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Chapter 9

Juliette Pov

I sat there wrapping my duvet around my with wide eyes as I watched a group of a man entering myroom after knocking two to three times.

My eyes fluttered open after I heard some knocking sounds on my door.novelbin

Without thinking I gave the permission to the person to Come in guessing it to be Whitney and closedmy eyes sleeping back. But then I heard some sounds and my eyes fluttered open only to find a groupof a man entering into my room with some bags and some boxes keeping it on the floor.

“Wha- What are you all doing?” I asked as I broke out of the shock and wrapped the duvet more firmlyto cover my body.

“Sorry for disturbing Ma’am but Mr. Sullivan asked us to keep all these boxes in your room” one of themspoke and turned around leaving the room.

I watched as more of them came into my room and they kept some other boxes before scurrying out ofthe room.

By this time my room was full of bags and boxes. I couldn’t even see the floor. The room was thatpacked.

When all of them left I stood on the bed finding no place to walk on the floor. I took out the rubber bandfrom my hand and hurriedly tied all my messy hair into a ponytail and took the cardigan from thebedside wearing it covering myself.

“What the hell is all this?” I whispered as I shook my head and kept a hand on my hips.

The door flew open and in walked with all his glory Zachary eyeing all the boxes and nodding to himselfsatisfied. He looked fresh. His hair was neatly combed back and it was still wet probably from hisshower. He was wearing a full sleeved black plain shirt with his coat hanging on his arms and asalways with a black pant and black shiny shoes.

“What the hell is all this and can’t you knock before coming in?” I asked crossing my arms over mychest and glared at him.

“Last time I checked, it was supposed to be my place,” he said and I rolled my eyes looking up bitingmy inner side of my mouth.

“I can walk in wherever and whenever I want. I don’t need permission” he said and I scowled at hisfoolishness and chewed my inner side so harder that I swore I could feel bloody taste from thatchewing.

“Oh yeah? Didn’t your Mother teach you to knock before entering a woman’s room?” I spoke sweetly.Very sweetly.

“Whatever!” He murmured and I huffed thinking that it was supposed to be mine line, not his.

“And what the hell are you standing on that bed?” He asked looking up at me and I shrugged pointingtowards the boxes.

“What are all these?” I asked shockingly politely.

He sighed and looked around all of the boxes.

“This are your necessities,” he told me and I furrowed my eyebrows confused.

“Necessities?” I questioned.

“Clothes and all,” he said and the way he eyed at my bare legs I swore to god I felt little nervous. Hisgaze was intense and his eyes roamed on my legs before looking up.

“Eyes up here Mister” I spoke Icily making him snap out of his little world.

“Right!” He cleared his throat looking elsewhere and then checked the time on his watch.

“Keep whatever you want and check if you need anything else. If you do then give a list of your thingsto Whitney” he told me and turned around to leave.

“Wait!” I spoke up and he stopped turning back raising his eyebrows questionably.

“I don’t need all this, even more ” I said as I gripped my Cardigan tightly.

“And why is that?” He asked crossing his hands across his chest.

“I don’t want anything from you okay. Isn’t that obvious? I don’t even know why the hell did you evenmarry me. You even kept me here away from everyone and God only knows what you did to them thatnow they are even denying that they even know me” I pushed back the hair out of my face angrily andwalked towards him. The bed squeaked whenever I took a step.

“If anything I want from you then that will be Freedom. Freedom from you and Freedom from this place.Freedom from all my nightmares. Do you understand?” I spoke pointing a finger towards his direction.

“Listen! I have had enough already. Don’t start again with your Drama” he said and gave me a boredlook which ignited my anger.

“Drama?” I snapped and walked, even closer to him with my blood boiling.

“Why yo-” my foot slipped and I lost my balance falling towards the ground. I closed my eyes andgasped when I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my torso and the next moment I found myself

hanging in mid air.

Slowly opening my eyes I looked at the owner of those strong arms only to find him holding me by mytorso saving me from the fall.

My feet were still on the bed while I clutched his collar fearing that I might end up on the floor if I let go.

“At least watch where you walk” he spoke up and I couldn’t get myself from opening my eyes.

It was my fault.

“I think I should not have caught you,” he said and he loosened his grip on me scaring the hell out ofme.

“No!” I yelled clutching his shirt even more tightly and closed my eyes waiting for the impact.

I heard a chuckle and I opened my eyes slowly only to be held mesmerized by those brown orbs whichdid something unusual to my heart.

I felt a spark on the place wherever he touched me and surprisingly I wasn’t hating it. Those cold anddeep brown orbs looked so mysterious and secretive. It was like he was hiding a sea of mystery behindhis warm self-making him into a secretive yet ruthless person.

“Listen to me” he spoke up and I broke out of my little world a bit startled that I was caught staring.

“Choose whatever you like and pack all your stuff. We would be flying to my home in a day” he saidand I found myself nodding but then realization hit me hard and I glared back at him.

“I am not going anywhere with you,” I told him and even tried to choke him clutching his shirt even moretightly.

He smirked at me and raised an eyebrow then the next moment he threw me back on the bed and Iyelled startled. I bounced a little on the bed which made some squeaking noises and I held my headfeeling little dizzy.

“What the heck?” I snapped and took a pillow throwing it at him which he dodged easily and threw itback on the bed.

“Choose some decent clothes unless you want to roam around naked,” he told me and I looked at himwith wide eyes shocked. My mouth opens and closed like a fish. I felt my cheeks burning and I grittedmy teeth.

“And don’t flatter yourself thinking that I would even notice your body. I have seen better for your kindinformation. You will only make me want to hit my head hard on the wall for such” he gestured using hishand towards my body “such you know what I mean”.

He freaking insulted me?

He freaking insulted a woman and that also me?

“Get lost!” I pointed my finger towards the door and he gave me his idiotic smirk and satisfied lookbefore turning around walking out of my room.

I got up from the bed and jumped up from the boxes hurriedly running into the bathroom.

I stripped naked and stood in front of the mirror inspecting my body from every direction.

“Am I not attractive?” I asked to myself as I posed into a hot posture.

Last time I checked I never had to ask this question to myself. Ever.

Kiara and even Emmett always told me that I had an attractive figure. An attractive feminine silhouette.

My breasts were not that big as any bimbo but it looked good with round and full figure. My stomachwas toned and flat because all of my Yoga and my butt was also not that big but it was enough what aman would want.

“He is not a man” I snapped pointing a finger at the mirror.

“Bloody hell he hurt my ego and confidence” I even screamed shouting at top of my lungs.

“Seen better” I mimicked his tone and kept my hands on my hips.

“I have seen better” I threw my hands in the air as I stepped into the shower and turning it on.

As the water touched my body I began to think whose body have I seen who can even compete withhis.

“Emmett was good but I think Zac-” I hit my head “What is wrong with you? You are freaking comparingthat egoistic man to your Emmett?” I scolded myself and shook my head turning the shower into coldone.

“He is just a Stupid egoistic man who needs to learn how to be polite to everyone. Basically women.Especially me” I spoke to myself as I kept on ranting and shook my head at all his negativity which Isuffered.

“Zachary Stupid Dog Sullivan” I grumbled to myself as I turned off the shower and wore the bathrobethrowing all my wet hair towards a side.

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