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Chapter 208

Chapter 208 Devious Grace

“A watch worth hundreds of thousands of dollars has a two–million–dollar bid? This is


“Look at who bid for it. That’s Ms. Lewis. She’s so rich that she could crush someone with her


“For her, two million dollars is pocket change. It’s not even worth mentioning.”

Listening to the surrounding comments, Sherry sneered and raised her paddle once more. Three

million dollars.”

The host was getting excited. “This young lady has bid three million dollars!”

Without hesitation, Grace raised her paddle again. “Five million dollars.”

“Wow! Am I hearing correctly? A watch being sold for this much is outrageous!”

“Even if she’s rich, she shouldn’t waste it like this.”

“What do you know? It’s all for a good cause, and donating more is a kind gesture.”

Puzzled, Xander looked at Grace and whispered, “I think that’s enough.”

Although he didn’t understand why she was bidding so much for the watch, it was clear that the current

price far exceeded its actual value.

Yet Grace reassured him, “Don’t worry, Xan.”

Grace’s words were barely out of her mouth when Sherry raised her bid once more.

“Six million dollars,” she said, unflinching, as though six million dollars wasn’t a big deal to

her at all.

“Eight million dollars,” Grace countered.

At her bid, Sherry’s eyes darkened. “Ten million dollars.”

This extremely high price set a new record for the night.

The atmosphere in the hall instantly became electric:

“Is Sherry out of her mind? Ten million dollars for this watch?”

“You won’t understand. She’s got so much money that she doesn’t know where to spend it.

“Have you noticed that Sherry seems like she’s competing with Ms. Lewis?”

“This is the game of the rich. Let’s just watch.”



This time, after Sherry’s bid, she waited for Grace to bid again.

Ten million dollars was her limit, and if Grace chose to increase the bid, Sherry would have to

give up.

“Ten million dollars, going once!” the host exclaimed excitedly.

Sherry looked at Grace with anticipation, but the latter remained calm.

The host finally announced, “Ten million dollars, and it’s sold!”

Hearing that, Sherry sat in disbelief, her face turning pale.

Instantly, applause filled the room.

“Congratulations to Ms. Clark for acquiring this watch for ten million dollars. Please come over to the

front to settle the payment.”

She had spent ten million dollars on a watch. Sherry was livid!

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Seeing Sherry’s distressed expression, Emily and Zoey exchanged a glance. “Sherry really got

taken for a ride.”

“Grace is definitely doing this on purpose. She raised the price of a watch worth only hundreds of

thousands of dollars to ten million dollars to show her kindness while teaching the bitch a


“Why didn’t I notice before that Grace is so devious?”

Emily shook her head slightly. “Poor Sherry.”

“She had it coming. Who asked her to covet something that didn’t belong to her? It’s just ten million

dollars, but it’s a valuable lesson for her.” novelbin

The auction reached its climax with the sale of the watch.

Everyone was eager to see what was next. Soon, it was time for the much anticipated bodycon



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