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Chapter 431 Are You Serious

Xander leaned in and pecked her lips, silencing all the words Grace was about to say.

At that moment, time seemed to stand still, and Grace stared wide-eyed at him.

She forgot to react.

Xander chuckled affectionately and embraced her tighter. "Gracie, | hope we can have a happy marriage soon."

Dumbfounded, Grace looked at him blankly. It took her several seconds to react. Then, she responded with a shy and soft hum.Her consent brought a gleam of joy to Xander's eyes. "Gracie, are you serious?"

Grace smiled and looked him in the eyes.

As Xander looked into her eyes, which were reflecting his figure, he smiled brightly.

He had been waiting for this day for too long.

The crowd around them also had their eyes fixed on them, and Grace's cheeks turned even redder. "Xander, there are peoplearound."

Only then did Xander release her.

Grace quickly turned her face away and took a deep breath. She could feel the disoriented beats of her heart. This feeling wasboth familiar and unfamiliar, leaving her somewhat at a loss.

"Gracie, Mr. Thorne from Byte Technologies is here today." With a single sentence, Xander successfully shifted Grace's attention.Matthew Thorne from Byte Technologies was one of their targets for the day.

Byte Technologies was currently the leading force in the short video industry. Short videos were thriving in the country, with apromising future. Amirate intended to venture into this area.

Grace quickly asked, "Where is he?"

“Let's go. I'll take you over."

With that, Xander gestured, and Grace smiled, linking her arm with his. The two walked toward the other side of the venue."Mr. Fulton, Ms. Lewis."

When Xander and Grace appeared, Matthew was the first to greet them. As rising stars in the business world in recent years,they were well-known figures.

Xander nodded slightly. "Mr. Thorne, it's an honor to meet you."

Matthew quickly extended his hand. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Fulton."novelbin

He then introduced the man beside him. "Wayne, this is Mr. Fulton, and this is Ms. Lewis."

Although it was Grace's first time meeting Wayne Foster, she felt that his face seemed oddly familiar.

Grace asked, "This is ..."

Matthew quickly introduced, "Ms. Lewis, this is our company's ace streamer, Wayne Foster."

After his introduction, Grace belatedlyrealized that Wayne wa he hotshotfram Byte Eectiiologtes, the one whohad recently gained immensepopularity. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Foster."Wayne was humble and extended his hand toward Grace. "Ms. Lewis, nice to meet you."Matthew added, "Ms. Lewis, Mr. Fulton, Wayne is just a newcomer. Please watch him grow."

"Mr. Thorne, why are you beingmodest? Amirate has th intention oftering thesstiarOVideo industry. Ifthere's a chance, we hope to workwith you." Please read the original

content at NovelDrama.Org.

Wayne's interest was piqued by those words. "Really? Are you interested in the short video industry, Ms. Lewis?"Grace nodded slightly. "| have this idea, but it's still just an idea. There's nothing specific yet."

Matthew responded eagerly, "Ms.

Lewis, | think the short vi eodndhistiyii aggigouna rei e

Sted, | can give you a detailedanalysis." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Grace smiled and agreed. "Sure, let's find some time to talk about it."

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