. Speaking of Colin, she had an indescribable feeling, orperhaps it was self-abuse.

To distract her attention, she looked up at Eric and asked, "How is everything going between you andWoody?" "How to handle the company's affairs on earth?"

Eric raised his head and while squinting his eyes at the boundless sky, he said in a sad tone, "Thepress conference has not been arranged yet and I don't know what the company means." "Woody wasanxious and planned to hold a small press conference, but I didn't agree. I think it's better to handle itcoldly for a while. Now it would be bad for the situation if I couldn't save the situation. Moreover, I haveto think about what to do with it."

"I'm sorry. I didn't expect it to be so difficult. If I had known it earlier, I wouldn't have……"

"Melissa……" Eric touched her face and said, "I don't want you to always feel remorseful, because nomatter what happens, I don't want to regret what I have experienced last night. When I see you soremorseful, I think you don't like what you did last night, which makes me very disappointed."

Melissa was surprised and didn't know what to say. She wanted to say sorry, but she could not speak.The only thing she could do was to be silent.

Eric held her hand and said, "Let's go home together."

Melissa stopped him, "Don't……" "The reporters are outside. It's a critical moment for us. We'd betterdo nothing to avoid them."

"Sooner or later, our relationship will be made public. Then let them speak!" Eric smiled carelessly, stillholding her hand and leading Melissa out.

However, in order to avoid any conflicts, they still quietly left the entertainment city in a remote way.This time, they were in a car arranged by the Woody and a special driver. As for Eric and Melissa, theywore conservative and low-key clothes sitting in the back seat, so they weren't very eye-catching whenthey drove out. No one knew they quietly left the film and television city.

Melissa said, "I guess there is no way back to my home."

Sighing, Eric said, "I can't go back either."

After a short silence, Melissa said, "Maybe we should separate. It's better to avoid each other."

But Eric clutched her hands tightly and said, "I only want to be with you now." His eyes were sincereand there was even a hint of pleading and tiredness in them. Melissa remembered that he hadn't sleptat all since last night. And he was even annoyed by so many things this morning. Suddenly, her heartsoftened, so she agreed to his request.

Later, Eric pulled her into his arms. When he held her, Melissa tried to push him away and said in a lowvoice, "Don't……" "There is a driver……"

Eric didn't move. Holding her in his arms, he remained still. Carefully, Melissa glanced at the driver andfound that he was a skilled driver. He was just driving and didn't pay any attention to the noise in thecar. So she didn't resist him. When Eric held her in his arms, she leaned against his chest silently.

They snuggled up to each other for a while. But to Melissa's surprise, Eric even fell asleep, snoringslightly. She looked up at his peaceful sleeping face and saw that his eyes obviously sent a dark circleof pale blue. She could not help but raise her hand to gently touch his angular face and suddenlysighed softly.

She didn't know what to say to this man. But after what happened today, she found that he really caredabout her. Because he cared about her so much that he was willing to give up anything, including hisreputation and image.

Melissa leaned against his chest. She thought, "That's it. I'll fall in love with him!"

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