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Chapter 417 No Way Back

In the office, the assistant reported carefully, "Jion, several of our partners have terminated their contracts with us. They'veforcefully sued us to get compensation for breach of contract.

"The suppliers who have already paid are applying to return the products. The store can't hold anymore, and the clothingfactories have stopped production.

"This incident is seriously affecting us. Doing PR for the news online isn't working. No one cares about the price we're offering.”There was silence.

When Jessica heard the updates, she was enraged. She angrily swung a hand across everything on the table, sendingdocuments flying to the ground.

"Damn it! Get lost, all of you!"

Even though the assistant was frightened by Jessica's outburst, he continued speaking patiently. "Jion, if this goes on, our studiowill be forced to close down sooner or later—"

Jessica roared, "Then, let's close down! You all are just useless trash, and it's not worth keeping you anyway! What are you herefor if you can't even take care of a little thing like this?

“Are you just getting paid for nothing? Do you think this place is a charity? What are you waiting for? Find a solution and makethis issue die down! Otherwise, get lost!

"Trash, you're all just a bunch of trash!" Jessica yelled angrily, venting her emotions.

But unexpectedly, the assistant lost his patience as well. He yelled that he was quitting and flung the documents he was holdingat Jessica.

"I'm sick of being treated like shit! Whoever wants this job can have it. I'm done! Do you really think that being the boss makesyou special?" He was furious.

“What right do you have to say that I'm trash? Have you seen yourself? I'm human too. I'm not here for you to order aroundaccording to your whims!"

Having said his piece, he turned around and stormed out.Several other staff members also put down their work and decided to leave.

Jessica was seething at their behavior. "Get lost! All of you, get out of my sight! Do you think that the earth will stop spinningwithout you?"

The office emptied gradually as Jessica continued yelling.Soon, there were only a few people left.Jessica began laughing as she slumped in her chair. This was all because of that bitch, Grace.

At that thought, resentment filled Jessica's eyes. She looked like she was ready to destroy the world. "Grace, | won't let you getaway with it!"

Just then, Jessica's personal phone rang. Not many people knew her personal phone number, so anyone who had it must besomeone close to her.

Whatever the person on the otherend said made Jessica's exp, EFIto chan astically Wat id youBrawn id this happen? Whichhospital is it? I'll be over right away."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Then, she frantically got up and left.But the second she reached the lobby downstairs, she was blocked by a swarm of reporters."Jion, do you have an explanation about the plagiarism incident?"


"Jion, you once advertised yourselfas an original designer. You evensaid that EG willypgverise)defgatertiant thy Naaratiots shouldbe condemned in the hall of shame.How are you going to face the fanswho once supported you?" Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"Jion, how could you do that to them?"Jessica was shocked by their onslaught, and she retreated backward. "Security! Security!"

But no matter how much sheshouted and yelled, none of hensecurity vardejentheicmnity cameforward! Jessica was forced into acorner with countless cameraspointed at her face. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

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